Chapter 4 - No Mistakes

Down in the school basement Ricky the young panther was currently with his girlfriend having decided at the last minute to change the location where he & the rest of the crew were going to hang out & fool around at school during the game this night. After all, it was much less risky to get caught here than in any of the classrooms with security & staff in the hallways there were only two guards & only a few teachers in the school; most of them had gone home so they weren't that worry but it was better to be cautious than to risk the chances of getting caught while they fool around. But where were their friends? The young panther was irritated, to say the least.

"Where the fuck are they!?" Ricky screamed in frustration while crushing a can of beer in his paws and tossing it to a nearby trash can, he had texted them about the change of location, unaware that they have already met their gruesome fates at the hands of a maniac who had check Oscar's text message backing up his joy in knowing how easy the Panther had chosen their grave, he wasn't surprised when they found out the photo of him & Rebecca as a couple they did them a favor sparing them from their so-called relationship as she cheated in him & called Jared her new boyfriend.

"Relax Ricky, I'm sure they saw the test they just probably still fucking or messing around like idiots." Ricky's girlfriend Trixie said with an annoyed expression & roll her eyes at her boyfriend's attitude acting like a spoiled kid throwing a tantrum instead of behaving his age, she was one to grow annoyed whenever her friends or her boyfriend would act like idiots or do childish things, she was pampered badger with serious daddy issues words that describe her by Steve or in Oscar's case a snobby bitch, the three of them never got along.

"Besides, are you sure this is a better spot than the classroom we were supposed to hang out in?" She asked him with an annoyed tone in her voice, clearly displeased about hanging around a dirty basement instead of the classroom they had previously agreed on.

Ricky shot her a glare as he sighed and leaned against the wall pointing a digit at her with an irritated look in his eyes. "Look I already told you three times, this place has the least chance of us getting caught, the basement is barely used, especially during game nights so quit your whining!!" He complained in a whiny tone while crossing his arms at the end of his annoyance, courtesy of how much his girlfriend was complaining.

"Ugh! Fine whatever you say,y Ricky, I'm going to go do my makeup," Trixie said with a huff as she turned around walking away from her muttering boyfriend he was lucky that he hadn't pissed her off more than he would normally or else she wouldn't have sex with him for a week or two. She made her way towards a corner where there was a pile of boxes & old desks coated in dust, while passing a tall metal cabinet to where they had put some chairs in a circle around a small portable cooler with a couple of beers inside it, five out of six since Ricky had already drunk one. She smiled as she saw her handbag in one of the chairs unaware that someone had entered through the outside entrance of the school basement as opposed to the entrance that connected with one of the hallways, she grabbed her handbag, opening it to grab a small pocket mirror & eyeliner as soon as he was about to start doing her makeup she felt a paw cover her mouth forcefully she immediately begin to panic as her screams were muffled, when she begging to feel extreme pain as she felt something sharp in her sides with the all familiar scent of blood assaulting her nostrils she then realized too late that she was getting stab brutally from her sides by something! Turns out that it was a pair of scissors technically by the stranger with one final stab he let her go, shoving her into one of the chairs, she then struggled to get up whimpering from the pain as she started to lose blood her only salvation was Ricky, the stranger look in amusement in how she struggles to get up with a limp from them. They then followed her towards her boyfriend slowly.

As for Ricky, he was busy listening to music this whole time to notice that his girlfriend was being brutally shanked by a pair of scissors as he was scrolling through his phone on Snapchat while he waited for the rest of his friends to show up, still completely unaware that they were dead. After a while he got craving another bear as soon he got up & was about to turn around his girlfriend stubble upon him but what made his eyes widen in complete terror was that she was covered in blood as she struggle to hold him to the point of gripping his clothes.

"Holy shit! Trixie what happened!?" Ricky said, holding her girlfriend by the arms and shouting at her with worry not noticing the stranger that was getting closer with hate in their eyes covered in fresh & dried blood with a blank white mask with a few small cracks in it.

"Ricky help-" She didn't get to finish as Trixie's throat was slit with a gasp & blood spraying like crazy into Ricky's face & mouth by the blade of the stranger's scissors from behind her. Trixie's grip loosen as she slowly dies gurgling as her body hits the floor, a look of pure fear in her as Ricky wiped the blood off her dead girlfriend he saw the one responsible with joy in their eyes Ricky felt rage the one who had killed his girlfriend seeing red he did the most logical thing he could think of he charged at him with blind rage.

