Chapter 8 Two Minutes Shocked Everyone

Watson was surrounded in the middle of the crowd.

"Watson, you are great!"

"Yes, I used to think that you were very powerful. You've been holding on for a few minutes, and you've been able to defeat a lot of people!"

"It's enviable. If only we could have the strength like Watson!"

Looking at everyone's flattering face, Marcus felt a little envious.

But he still remembered what he wanted to do at present.

Looking at the chaos around him, he cut into a team and came to the person in charge.

The man in charge looked a little serious. When he saw Marcus approaching him again, he just glanced in his direction indifferently.

He asked with a straight face, "What are you doing here again?"

Marcus said resolutely, "I want to challenge the highest bonus!"

Seeing Marcus's high-spirited attitude, the person in charge couldn't help but take a few more glances at Marcus.

This boy was very young. It was not bad for him to have such courage in grade one.

Maybe his talent was not bad?

This thought came to his mind from the person in charge. He shook his head.

"I need to remind you, if you think you can't defeat the enemies, just drop your weapon."

"The enemies inside are all puppets controlled by magic. They won't attack unarmed people."

"This is my advice to you. I hope you can remember it."

The person in charge said seriously.

He didn't want such a young man to die here.

Marcus nodded heavily.

He knew that the person in charge was very responsible for his life and safety.

Feeling the kindness of the person in charge, Marcus smiled and said to him, "Thank you."

Marcus walked towards the colosseum.

He didn't know what was going on here.

And he was not sure if he could defeat this brutal bull, but for the highest scholarship, he had to try!

He believed that his hard work would pay off!

When Marcus entered the colosseum, he took a deep breath and looked at the brutal bull opposite him which was about to be released.

Because the brutal bulls were controlled by magic, they didn't need to rest at all. As long as there was a challenger, the brutal bulls could be released and fight at any time!

It also saved them a lot of time!

Marcus was holding a wooden sword in his hand.

This was his weapon.

Marcus kept the unique skill taught by his teacher in mind all the time.

His strength had been much stronger than before, so maybe he could also fight now?

Sword skill: Meteor Strike.

Marcus had been displaying this swordsmanship in his heart all the time. He firmly looked at the brutal bull and made a gesture to start the challenge.

The crowd surrounding Watson also noticed a new challenger in the colosseum.

They looked around curiously.

"Is he too young?"

"Yes. Who is he? He seems to be a newcomer."

"Yes, I've never seen him before, but he only has a wooden sword in his hand?"

Everyone was surprised.

There were people with all kinds of weapons here, but those with wooden swords were very few.

Even Watson heard what they were talking about.

He looked back at Marcus and thought that Marcus couldn't hold on for a long time.

He was just like a weak man. Even if he was good-looking, would a brutal bull appreciate him?

"This person has no chance of winning!"

"I think so. The brutal bull is so huge that I'm afraid he can't hold on for even a minute!"

"Forget it. Maybe we can record it again and break the fastest record we lose. This person may also be able to obtain the best participation award!"

"I think it makes sense. Hurry up and make a record of this person's losing!"

Some of them became enthusiastic and stared at Marcus, while some of them had already picked up the recording materials.

Marcus didn't know what others thought of him.

He was staring at the bull.

"The competition has begun!" The person in charge said.

Hearing this, Marcus didn't attack first with a wooden sword in his hands.

He knew clearly where his weakness was. If he attacked the brutal bull, he would go crazy.

The bull rushed towards Marcus.

Its huge horns pointed directly at Marcus.

If Marcus couldn't dodge, its huge horns might be able to pierce through Marcus's belly.

Some of the onlookers couldn't bear to look straight at him and turned their heads to the other side.

"You'd better throw away your weapons."

"Yes. If you don't think you can win the brutal bull, you'd better throw away the weapon."

Some whispered.

Marcus's eyes were firm. Facing the bull in front of him, Marcus didn't dodge.

He clenched the wooden sword in his hand.

"What's going on? Is he crazy?"

"Does he think that he can withstand the attack of a brutal bull with such a weak figure?"

"I don't know. Even Watson can only hold on for a few minutes. Does he want to die?"

"I guess this guy is a fool. Otherwise, how could he..."

The onlookers said.

They had been here for the longest time. They could also know the strength of the brutal bulls.

Just as everyone felt that blood was about to splash on the spot, Marcus barely avoided the attack relying on his creepy position.

Facing the bull's sudden sprint.

Marcus unhurriedly found an opportunity and slipped under the bull's body. He avoided the bull's attack with a subtle distance between his body and the ground.

"Is this okay?"

The onlookers' exclamations were immediately drowned in the crowd.

"Alas, what a pity! I'm afraid the whole square will be cleared in less than a minute."

"You are right."

Some people thought Marcus was about to leave, but when they opened their eyes, they found that Marcus was still standing there with a wooden sword in his hand.

They widened their eyes slightly and stared at the situation in disbelief.

"What happened? Did I see it wrong?"

"This guy is still here? He didn't..."

Many people stared at the colosseum, feeling that they had missed the most wonderful part.

How did he escape?

Many people felt that they had missed Marcus. This time, they no longer worried about him. They stared at Marcus with their wide-open eyes.

"This move is absolutely obscene!"

Everyone was looking at the situation here. Marcus's position was indeed good, but even so, his strength was still there.

"What a pity! His strength is a hard injury. I think he can't hold on for more than two minutes."

"I think so."

"In this case, there is a huge difference between the strength. The longer it lasts, the more obvious the weakness!"

Marcus gasped and his physical strength was running out.

The bull attacked again.

Marcus lost his balance and fell to the ground.

"It must be over now!"

Marcus gritted his teeth and slashed at the bull's belly with a meteor strike of ten percent strength.

Many people couldn't bear to see it again and even screamed.


The moment the bull's hooves touched Marcus's face, the bull disappeared!

Everyone was shocked!