
"David Matthew, what are you doing? Stop right there."

These words felt like molten lava in David's ears, but it was not the only thing that incited his already raging emotions; the moment he heard the voice, he knew that Nora was its owner.

But what he failed to understand was, how had her voice been able to make him stop?! Because he was pretty sure that he didn't pause his hand of his own will. 

And he was never going to, because no one was allowed to insult any Alpha- any, and unfortunately, she was also one of them.

And while he was about to give her the most scathing reply from his quiver, he heard her speaking again, after issuing her first command. 

"I really don't know how you are able to outshine yourself. Everytime I think you could never be this bad, you prove yourself to be even worse. Leave them, now!"

"That's it!" 

David mouthed and loosened his grip from the collar of that omega and pushed him back into the dirt, while he stood on his legs once again, getting rid of the imaginary dirt from his hands.

Taking two steps farther than he was supposed to go, he reached way too close to Nora, and titled his head forward to whisper in her ear. 

"Princess! Not everything you see is the purest form of reality. Reality is just a huge collection of layers upon layers of illusion, justifying the societal obsession to make them look good in their own eyes! And let me tell you, obsession is never good; but the bad news is, just like you are obsessed with appearing pure- hearted to everyone, I am obsessed with finding out the truth behind this pretty face of yours.

So let's see who wins, because David Matthew has never lost."

He walked away with a smirk, seeing that Ryan, Louis, Robin and everyone else had also appeared there. In the meantime, Ryan had identified the omegas of his pack and was barking on his back;

"This is not done, David! You can't hurt my people, your anger is with me, so don't bring them in the middle!"

Like he would ever care to explain to him that he was not beating those bastards because of his anger towards Ryan, but he believed in punishing the exact person responsible for the exact sin.


Nora remained silent for the entire tour of the library, making Robin and Louis worried for her sake, as she hadn't even mentioned so far what David had whispered in her ears.

In Robin's eyes, the only thing left to cheer her up was food.

With this thought, he jumped in front of her, leaping over the couch she was sitting on. 

"I bet you are hungry, let's go and grab something for lunch."

Noticing him standing in front of her, Nora finally broke her silence. 

"Robin, are David and Ryan going to get punished because of skipping the lecture today?"

"No sweetheart! No one could dare to punish the Alphas, especially the royal ones. And don't worry, none of us generally take the classes, either! So just chill and let's go. As Romera has already said, she will send someone to fetch you when your study plan and everything else related to your academic choices is sorted out."


She nodded and forced a small smile on her face before standing up.


David loosened the knot of his tie as he threw his navy blue tuxedo jacket on the ground and opened the upper two buttons of his shirt.

His veins were still popping and the anger was still burning inside his guts. 

"How dare she! How dare she question me and my conduct! I will show her her real place."

While David was burning up with anger, Henry was trying his best to stand there. The moment he paused between his rant, Henry got the opportunity to speak, and he grabbed it with both hands. 

"Alpha! I have gathered the news. Currently, she is sitting in the Alpha's Cafeteria, waiting for Ma'am Romera's invitation to collect the academic materials. You could use the torture dungeon now-"

David didn't need to hear any further, and he interrupted his Beta with curt instructions. 

"Great! I will. Send someone over with a fake message, and bring her there."

Saying this, he headed towards the secret dark dungeon, which he had discovered in the early years of his school. And he had finally found some good use for the location that had once been used as a prison cell for holding the dangerous creatures which used to be found in the Crescent territory before their extinction. 


Only Robin knew how he had managed to finish all three of the Alpha puddings served in front of them, so that he could prevent Nora from eating them in the presence of anyone else. Although he was still unsure about the root cause of that reaction, he couldn't take any risks until he found the truth.

Meanwhile, he was praying to the Moon Goddess for some miracle so that Nora would not be able to eat the new batch of Alpha puddings that she has ordered once again, in the name of dessert. This is when saw a omega from the Eclipse pack and shouted out, 

"What are you doing here?" 

The omega flinched at this sudden call, but then mustered his courage, probably wrath of David that he would face if he failed and finally delivered the message he had been sent for. 

"Ma'am Romera is looking for Princess Nora."

And this was the miracle Robin had been hoping for. Hence, without wasting a single second, he stood up from his place and pulled Nora up from the chair she had been sitting on. Holding her by both her shoulders, he started pushing her towards the gate, while chirping happily;

"Good, you can follow this little guy, as he will take you to your destination. And remember, we will meet at the decided place at 4 o'clock."

"Okay... okay! Okay bye! Bye, Louis."

Nora uttered the only thing she got the time to say, before she was already standing outside the cafeteria and asked the omega to lead the way for her. 

She did not have any single doubt or suspicion, not until she was led to a dark room. The omega paused at the gate and asked her to enter, saying that he was not allowed to enter there, and the moment she was graced by the realisation that everything was not okay, she turned to step out of the room. However, the door clicked shut right then, and she heard a voice echo within the confines, 

"Welcome, Princess, I have been waiting for you."
