
David was feeling restless, since he had asked Henry to leave after knowing that those drugs were ordered by Fredrick and for Nora.

He trusts Henry the core of his heart and knows that he won't be lying in a serious matter like this, nor he would appear in front of him, without cross checking the whole scenario, almost like ten times.

Still he was unable to believe that Fredrick could order something like for Nora, because no matter how cunning he was, the man has always loved his daughter from the core of his heart and he has loved her so much that he didn't even let her took a single step outside her comfort zone ..till she is almost sixteen.

Then who was all these drugs were for and most importantly, why is he pretending that they were for Nora, is he trying to hide something heinous behind this drug drama.

This thought was followed by one another thought the moment he realised that Fredrick was smart enough to know that when he has finally decided to reveal that Moon pack is also interested in the fight for the throne,by sending his lovely daughter to the school, then he will definitely dig deeper to know reason behind this sudden change.

Or was there something that he was not able to guess regarding him …as it might be possible that he didn't really like his own daughter, thinking that she is going to be a competition for his own son…her own brother and this thought might have troubled him and he has thought to take this step.

This thought was the last line of patience that David ever had in his entire life, as he can't let her die as a sacrifice, after all she was his enemy and at least for once they deserve to fight in the Arena.

Hence he needs to find out everything about this drug soon or else it would be very late.

He was having his dinner while thinking about all these and he knew very clearly that it was the first time in his life when he was unable to eat properly.

Thinking this that doubt running in his mind regarding the secret, Fredrick was trying to hide has made him overwhelmed and he should take a quick shower to clear his head and thinking this he went to take shower.

But the moment the cold water hit his body, he remembered Valerie and her strange behaviour, as he has come across to her plenty of times, but had never bothered to spare any single glance on her, but he was quite aware of the fact that she was not one of those omegas who were desperate to get a single glance from and she is known to be a very calm and composed girl.

Then what had gotten into her was that she had called a fight with Nora …the future competitor of the throne.

And this was when he realised that it was not only Nora who was probably taking that drug, but probably Valerie has also given that drug by some tactics, as this drug not only compelle the person to sleep, but it also affects their nerves…. It means Nora was in danger and this thought made him jump out of the shower and dressed himself in a white shirt and blue jeans as quickly as he could, the water was dripping down from his wet hair and in a hurry he almost forget to button his shirt perfectly, as he need to rush there as soon as possible …after all no one is going to harm her apart from him.


Nora's POV:

I really didn't know what had gotten into me, but the moment everyone was leaving, suddenly the fear of being alone for the entire came over my mind and trapped me in its claws like it has always done.

But in the daze of fear , I don't know when did I ended up holding Robin's hand and probably didn't even had realised it, if he would have not followed his question after he asked the first one;

"Nora! Princess? You okay? Is there anything bothering you ? Are you afraid of something?"

Nora! Tell me what is wrong ? And don't you try to deny that nothing is wrong because if nothing is wrong then why are you still holding my hand?

Saying this he raised his hand to my eyes and I realised that his first statement of him suddenly remembering some important piece of work was just an excuse for talking to me in alone, as I don't know how he has been aware of the fact how uneasy I suddenly become when I have to tell something regarding me in the presence of people.

But before I could have come up with some excuse of hiding my fear from him, I heard my own voice as my traitor tongue as decided to make join the walk of shame, by saying;

Yes! Actually…actually…Robin can you please stay a little longer..-

Stay a little longer? What do you mean? Do you need me to sing you lullaby too ?

Robin taunted, chuckling as he dragged me by turning his and my both feet towards the Alpha palace and spoke again;

Okay! I am here with you, now tell me what happened? Why do you want me to stay a little longer? What actually has David said to you-

You knew ?

I suddenly snapped before he could have completed his sentence the moment he mentioned that he was also aware of David's presence there.

But again, the boy I was talking was Robin, hence I can bet that he had noticed the circumstances of my eyes, as they become a complete circle with shock, but ignoring that he just nodded his head and spoke;

Yes! And now spill.

Nothing…. it's just that I have never stayed alone anywhere apart from my house…I am a little afraid.

And here goes my pride completely, as once again my lips moved without my permission, letting out the complete secret I was trying to hide.
