
Teenage would be touted as the most unpredictable phase of anyone's life. And yet, the funniest part is that every adult forgets about their own teenage years, and either ends up putting all their faith and trust in their favourite teenager, without any regard for how they are related to each other; or otherwise, they end up on the route completely opposite to it, which is by underestimating the teens.

Adrin was going to make the same mistake, as he spoke;

"I don't know… it's not my fault! Everything… everything was planned by David, he doesn't like Nora and wanted her out of the pack as soon as possible."

"Oh, really?!"

As soon as Adrin completed his statement, Louis raised one eyebrow and asked with a smirk as he assessed the level of desperation being portrayed by the man in front of him, in a bid to acquire his trust.

"Should I really believe you? Or should I cross check your statement with David himself -"

"Why would he testify to the reality, when he is the guilty one - "

"Ahm! So you are not only trying to blame an Alpha for lying, but you yourself have given me the fact to grab it. Why would you testify to anything, if you are the culprit here?"

"I… I… Alpha, I- I am not the culprit at all, please believe me -"

"Oh, so you mean to tell me that I should believe you when you say you have the complete control of the shifting bubble in your hand, and still, you don't have any idea how it opened up at the wrong time? And not only that, you have now left her alone in the forbidden forest, when she is in a vulnerable state!"

He emphasized every single word while glaring at Adrin, as if he was just a few seconds away from eating him alive. And in any case, he wasn't on a diet, so he wasn't even going to mind the extra calories. When he was met with silence, Louis thundered out again ;

"Okay, let's assume that I have considered everything that you have said to me, then tell me again, what the hell were you doing there? Huh! NOW SPEAK!"

It was the first time when anybody had encountered Louis raising his voice, and this made Adrin tremble at the spot. Moreover, he was so scared that he forgot that after what he was going to say, Louis might spare him a life, but Robin was sure to kill him. But because of this sudden change in Louis' demeanor, he was not really able to think straight. He responded, while he was literally shaking with fear ;

"I was… I was there because Myron had summoned me, as Nora had mistakenly entered the boys dorm -"

"Shut your damn mouth! And I am warning you now, that this statement should never find its way out of your guts and see the light of day, ever again. If it does, I shall assure you, that you will not be able to see the next full moon, ever again! Now, leave! And more importantly, don't let Romera know anything, or else you know what I will do…"

Louis had not even taken two consecutive breaths after warning Adrin, before he noticed him disappear from view. Now, his major concern was to save Nora, but before he could have taken even a single step further, he saw David walking in his direction.

He also wasn't sure why he abandoned his previous plan and did the next thing he did, because teenage! The weirdest phase of one's life - he turned his steps towards David, as he noticed that there was a faint line of panic on his face, which he had never assumed could be present on the face of a person with a negative EQ.

But this was not his headache, it never was; because his headache was currently somewhere in the forbidden forest, and the most disappointing fact was that she didn't even know what place she held in his life.

Thinking this, he stood in front of David, blocking his way, who snapped immediately.

"Do you think this is a joke, or something? And in case you think so, then let me clarify, Louis. I am not in the mood to deal with you right now, because unlike you, other Alphas present here have very serious jobs to complete -"

"Oh, is that so? Like what? Planning and plotting against an innocent girl, so that you can easily replace one of your perfect opponents! Or at least that's what was on your to-do list, am I right?"

"What the hell are you talking about?"

David retorted, and even though his voice was low in volume and seemed calm to anybody passing by, in reality, it contained fire!

Fire of anger, directed at Louis, who was questioning him; fire of anger, directed at his brother, who had refused to take his help; fire of anger, directed at the girl who was acting innocent to make two brothers stand opposite each other on the frontier, and call a war. And lastly, the fire of anger directed at himself… who was not able to harm her, even after knowing everything! 

He was already thinking about crushing some omegas in the ground during the practice session of warriors, once he had gotten his account settled with Ryan, when he encountered Louis. And without thinking anything further, he was about to vent his anger out on him. But all of a sudden, a sweet voice echoed in his mind, distracting him completely;

"I don't know anything you are talking about, please let me go!"

In the meantime, Louis had stepped up to grab his collar and spoke ;

"I am asking you this for the last time, where the hell have you left her in the forbidden forest?! Answer me now, or else, I won't waste a single minute before I make you taste the ground -"

"Louis! What are you doing, leave him! Leave him alone, what happened to your formula of 'everyone loves me, and I love everyone'?! Is this the real way you love people?"

Nora's voice echoed once again, but this time on the ground of reality, and not on the barren plains of David's mind.
