
After David left, Robin and Myron both turned to Louis, having decided unanimously that whatever was the magnitude of the chaos they were in, one third of that had been created by him alone! The entire story had started when his feet had landed in the Crescent territory and he had taken admission in their school, then secondly, all that had happened with Valerie, and third- why the hell was he present there now! 

Being aware of the burning gazes directed at him, he himself started to speak without any questions. 

"Whoa! Guys! I know you two don't really like me… but trust me, I am here for Nora and I quite like her-"

"What do you mean?"

Robin growled at this statement of his , only to find that a bright smile had appeared on his face. The reply also came soon enough, 

"Not in the way you just assumed, but it's quite different. I can't tell you about this until I have confessed everything in front of her. But can we leave this conversation here, and talk about something more important? 

He paused for a minute to gather their reactions and then started again;

"I might be in need your help-" 

"And again, I am asking you- why do you think that we will be willing to help you-"

"Because I already told you that I am not asking you for a selfless act of help, but a deal that would benefit us all. And don't try to lie to my face, as I already know you like Valerie and I can help you arrange a date with her. But right now, my question is for Robin- are you willing to help me?"

Louis turned towards Robin in mid- sentence, and asked while raising his eyebrows, taking it for granted that he already had Myron in his pocket. 

"Depends. What do you have up your sleeves?"

Robin replied, glancing suspiciously in the direction that David had made an exit. But before he could have investigated further, Louis chimed in once again. 

"I heard Ryan's father talking to Nora's father-"

"Oh, really? And when was it, because the last time I saw you, you were arguing with your father about why Nora gets the Alpha castle!"

Robin interrupted him and took a few steps closer while revealing what he knew. He was getting anxious by his presence and wasting his time, while Nora was still alone with that idiot. And judging by the size of the brain that girl had, she might be swooning over how selfless and kind he was. That's why he wanted everything to be over as quickly as possible over here.

"Yes, I was. But only because I heard Ryan's father saying, "Don't worry Fredrick, I assure you that you will never regret this alliance, as I also know you don't want to give freedom to your only daughter… out of love, concern or something else that only you know." to Uncle Fredrick."


Nora was still processing the words that Ryan had said to her, not believing what she just heard from the hazel- eyed boy standing in front of her.

Although he was easily around six- foot- one, he was standing at a distance of a few feet from her, such that she had to lift her gaze to see his face. A few strands of his dirty blonde hair were falling on his face, while the rest had been combed back. Despite his broad shoulders and well- built stature, his soft smile showed concern and friendliness, assuring Nora of his intentions. 

And while she was finding herself secretly mesmerized by the most kind person she had ever met in her life, she heard his words once again. He had started to speak again, rubbing the nape of his neck out of embarrassment after seeing that she was not responding. 

"Forget it! I was just blabbering… and Nora! I hope you will be comfortable here. Trust me, I have made sure that everything you need is already present, and also checked on all the arrangements by myself-"

"It's okay Ryan, you didn't have to-"

Nora tried to interrupt him and say that he didn't really need to put in so much effort for her sake and trouble himself unnecessarily, when he suddenly leaned forward and hugged her, silencing her mid sentence.

She felt the graze of his cheek against her own, as his voice greeted her ears with an unprecedented proximity. 

"Then, this is goodbye for today, as I need to return home and then shift all my stuff to the dormitories."

And before she could have managed to say anything- anything at all, he vanished into the thin air. She whirled around and her gaze lingered there for a few moments, but just when she was about to turn her back on the direction he had vanished into, she heard a new voice knocking her eardrums. 

"Oh! I didn't know that I am about to disturb a lovey- dovey scene going on between the cringiest couple of the entire century-"

You? Why the hell are you here?" 

"Woah! Woah! Woah! The princess really has a tongue in her mouth, I thought she only tends to speak with her sapphire green eyes!"

David spoke again, taking two steps in her direction with complete confidence, while she took two steps backwards with uncertainty.

The six- feet- two- inch tall boy was the heartthrob of the entire school because of his ocean blue eyes and chiseled face with a sharp jawline to match! And yet, for some reason, he had always scared Nora. It was different time round, because he had managed to make her angry at the same time as scaring her. She was not familiar with the 'how' and 'why' of this unusual reaction, but in her anger, she did say something that she never imagined saying to anyone. 

"Do you really think that everyone out there is only up for flirting like you? No, some people are actually genuine, but a fake egoistic person like you would never understand this, David Matthew."

This sentence suddenly enraged David as well. If the same line would have been spoken by anyone in this entire universe, he would have laughed his lungs out at the sheer irony- but hearing this from Nora was driving him insane for some reason! All of a sudden, he grabbed her by her shoulders and spoke;

"Oh, really! Is this what you think of me, Princess? Then don't worry, I will be much more to you and show you the worst side of myself. But for now, I wish you luck and hope you enjoy the silence of this night on your first day in Alpha palace."

Saying this, he left without looking at the scared face Nora for once, and left her completely alone.
