
Nora's insides were bubbling with rage - and it was not just that she wanted David to be the last person in the world that she would encounter, particularly at this time. The rotten cherry on top of the stinking cake was that he was still standing there, holding her right hand firmly to prevent her from falling down after they had collided unexpectedly.

She quickly jerked her hand free of his grip, and tried to walk away from him.

But one should keep in mind before they venture outside, that it is impossible to avoid rain at the peak of monsoon season  without an umbrella, raincoat or proper shade! Just like it is nearly impossible to hide from sunlight on sunny days when you are out in the meadows.

Similarly, what Nora should have known before stepping foot in the school that David was no less than a force of nature. It was well nigh impossible to avoid David inside the campus. He was the biggest bully for all the lower rank wolves; moreover, he was also currently the most powerful Alpha. And the part that really pushed Nora's buttons - all the wrong ones at that - was that he knew it. 

She tried to escape from his grip without saying anything and silently glowering at him. The very next moment, he took another jump and was standing in front of her once again. This time, he grabbed her hand out of frustration; not out of the instinct to protect her, but to give her a taste of the same pain that he had felt because of her ignorance. He calm voice drawled out despite the aggression he had displayed ; 

"Princess! Where do you think you are going? Don't think that I will be letting you go anywhere before you answer my questions! Say for instance, how are you feeling, being forced to live like a commoner?"

"Can you just mind your own business?"

Nora retorted immediately, spitting fire in her tone, ready to burn him to acquaint him with the wrath of the fire goddess, all while spearing him with the ice- cold glare of the ice goddess.

The sudden reaction certainly made David take a step back, but he still had not let her hand go from his grip. Regaining his composure, he gave her a reply to her question.

"That's where the problem actually lies! Because in reality, I can mind my own business. And to be very honest, to a certain extent, I do mind my own business as a principle. But when it comes to you, I don't want to mind my own business!"

David had again reserved a range of replies that he had expected from Nora, and yet, this was not one of them.

"Oh really! Then that is your problem, I guess. Let me go!"

Nora roared again, but he pulled her closer, making her collide against his chest while placing a hand on her back to hold her stable. He tilted his face downward, speaking to her in a voice filled with urgency and anger, yet contained in its volume.

"Don't you feel ashamed at the mere prospect of living like a commoner? You are a born Royal! You should be living like one -"

"Leave me!"

Nora finally managed to disentangle herself from his arms, and quoted his own words back to him, snarling as she questioned him right back.

"Really? I am a born Royal! A princess of the holy bloodline, and I should live like one! Then may I ask you, who the hell are you? Aren't you also a Prince, don't you hail from the royal bloodline, too! Don't you think bullying someone can detorite your image -"

Amused at her outrage, David brushed her allegations aside with one elegant sweep.

"Huh, Princess! I think even after being a royal, you are in dire need of some extra classes to brush up on royal etiquettes. How will you manage to live, when you don't even know the difference between bullying and living with the luxuries royals are born to use. Because I am a royal, hence I live like one! And let me tell you, no one in the world has the audacity or the capability to snatch this luxury from me, I will not let it happen!"

Realising that appealing to his sensibilities was a futile task, and feeling disgusted at the views he held about the matter, she scowled as she gritted out her words;

"Oh, really! Then I pray that you would have to encounter a day when you feel extremely guilty because of being a Prince, and beg to be a commoner. Because the weight of the sacrifices a crown always demands is only understandable by those who have a heart! Not someone like you, who has a stone fixed at the place of that delicate organ."

Nora stood her ground, looking at him as if he was not a Prince who was standing in front of her, but a pest whom she wanted to get rid of as soon as possible.


Present day :

David slowly drew out his phone from his pocket. He was surely submerged in the ocean of grief, but he still had his sharp hearing working in his favour, and was able to hear everything that was going on inside the lobby. After he came to know that no one had informed Valerie still, the realisation made his heart wince twice. Despite his long- standing dislike for Myron, he had always respected Valerie, and had unofficially claimed the position of the Godfather of their future children. 

The mere thought of her waiting anxiously in this situation made him feel like a jerk once again, who had no sense of responsibility towards anyone.

But even after the realization and the act of pulling out his phone and searching for the number, it took him a few seconds before he pressed 'dial'. He stared at the screen, showing Valerie's name and a smiling picture of her for a few seconds, before he closed his eyes and raised the phone to his ears, knowing that she would be picking up the call after the first ring only. Because if she had been waiting for them, then it was already pretty late.
