
After hearing Nora's words, Robin thought for a moment that Nora was scared to the level where she was not sure about her own identity, and was speaking anything that came to mind, out of the fear that some event might trigger her restrictions. He was about to speak up and console her about this, when he heard Louis's words, which were quite contrary to his own intentions of soothing her. 

"And why do you think so? Or do you have any strong evidence, or some reason behind this claim of yours… like do you feel that if you aren't an Alpha, then are you a wolf of some lower rank-"

"Louis, mind your words. She is a Princess you are talking to."

Whereas Louis was the one to react first to this revelation of Nora, Robin was the one to interrupt him and chide him on the impropriety of this question. 

He was going to protect her at all costs, even if she had just accepted that she wasn't an Alpha, he did not and could not care less about it.

Because friendship doesn't require rank or status, and friends always protect each other from the danger- after all, that's what friends are meant for. 

"I know! I know that I am talking to a Princess, but I guess our Princess seems to have forgotten this important piece of information."

Saying this, he pulled her out of Robin's embrace before Robin could have understood what was going on, and turned her to face himself. While looking directly in her eyes, he spoke;

"Nora! Listen very carefully! I know you have many doubts regarding who is your true friend and who isn't, who is loyal to you and who isn't… and many more such things."

He stopped for a second and scanned Nora's face once, and then decided to go on. 

"I am also aware of the fact that there were days when you didn't trust me! But I am going to tell you one thing- I am ready to sign any bond you want me to, I am ready to take whichever oath you ask me to, in order to prove my loyalty towards you.

And in return, all I want from you are two things. One of them is for you to tell me everything because of which you feel so afraid; and second, please don't ask me the reason for me being loyal to you.

I will tell you the real reason, but only when the time comes."

Nora was looking back and keeping eye contact all this while; and it was the first time that she was feeling as if she wasn't just looking at a set of hazel eyes. Rather, what she could see was the reflection of Louis's soul, which was present there, and she was ready to trust that reflection of his soul. 

Because she already did trust him and Robin from the core of her heart, and had no doubt regarding them. She felt that if they were her actual enemies disguised under a cloak of friendship, then she didn't want any victory and was ready to be defeated by them.

After all, she was a loyal friend. And they were not just friends for her, they were her home, her safe place.

"I don't have any unique Alpha smell, my body doesn't react to an Alpha call, and most importantly, I haven't even been to the Shrine yet-"

"Probably, there is some delay in all of them. I am sure that I can find some similar cases in the past if I go through the archives."

Robin spoke, trying to minimise the catastrophe that had just occurred in front of him, according to his own assumption.

But not only Nora, but he also went into a state of deep shock, when they heard Louis' voice. 

"But what if I say, I have another theory for you Nora! Nora… you are indeed not an Alpha… because you are a Sigma wolf, Nora! Superior to all of us."


Crescent Roston High was established by four friends in Crescent territory, back when people were able to see the Sun and Moon together.

People were familiar with all the creatures of the world; and in return, all the creatures of the world were free to roam in the human world, while holding their real identity and studying together.

But then, time began to change… and eventually, with the ticking of the clock, everything started to reveal the real colour of its metamorphosis.

Then Roston, the one and only Sigma wolf who was known to be born in this world, decided to create another parallel world for all the werewolves who were known to him- and established the entire Crescent territory.

He divided the entire Crescent territory into four equal parts, and gifted it to three of his friends. He also decided to develop a perfect school for all the werewolf children, where they would be equipped with the necessary skills to navigate their society as per their specific rank. 

While creating and gifting the throne of these packs, he sorted all the wolves on the basis of their specialities and gifted them to his three friends according to their mastery in that skill.

As it was known to each Werewolf child, all three packs each specialised in one major fighting skill. 

The Eclipse pack was known to have the best swordsmen amongst their warriors, and it was gifted to his friend Armano Mathew; the Orion pack was named after the legendary hunter for being the best at archery, and he had created that pack for his friend Aizer Holland. But the Moon pack was known best for politics and strategies, because he had created that pack for his own younger brother and his best friend, Riley Rovery.

However, his dream of keeping every werewolf on earth together, shattered the day his one and only beloved daughter, Lyla Rovery, found a mate from the human world and decided to leave the territory and throne willingly.
