Chapter 3 - Who Goes There?

The stranger walked towards the hallways looking for his next victims they had been in a role with this whole gimmick of being extremely careful to not get caught by anyone, they were grateful that most people were at the game, and they perk up when they heard music & saw a poorly lit classroom hearing laughter from another nearby classroom the art classroom to be specific this was going to be fun, so much fun oh he couldn't wait to kill more.

The room that the stranger had seen had another couple in love but they weren't making love no rather they were making out first settling the mood the couple in question was a male Osprey Hack & the female was an American flamingo, music was playing in the room as the two couples broke from their kiss to catch a moment of breath gazing into their eyes with no worries at all only enjoying the company of each other presence.

"We should probably head out & join the others, Jared." The flamingo said with a soft smile on her beak as she looked into her lover's eyes & handsome face, he was always kind to her.

"They could wait until later the night is young, Rebecca, let's have some fun first~.," Jared said with a sly grin & lick of his lips with lust clearly in his eyes, upon seeing this Rebecca giggled & started to take her shirt off as well. Jared followed by unbuttoning his pants & pulling his girlfriend's panties off down from under her skirt they both embrace each other in another passionate kiss ending up with Rebecca leaning on her back on a desk while Jared planted small kisses on her neck grinding against her privates as she gasps in excitement while moaning his name with Jared having a grin in his beak as they both grinded into each other. They were about to move further when out of the corner in the darkness she noticed a silhouette of someone standing at the door blocking the window.

"Jared! Stop! Stop!! There is someone here besides us!!" She said in a panic causing the hawk to stop in confusion to look at his girlfriend frantic panicking thinking he did something wrong

"Right at the door, there's someone there!" Jared turned towards the direction his girlfriend was pointing, he saw the same silhouette of someone standing at the door tilting his head, to say the least, the two lovers felt extremely uncomfortable that someone was watching them.

"Who's there?" Jared called out to the person standing at the door but received no response; the only noise was the music that was playing in the classroom. "Look whoever you are we don't want an-" Jared didn't get to finish as the stranger in the room turned the lights on all of a sudden & what they saw made their eyes widen in horror & scream, especially Rebecca as the stranger in front of them was covered in blood holding a pair of bloody scissors in his left paw. They then suddenly rushed at them with the scissors held high & jumped to get momentum for their stab. Jared was caught off guard but managed to hold the attacker off by stumbling onto one of the desks as he heard his girlfriend sob in fear he turned to her as he struggled to hold the attacker back.

"Rebecca Run!! Go get help!!" Jared screamed at his girlfriend as he struggled to get the attacker off him who held rage in their eyes. Pure rage & hatred never in his life had Jared felt fear for his life & here he was fighting for his very own life.

"NO!! I can't leave you!!" Rebecca cried in fear as she trembled in paralysis trying to look for anything to help her boyfriend. She noticed a yardstick on the teacher's desk but felt herself paralyzed with fear at the stranger covered in blood trying to kill her boyfriend.

"Dammit, Rebecca!! Please go get some he-ahhgg!!" Jared turned his head screaming at his girlfriend desperately and it was the perfect opportunity for the stranger to drop the scissors into their right paw & open the jaws followed by stabbing Jared hard in the stomach before closing them the hawk let out a sharp gasp of pain as he turned to his girlfriend who stood paralyzed in complete terror with tears "Ru-" he didn't get to finish as the stranger proceed to cut his stomach open only to stop where the ribs would be all this while the young hawk scream in anguish as he felt the stranger cut him open then saw the stranger reach for his intestines pulling them out. Jared could only let out gasps of pain with blood spilling from his mouth letting out choke screams & with one swift movement found his windpipe or throat severed by the scissors as they flailed to the ground clutching his throat as his life drained away.

Rebecca was always a confident girl that prided herself in beauty & confidence & found herself as someone that can take on any challenge school could provide but right now? She was terrified, horrified & mostly devastated upon seeing her boyfriend's death. She screamed, as soon as the body of Jared fell to the floor the stranger turned towards her, she screamed & made a mad dash towards the door but she never reached it. Turns out that the stranger anticipated this, they were thankful that the music drowned out their screams but regardless he had to act fast, no doubt someone would come here soon & if they did he would have to take care of them. The flamingo struggled in her grip as he wrapped the intestines of her boyfriend around her neck. They then dragged her towards a paper cutter & with some effort slammed her back in the paper cutter dragging her to line her neck with the blade holding her in place with one paw while lifting the blade.

"Stop!! I didn't do anything!! Don't I don't know what I did wrong!! Just stop!!" Rebecca pleaded for the stranger to not kill her but that died down as soon as she saw their eyes turn to anger & their body shaking in anger, their grip to hold her struggle tightened she then panicked while screaming & shrieking & even kicking. She let out one last terrified scream as the blade was brought down, decapitating her body twitch for a few moments as blood pumped out of her neck then nothing. The stranger then quickly collected their phones & left content with his work while turning the lights off with a small silly hop of joy, the stranger felt that it was going to take a lot to clean his varsity jacket & gray shirt as for the mask that they wore a little bleach & black paint.

Meanwhile, outside the school the crowd was going wild as both schools were completely tied at the moment the crowd was filled with cheers, mostly for Ben as he was the one that had scored most of the points, Gary had scored some points two along with the twins, funny thing throughout the whole game nobody had an idea what was going on at the school no one knew of a stranger in the campus of a maniac that had slain some of their classmates brutally with a pair of bloody scissors, with no hesitation & no remorse tonight it was their night after all the night of maniac. Who was currently stalking their final two victims Ricky & his girlfriend the stranger stumble upon them by accident as he passed a hallway he immediately turns back leaning a little & peeking his head out in an almost cartoony way, their ears perk up & they couldn't help to smile at how easy they choose the location for their gruesome deaths, their eyes were filled with joy as they smile behind the white mask. They could afford no mistakes.