
Nora was fighting for her life while performing the squat routine as instructed, and after five squats, she declared that she was never going to do something like this ever again.

Only to hear a reply from Louis, who jeered at her with his arms on his waist;

"Hmm… So what do you think you are going to do? Maintain your figure by dieting throughout your life?"

All this time, Robin was trying to control his laughter and barely succeeding; and Myron was looking quite tense after seeing poor Nora breathing heavily as beads of sweat had started appearing on her forehead.

In response to Louis' hypothetical question, they all heard Robin's voice, whose tongue had ultimately betrayed him. 

"Oh! Trust me Louis, she is not capable of dieting. You guys won't believe it, but last night, she ate once again after you two left!"

And saying this, he finally burst into laughter, remembering the face of the little girl from last night who was trying to devour every single dish placed in front of her as if food was her first priority in her life… which stood before life itself! 

But while he was laughing so hard and Myron was observing this new change in his demeanor, they both failed to notice when Louis came closer to Nora. So did Nora, as she was trying hard to stay still on her shaking legs after the slight warm up, short run and these squats; and struggling to stuff her lungs with as much oxygen as she could, probably thinking that she was going to be needing it in the future with much more intensity. Louis murmured in a low voice to let only her hear his words;

"Looks like I have yet to see many sides of yours, as the Nora I was introduced to never used to eat her meals properly -"

"And I don't think it would be necessary for you to know anything about me! I have asked you before and I am asking you again, why do you always seem to be so nice to me?"

Nora jumped in the middle, with the same question she had placed in front of Louis at least fifty times, while he was still speaking. But the moment she paused, thinking that he had finally cracked and was going to react now, he just smiled and spoke;

"I wish! You could see me in the light you see Robin… because I don't know where I have gone so wrong to have given these doubts. But anyway, this is not the topic for debate right now.

Tell me, have you ever touched a bow and arrow and played with them-"


"Then here we go," he said as he handed her a bow and arrow. 

He was about to stand beside her to give her the instructions regarding how to shoot the arrow, and demonstrate it at the same time. But before any of that could have happened, she took the bow in one hand and nocked the arrow at the place she thought was suitable for it and fired it straight towards the target, scoring a perfect score. The arrow hit the target board perfectly in the middle, drawing the attention of Robin, Myron and Louis towards it; as until now, Louis was also looking downwards  while talking to her.

The result shocked her too, but Myron broke the silence when nobody else had dared to utter a single word, for fear of possibly breaking this daze. 

"Is it even possible to belong to the Moon pack and score a bull's eye using an Alpha bow?"

"I don't think so, Myron!"

Both Robin and Louis murmured at the same time, making Nora more anxious. But before the fear of having done something wrong could have bound her, coiling around her spine like a snake, both Robin and Louis hugged her from two sides, speaking at the same time. 

"I am so proud of you, my girl! I didn't think that the practice was going to be this easy, after seeing you struggling while doing literally any exercise till now."

Without giving Nora the chance to utter a single syllable, they both spoke at the same time once again, 

"Stop copying me." 

And while their intense gazes ignited the cold flame of tension inside Nora and Myron's minds, they started laughing shortly after. This is when Myron decided to bear the responsibility of reminding them;

"I think it is time that you three should leave, as today is the third Tuesday of the month: time for Alpha class."

"Oh yes! Nora remember, don't forget to wear red today, and make any hair style incorporating a red scarf!"

Louis spoke, knowing that Nora was definitely unaware of the rules of Alphas and the dress code for them. This triggered another question from Nora. 

"Why? Is wearing a red dress important?" 

"Nope! Only the red scarf is important, and for male Alphas, a blue tie is mandatory for today's class- he just wanted to see you in a red dress."

Robin spilled the facts with a straight face, waiting to see the result of the reaction, in which his words had acted as a catalyst.

But to his surprise, Nora did grab Louis' ear, but there was a smile on her face as she spoke the next words. 

"I don't know why you are helping me for the competition in which you are also a contestant, nor do I know if you are really as sweet and caring as you appear to be. But there is one thing I know- you are not as bad as I assumed you to be. And most importantly, I have come to know that you are helping Myron.

Hence, I think you can be forgiven and should get a chance to become my friend! So what do you think, are you ready for this probation period?"

"Very much ready!"

Louis replied, smiling at the fact that now, he finally knew what Myron and Nora were talking about in secret, after finishing the run. 

This was when everyone heard the whistle, realising at the same time that they were doomed. They were going to be extremely late, having already crossed the time limit for the Alpha breakfast, after which they only had fifteen minutes left to appear in the class.
