Red Statue

Thankfully, Louis had given her a lift till the Palace, but she still had only ten minutes left to get ready. It was going to be her third day at school, and just the second day attending classes; and no matter what, the last thing she wanted to happen today was for her to be late.

And she was thankful to her stars that she had arranged her closest according to her preference at night to save time. Otherwise, if she would have been dependent on the staff till now, then only Moon Goddess could have saved her that morning. 

Although she had been a little irked at first, she was ultimately thankful to Louis for giving her the idea of wearing a red dress. Standing in front of her wardrobe, it became clear that in case of literally any other colour, it would have taken her ages to decide what to wear.

But she barely had two minutes to dress herself, and red was perfect because she had just a single dress in that colour! This option was not only economical in terms of saving time, but now that she had accepted Louis' friendship, it would also be a nice gesture. 

Thinking this, she quickly pulled out the crimson- red skater dress. The boho- style dress was fitted at the waist, and had flowy, elbow length sleeves and a plunging neckline with an embroidered yoke. She slipped into the dress and adjusted the flared pleats, finally putting her hair up in two layers with the help of a scarf. 

This left her with only the next five minutes to rush to class, when she remembered, a princess could not go anywhere without wearing heels! And after this exercise routine, she wanted to set her own legs on fire, so nobody could imagine her frustration at seeing those red crystal heels.

Being faced with no other escape or option but to endure it all, she somehow managed to fit herself in all these items to look semi- presentable and rushed towards the academic building, knowing that it was a do or die situation for her.


David had already been on edge all morning due to the fact that he just absolutely hated the colour red! And thankfully, the teachers did not have to follow the dress code for Alpha class, but today onwards, he had to see that enemy of his in a red scarf.

Thinking this, he was walking to and fro at the entrance, getting jittery about the whole situation from last night… probably it was because of the sleep deprivation. However, a voice arose from inside him and called him out on the blatant lie, probably because apparently, he couldn't see himself happy and at peace for once!

"Don't try to lie, David. You are not mad because you just dislike the colour red, instead you are jumpy because you aren't sure if she is okay or not -"

"No! No! I don't care! I don't care about her, but what I do care about is the fact that I shall be the one to drag her and her pride down from the sky, not some stupid allergy. And this is why I might probably be a little concerned."

And before he could have gone on another round of debate, he saw her coming… coming towards him, wearing the red dress. 

He had never imagined himself liking this colour ever in his life, but today… today, he was kinda liking this colour on her. But the moment he had started his annoyance decreasing at the sight of her, he remembered the allergy and an evil plan peeped in his mind. He purposefully stretched out his ankle in her path, aiming to make her stumble and fall.

But there was a twist in his plan- he was not going to let her fall, instead he was going to catch her before her body hit the ground, using this opportunity to ensure that she did not have any remaining traces of the allergy from last night. Indeed, everything till the part about her stumbling went according to his plan, but before he could have stepped forward and held her hand, he saw Ryan grabbing hold of her waist from the back. Before he could make sense of it, Ryan's cunning words which had been coated with syrup just for Nora, unfortunately hit David's eardrums as well.

"Oh my God! Are you okay dear ? Here you go, get up!"

"Yeah- thanks, Ryan!"

Nora's faint voice reached his ears following Ryan's, when he saw Robin and Louis arriving there as well. 

The flames of his anger started to rise once again, and he decided he was not going to take today's class after all. 

And with this thought, he marched past them without saying a single word. 


After David left in a huff, the first thing Louis did was to pull Nora away from Ryan's arms, reprimanding her gently. 

"Sweetheart, I know you are a little clumsy but you have to learn to not fall on pricks- I mean… bricks! This floor of bricks -"

"But the floor is tiled -" 

Nora was about to interrupt him, when Robin alerted them loudly;

"Are we going to spend our entire class standing here? Or do you guys plan to walk away like my brother as well?"

Nora and Louis entered the class with a wide smile, leaving Ryan behind, and they hadn't remained seated for more than ten minutes, when an omega arrived there with urgent news. 

"Ma'am Romera has requested all the Alphas in the Library, as Princess Nora has yet to see the entire school and choose the houses."


Louis dismissed him and turned towards Robin with a raised eyebrow, whispering covertly;

"What do you think? Is David going to be there?"

"After the red statue you have requested Nora to be, I highly doubt that."

"Let's go, then!"

Louis spoke, standing up.


While walking past the omega class, David would not have paid any mind to it at all, had he not overheard two boys talking outside the classroom. 

"Dude, have you seen the Princess today? I swear, she was looking fire!"

"Yeah! And d'you know what I have heard, the Princess is going to have a non Alpha mate, because all these Alphas are busy fighting with her for the throne-"

"Tch! Tch! I would have given up the throne just for one look from her-"

"Oh, really?"

David roared, as his eyes darkened, veins strained and he took two steps forward, while clenching his fingers to form a fist.

And before either of them could have decided between giving a reply or pleading for mercy, he punched the first one with his right hand, knocking him down. He whirled towards the second one, grabbing him with his left hand and spoke;

"I don't think you have the authority to give up the throne for her sake, but I will make sure you will definitely end up giving a few bones in her name-"

And before completing his own statement, he punched the second one, sending him to the ground as well. 

While two punches were already enough to make them bleed, he didn't stop there and crouched on the ground to pull up the first one by his collar. 

"What's your name and pack? Spill, now!" 

Saying this, he punched him once again and then turned his attention to the second one. 

"Spill, or-" 

"O… Orion…" 

The word left his mouth in a trembling voice as the second punch landed on his face, and David pulled his hand back to bless him with another punch. But hand froze mid way, as everyone heard a strong female roar;

"David Matthew, what are you doing? Stop right there."
