Born Prince 

"So, you changed the real containers of Alpha pudding with fake ones… but why and how did you come to know about her allergy -"

Instead of choosing an answer from the range of possibilities had been expecting, Louis responded with his version of events. 

"I didn't! That's why I had asked you because there is a theory in my head, that can't turn concrete until Nora knows her real identity herself! But judging by your reaction, I am sure that you were already aware of this, weren't you -"

"Yes, I was aware about the fact that Nora is allergic to Alpha Pudding; but I am not sure why that is -"

Robin started to speak, interrupting Louis, but he got interrupted by Louis in return, who brought him back to his initial question. 

"I am not asking what exactly you were aware of, and how. I am just asking you, you didn't tell me the truth even when I had asked you explicitly?"

Louis still pressed on with the same query, while Robin snubbed his attempts once again. 

"Yes! I didn't say a word to you, but you definitely seem to know the reason behind it-"

This statement elicited another observation from his end, which seemed more like an insinuation. 

"Then I could have blamed you for the same? After all, your pack is known to be the sworn enemy of her pack-"

This time, Robin's focus finally shifted from trying to figure out the extent of Louis' knowledge, as he asked, indignant with rage. 

"You think I will ever hurt her? Like seriously, when I am even ready to leave everything that bothers me, just because you like her. When I have finally come to terms and found my peace about not talking about our bro's girl-"

"Who told you that I like Nora?"

Louis cut Robin's sentence off in the middle after the revelation of this shocking piece of news, which was indeed related to him- and yet, he himself was unaware of it thus far! 

But instead of giving the answer to his question, Robin raised a new question in front of him.

"So… you don't like her then?" 

"I mean… I do. I do like her, in fact I like her a lot. But I like her like a friend, or say… probably more than a friend, but it has never led to the path of her being my love interest- not now, not ever."

Louis finally clarified everything in front of Robin, knowing that even though he had lied to him earlier in the Arena, but right now, he was telling the truth. His acceptance of the fact that he was ready to leave Nora's things aside out of consideration of crossing some kind of boundaries was even more significant in Louis' eyes, as he was aware that not only David, but Robin also had a soft spot for her.

While he was clarifying his own interpretation of Nora in front of him, he noticed him gulping his own saliva out of nervousness, whereas his face was painted with the guilt of speaking too much- and across this side of the boundary, even a single word was going to count as oversharing.

When he heard his voice, which he finally managed to let out of his mouth after clearing his throat;

"I am sorry Louis, I can't say anything further, apart from this. 

I had only one intention behind hiding this from you, it being that the less people know about this fact, the less danger she would be in."

He paused for taking a long inhale, and continued again while Louis looked on silently. 

"But this topic doesn't end here, we will definitely talk about this after the practice session tomorrow. For now, though, please excuse me- I have to go somewhere."

Saying this, he rushed towards the exit before Louis could have spoken a single word in reply. 


The gentle touch of David's warm fingers along with the cold ointment was sending shivers down Nora's spine.

She wanted to ask him many things, and use her voice to raise many questions in her own right. But the moment she noticed what David was doing, not only was her body captivated, but her soul too- leaving no space for her tongue to let a single word slip out of her mouth.

She was pulled out of her thoughts when she felt the whisper of cold breaths from David's mouth, who was blowing on the injuries after he had applied the ointment on all the areas he thought was necessary. She could barely register his words when he asked, 

"Is it still hurting Princess?" 


"The scar, Princess! Is it still hurting you?"

"N… No."

She finally managed to utter a complete word that made sense and contained an entire set of two syllables.

Apparently satisfied with her answer, he spoke up again. 

"Good! Because always remember, you are going to be my prey and no one else is allowed to hurt you… not now and not in the future."

Those words that were spoken from David's mouth in the same low tone, not only held the power of bursting the bubble she had started to feel safe inside, but were also able to crack the land that she was standing on.

Shirking her hand away from his grip, she looked directly in his eyes, not knowing the power those sapphire greens held against him. She spoke, finally having found her voice and her spirit;

"Has anyone ever taught you some manners? And made you aware of the reality that just because you are born as a Prince, you are not going to have everything you want in your life, as per your wish -"

"Oh, really?"

He spoke, pulling her closer to himself with such a force that she ended up colliding with his chest, as he spoke again, placing his mouth close to her left ear,

"Is that so, Princess? Then I think I need to give you a demo! 

So be ready to see a whole new dimension of this school from tomorrow onwards, because not only was I born as a Prince, but I am the King of this whole territory- and this school obeys my rules."
