Chapter 9 One Move of Meteor Strike and Pass the Test in Five Minutes

"Really? What happened just now?"

"Am I blind?"

"Where is the brutal bull?"

Shock and disbelief were written all over their faces.

They didn't even see clearly what Marcus had done. The challenge was over unexpectedly.

"This guy is so lucky?"

"Or is he better at it?"

Marcus shook the wooden sword in his hand and breathed a sigh of relief.

The strength that erupted in a critical moment was indeed much greater.

The wooden sword in his hand had already been cracked.

Marcus felt that since he learned the sword skill meteor strike, it was the best move he had ever used.

Everyone was stunned.

The referee was stunned for two seconds and announced the result of the challenge in the buzz of the crowd.

"Congratulations! This challenger has completed the challenge!"

"Please give this young challenger a round of applause!" The referee said loudly.

The crowd burst into cheers.

They whistled and clapped crazily.

Some of them even blushed and clapped their hands desperately.

"Awesome! I thought he couldn't hold on for two minutes. I didn't expect him to finish the challenge in the blink of an eye!"

"He seems to be the fastest person to complete this challenge. How long did it take him?"

The man who watched the competition asked tentatively with curiosity.

His companion was stunned and slapped himself two times.

The crisp slap sounded particularly harsh.

"Are you scared to death? Why did you hit yourself?"

"How long did it take?"

Hearing his companion's question, the man turned his head stiffly.

"Look at the watch. You can't imagine that he only used five minutes."

"The newcomer finished the challenge in only five minutes!"

The man asked with a dull look on his face. He opened his mouth slightly and looked at the crowd.

Marcus was no longer in the colosseum.

Jett looked at Marcus with a gloomy face.

He had already recognized that person was Marcus when he was determined to kill the brutal bull.

"Damn it!" Jett said through gritted teeth, his eyes filled with resentment.

What kind of talent did Marcus have? Why did the teacher give him more help?

Jett said angrily: "Shit!"

Jett rolled his eyes and pounded the railing heavily.

In the crowd, Jett's behavior didn't attract others' attention.

After all, many people who watched the competition in the colosseum were very excited. It was a common thing to break the railing occasionally.

He just patted the railing hard to make a sound, so no one would notice it.

Marcus walked out of the colosseum.

He was not used to it.

He finally came out of the colosseum, and countless people quickly rushed over.

"Hello, warrior, may I know your name? You are powerful."

"Yes, you look very young. You are only in grade one. What skill did you use just now?"

"Warrior, I think your strength is very good. Do you want to join us?"

"Go away. You all go away. You don't even know his name. What are you talking about here?"

Hearing the voice, Marcus felt a little uncomfortable. He didn't expect these people to be so enthusiastic about him.

Marcus raised his head and looked around. There were so many people around him that he couldn't even see their faces.

As soon as he saw the person who was talking to him, he had been pushed away before he could reply.

"What a cool move you used just now. It's the first time I've seen someone as young as you!"

"You are so handsome. I think you are the most likely to get a scholarship. You must work hard!"

"I think so too."

Marcus stared at them with embarrassment.

Marcus blushed at the flattery.

It was thanks to his teacher that he was able to pass the challenge smoothly.

If the teacher hadn't taught him the skill meteor strike, or if he hadn't drunk the strength potion, he probably wouldn't be able to complete today's challenge.

As expected, success was not achieved overnight, but step by step.

He smiled politely at everyone.

Marcus politely refused the flattering crowd around him and quickly walked to the person in charge.

When the man in charge looked at Marcus, there is no longer the initial scrutiny.

He looked at Marcus and even gave him a thumb up.

"You are really good. This is the scholarship application form." The person in charge said and stamped the scholarship application form.

With a smile on his face, he handed the application form to Marcus and patted Marcus on the shoulder. "I think your strength is really good. Work hard."

Marcus replied with a smile.

He put the application form in his arms and fled the scene in a hurry.

If he stayed any longer, he would be drowned in the crowd.

It was the first time that Marcus had experienced how enthusiastic these people were.

The sea of people was like a tidal wave, one after another, making Marcus breathless.

He ran outside and breathed a sigh of relief.

He even secretly looked back and made sure that there was no one following him. Then he turned several corners and was about to go back.

"They are so enthusiastic."

"It's so scary."


As soon as Marcus left, Parker, who had succeeded in the challenge, ran in.

With excitement on his face, he excitedly found his good friend Watson.

"I heard that the person who challenged just now has succeeded. Congratulations, Watson!"

"You have challenged so many times and finally succeeded!"

Parker patted Watson's shoulder excitedly, almost jumping up.

But Watson didn't look good.

Parker's praise made him look sullen.

"What's wrong? Aren't you happy that you have passed the test?" Parker asked in confusion.

Watson gritted his teeth and said, "The man just now did pass the test, but not me."

"He is a very young man. He just used one move of the meteor strike to end the battle,"

"Do you know how long it took him?" Watson clenched his fists.

When the newcomer entered the hall, he didn't even have a look at him. He didn't expect him to be humiliated so soon.

"How long?" Parker asked.

Blue veins stood out on Watson's forehead. "Five minutes! It only took him five minutes to get out of the position. He only used the last meteor strike to pass the test."

Parker frowned when he knew the truth.

Just one move of a meteor strike?

It was almost impossible unless that person's skill was accurate!

When did this person appear in the school? He had never heard of it?

"You don't think so, do you?" Watson sighed and closed his eyes tightly.

Parker kept walking in place.

He was sure he was well informed enough, had he overlooked something?