
David was fuming again, for what was probably the tenth that day, on seeing Ryan approach Nora's father; this was aggravated by the part about his own brother showing interest in a girl for the first time in their shared lifespans. Or else, he knew very well that the extent to which Robin hated the royal concepts of the pack, he seemed to hate girls by double that amount. But he could sense that Nora was different… she was different for him, he had really accepted her as a friend. To him, she was a good friend indeed, and it was enough to making him hot and bothered to such a level where he just wanted to lock that girl away from the eyes and access of everyone! Especially from his brother…

But no matter how magnified the level of his anger was, he knew that he could not act on the wild impulses of his mind. And since he couldn't do anything, the only job that could tame his anger was to carve out arrows from wooden stakes! After all, he was not just a master at carving his own arrows, but he loved this art of his from the core of his heart, and it was something that had always helped him calm down.

Thinking thus, he left them in the corridor, to their conversations and machinations, and walked towards the jungle.


Ryan knew what he was doing, and he was perfectly sure about why at the same time. So after he had asked about the wellbeing of Frederick and Francisco; he directed a soft smile towards Nora as Louis entered the frame as well, turning Ryan's smile into a scowl.

After a short conversation, they all left for their own destinations happily, because everyone present there had managed to accomplish some of their goals for the day, and now only wanted to get some good rest in their respective homes. It was only Nora who was going away from home; indeed, she had also ended up finding something precious today, that she had never imagined to achieve in her life. As it was, the darkness of her life had no hopes of being illuminated by a ray of light, then finding two complete suns in the form of two precious friends was something that was an extremely bizarre concept for her! Something that she couldn't even imagine having in her life- and understandably so, when she couldn't imagine the fact that she would ever be getting the chance to step out of her small and completely non- luminous room.

But here she was, finally out of the dark shell and exploring the world; and not only was she exploring it, but she was loving every inch of it! Just by looking at her, no one would even think that she had spent her entire life up to a day ago, behind a series of locked doors. And now, the same girl had two homes in the form of two new people, who had entered her life like blessings, and all she wanted was to return tomorrow…to go back to that place, and meet them once again.

While she was lost in her own thoughts, the car stopped in front of the palace which was supposed to be her home; but no matter how hard she tried to forget the trauma associated with this place, she was not able to omit it. The palace was not even able to give her the vibe of a house, it always had been and always would be a dungeon for her.

But before she could have concluded this thought of hers, she heard her father's voice jolting her out of the daze she was in.

"Nora! Princess, come on, get down from the car. Daddy has to go for some official work after making you eat lunch."

This was when she realised that her father was holding the door of the car open for her, and waiting for her to step out. A quick rush of panic rustled her spine as she hopped out of the car without wasting any single second.

Frederick then delicately held her hand and spoke again;

"Come sweetheart, I have instructed the chef to prepare all your favourite dishes."

And with this, he started walking while Nora followed him quietly; this was something that she could not even imagine, let alone wish for. Because hoping to get a life and friends of her own was her dream, because of what Moon Goddess has always told her. She used to say that every werewolf had their mate and many friends, who stayed with them once they get older. But then, she had never thought that she would ever be able to see the loving side of her father, even after getting older. With all the stories that she had heard and all the books which had built her character, she had been taught that friends were the family we can find at any stage of our life, as they are the people who don't just understand us but also keep us away from all the problems of our lives, by shielding us from them- just like Myron and Robin had done that day!

And based on that act, she was imagining to get away from all the trauma of her childhood with their help, which included spending time with them and forgetting about everything bitter in her life, which would save her father from disgrace and fetch her away from her misery at the same time. But the new face of her father was rather concerning for her because of the unknown reasons of his affection; in the morning, she had been thinking that it was because of the presence of Louis and his father, but now, there was no such obligation. Then why-

She hadn't been able to investigate the cause and implications of this strand of thought, when her father spoke up ;

"I have always been the worst father to you, haven't I?"
