
The moment David left Nora in front of Alpha palace, she finally realised that he had been telling the truth a few moments earlier. Indeed, she has never experienced living alone, even for more than a few hours.

Back when she was at her house and was forbidden from stepping a single foot outside of that dark, frightening dungeon of hers; even then, she had always known that at least she was not alone, and she was in her house.

Yes, it was the bitter truth of her life. She was a born princess, who had inherited plenty of palaces in her heritage, but she was still unable to find a home for herself. In this unfortunate moment when she was finally realising how cursed her existence really was, the fear of David really doing something evil and malicious came into her mind, and so did the fear of her getting trapped in some dangerous net set up by him, once again.

She took a step backwards in this fear of being completely alone this time, and ended up stumbling on the small pebble present there. She lost her balance and was about to fall, when Robin quickly supported her, grabbing her in his arms and thereby preventing this great fall.

"Be careful! I don't know how you are going to manage living here on your own, when clearly, you can't even walk properly on your own."

"Hey! It wasn't my fault in the first place, I just stepped on a pebble and lost my balance!"

She retorted, getting back on her feet and pasting a smile on her face, realising that after all, it was not going to be as scary as she had imagined in the influence of her fear. And neither was it going to be as scary as David had painted it in front of her; instead, it was finally going to be an experience of freedom for a lifetime!

But before she could have managed to complete the entire chain of thought inside her mind and tell him the real reason for her being so lost, she heard his voice retaliating to her earlier statement.

"Definitely, how can it be your fault in any capacity? Surely, the pebble was laying here, unbothered before your arrival here. How dare it display the audacity to come by your feet?! The sheer disrespect -"



"Stop! I said it wasn't my fault, so stop roasting me-"

"Really? Then please, enlighten me, your Highness! How many times must I remind you that those beautiful emerald green eyes of yours are there for a purpose, apart from looking good on your face? And that purpose is known as seeing things around you and avoiding the dangers!"

"I know that my eyes are for seeing -"

"Oh, really? You do know that they are there for seeing purpose? Then when are you going to use them -"

Robin was cut off in the middle of his statement, as she hugged him before he could have continued his roast session for the day. It was his way of venting out his own fears, as the moment he saw her stumbling on the pebble, he had used his wolf powers to rush forward and catch her before she could have fallen flat on her face and ended up with a broken nose. He had been struck by the fear of what would have happened if he had not noticed her alone over there, not knowing when Ryan had left, just because he himself was completely engrossed in the plans that Myron and Louis were busy making.

"I am so happy that you are here."


David was so enraged after he had left her alone in front of the Alpha palace, as there was a place in his body that was hurting badly because of the comments she had made - and he was unable to understand why. But then, there was one more thing that was pushing the pain away with a much bigger frustration, that was making him mad at himself. Even after all this time had passed, he was still not able to find a single clue about her, that would make her incompetent for the throne.

Or better, disqualify her from the competition- forever.

And this thought was enough to drive him mad, while the sickly image of her and Ryan talking with each other and holding a pair of gruesome smiles on their faces was popping up in his conscience repeatedly, disturbing him without any regard for the fact that he needed to focus on his next plan.

Only because of his distracted state did it take him so long to remember that he had left a bubble of thought to be a spy for him, after leaving the other three idiots there- on the side of the Alpha palace. He quickly summoned the bubble and once he was finally back in his palace and had finally gotten the chance to rest his body after throwing himself on the couch. He was just about to open the bubble, when he felt a hand on his shoulder and was almost about to jump off the couch after being startled! However, he tried his best to not show these reactions by his body gestures, and the voice of the incomer arrived with his identification as well.

"Alpha, I have found something that I think will be useful for you, as you had commanded me to gather the information regarding Nora-"

"Cut to the chase Henry, show me, what is it?"

He finally spoke, realising that it was none other than Henry, and interrupting him to get the information that might be useful for him.

"Before Alpha Fredrick, Fransisco and Carl could reach the school, they all had met at the Hollands' residence. Ryan was also present there at this time, and probably, all three of them have formed some alliance with each other, in order to defeat you in the competition or -"

"Or what?"

"Or, I am not sure what exactly it could be. Probably, there is something much bigger that Alpha Fredrick is trying to hide from everyone, even from Alpha Nora."

Henry ended his statement as he forwarded a slip to him.
