Boyz that were around Yodark and saw him getting all electrified shat themselves from fear and called the Boss.
-Booooss! Yodark is burping sparks! – said one boy.
-That git iz babbling something too! - Said another boy.
Then grab him and throw him out – Said Boss and pointed at the giant spaceship. – Iz got other things to do, loik dat ship to crack.
Boyz quickly saluted and went to work. With great care, they cut the pole the Yodark was tied to and carefully carried it towards space ship. It was taking a lot of time as Yodark would randomly telyport around the area or zap them with electricity.
Meanwhile, other boyz after they destroyed every point defense system started banging their chopas and stabas at the hull of the cruiser. This proved to be not very effective as even paint wouldn't come off. Mekboyz on the other hand were rebuilding their big canun to face the spaceship. It was going rather quickly as the boyz helping them were stronger since the last time. Meks too were a lot smarter so they made a lot of supporting devices that made it easier to move the eavy stuff.
The assembly process took two days and countless gretchins, but it was ready and blyatifull. Boss as soon as he could gave the order to fire it, but he forgot to give the order to boyz that were chopping the ship with their stabas.
Canon shot activated the Energy shield of the ship protecting it from the massive damage, but the blast alone and massive energy surge unlived hundreds of Ork boyz standing on the ship.
-Da zog apened over there? – Boss looked at the undamaged ship and pondered what happened.
-Boss? I think itz some sort of shield, but iz duno how itz workz. – Said Mr. Nuthead and scratched his trusty wrench.
- Ya zoging fool, I can see that too. Wez gunna need a bigger dakka.
-Ay Boss..ZOG! Iz got it! BOSS, I have seen Yodark being all sparky, we can shoot im at the ship and maybe it will do sumething.
-Ay, let's do it. YADAARK! Get ova ere ya zoging wimp! – Boss roared and waited for his weird boy to come running to him, but instead, Yodark simply teleported before Boss and flopped to the ground like a sack of squigs. Boss smiled, grabbed Yodark, and looked at him. - Hmm, too puny for shooting from da Dakka. Moight as well throw him at it.
-Are you sure that this will work Boss? – Asked Graxmek, who was inspecting new invention a nail with small groves, which he called a screw.
-I have no idea. – Said Da Boss with a smile and after walking towards space spaceship he threw Yodark at it will all his might. Despite blasting electricity everywhere nothing happened. He waited for a few more minutes but there was only silence. – Zog it! – Said Boss.
-Zog it? – Asked Nuthead and pointed at the trigger of the canun.
-Not zog it, Zog it! – Boss face palmed and walked back to where canun was. – Or maybe, that's a good idea, zog it. – So Mr. Nuthead pushed the trigger and zogged it.
This time when the energy shield appeared Yodark shined like a lamp and all light near in his vicinity died including that area of the energy shield. Thanks to this little disruption shell struck the ship and carved out a chunk of armor uncovering the insides of the ship and giving a point of entry to the waagh of Orkz.
Boss seeing this charged immediately to the opening with the rest of his boyz. He of course grabbed Yodark who somehow returned to him and put him on his belt like some sort of gun in a holster.
Residents of the ship were not pleased with new guests and were keen on evicting them, automated defense systems were working wonders on smaller orks but Nobz and Boss were too heavily armored, or at least that's what they thought because the turrets were not making a lot of noise so the dakka had to puny. So only puny Orks could die from it.
Mek boyz also charged in and immediately achieved the state of waghrvana. It's a state similar to umie nirvana but for Orks. They started taking new working bits and gubbins and repurposed them to suit the greater good, than that to be mounted to the roof.
Lootaboyz were too busy working… I mean looting everything they could with the help of their grot assistants... I mean slaves. Who were happy to roam the vents and small corridors that were too small for their masters, and if they found a lone crewman, they would gladly exact their revenge on him for all the grievances and pain they received from Boyz.
In conclusion, every Orkoid felt that the fight they got will be a good one, and the loot will be good too, as the resistance they were meeting was really good.