"You son of a bitch! I KILL YOU!!" Ricky roared in rage at the one who had taken the life of his beloved girlfriend wanting to hurt & mangle the stranger who had killed his girlfriend with no hesitation & regard for her life. Unfortunately for Ricky the stranger anticipated this & simply side step to the left plunging the scissors with the jaws open to Ricky's side while they grip his jacket

With their left paw & using Rick's momentum against & whatever strength the adrenaline gave the stranger spun him not before closing the scissors, Ricky was sent slamming into one of the metal shells that had junk or any tools knocking the wind out of him. He slumped towards the ground coughing in pain & as soon as he was about to try to get up he received a knee to the face while the stranger grab his head, Ricky grunted in pain as he felt the hit & followed by a fist to his stomach as the stranger junk the pair of scissors from his side & stabbing him in his right leg dragging the scissors down creating a nasty gash as Ricky scream in agony the stranger smile underneath the mask as they spare him any more agony standing up & facing the beaten panther.

Ricky panted from the unimaginable pain & feeling weak from the wound on his left side & right side clutching his side started to feel a little dizzy from losing blood, taking gasps of breath & pain he looked up towards the stranger with fear & hate coughing some blood as he struggles to get his words out.

"Who the fuck are you!? What the fuck do want from me!" Ricky screams in between coughs as the stranger pays no mind to him & instead takes out a photo from his right pocket taking out which looks like a photo & shows it to him with hate in their eyes, Ricky's eyes widen in fear at the photo of that had him & their friends but what stood out for him was the young weasel, Jimmy.

"How did you get that photo!?" The stranger gave no response to Ricky's answer as he stood there staring at Ricky with hate in their eyes. "You think I had anything to do with what happened to that weasel!? What is to you anyways!? You didn't even know him!!" Ricky cried in desperation & disbelief.

The stranger put the picture away, reaching for this liberty bag & smirk as he grab the phones of all Ricky's friends, Ricky's eyes widen in fear as he saw the phones of his friends confirming his worst fears & suspicions, and the stranger smirk underneath the mask as one by one of the phones landed back in the bag. Oscar, Steven, Jared, Rebecca & finally Trixie. He reached for Trixie's phone & somehow unlocked her phone despite having a password he then went for the files & found the video, he smirked and showed it to the panther.

If Ricky wasn't completely afraid before he sure was now a hundred percent afraid as he saw the video of that supposed incident that occurred a couple of months ago, his eyes had completely widened to this point with fear & disbelief that his girlfriend didn't delete that video!! Did she save it for her sick kink that he had engaged with on countless occasions when they had hot sex, this wasn't happening it had to be a dream or a nightmare the stranger had a hint of joy & amusement in their eyes as they relish in the panthers' fears, the stranger then stops the video before looking for a specific app.

"Look it was a mistake, we shouldn't have done that!! It was stupid okay!! It wasn't supposed to go that far, we were just playing, that's it!! The stranger could only see the panicking panther, he had heard enough there was no mistake in that video he then smiled underneath the mask & showed him the phone once again, the phone read "No mistakes" the message was written in the stylus note taker. The Stranger then patted Ricky's shoulder and stood up straight reaching for their bloody scissors, snapping them to indicate what he had intended for the young panther.

Ricky started to freak out in fear he then started to shout in disbelief & anger mixed with fear at what the stranger was going to do with him with the scissors, he couldn't die here!! He just couldn't!! There was so much he needed to do!! To live for!! Not like this!!

"I'm telling you it was a mistake!! How the fuck we were supposed to know that was going to happen, it was an accident!! For fucks sake are you listening!? Motherfucker it was a mistake!! Listen to me you dipshit!!" Ricky continued to scream profanities at the stranger but only stopped as soon as they made eye contact, they took the mask off & the look on the stranger's face was one of disgust mixed with anger & hatred, pure hatred. Then came Ricky's screams as the stranger smiled sadistically snapping the scissors one more time that night no one heard Ricky's screams as his eyes stared in complete horror at the bloody scissors, everyone else was busy at game night & the stranger took pride in how stealthy he was.

The stranger stepped outside of the basement completely covered in the blood from his victim's back with their white mask on. Having left the phones in the basement but taking his liberality bag with him, sighing in satisfaction at having done this with no mistakes & flaws he turned around staring at the football stadium. The stadium lights illuminated the stadium, hearing the cheers of the students & the overexcited announcer that the home team of their school was about to win, the stranger turned around and started to walk away hearing the name Ben Woods, he paid no mind to it & simply walked away from the school grounds, knowing how much of shit show was going to be tomorrow for the students, staff, teachers & police but most importantly the parents of the victims.