Chapter 13 A Drug That Brought Huge Profits

After the payment, Marcus's wallet was empty.

"Take care. If you need any help next time, I'll give you a big discount."

The boss sent Marcus out the door, his face smiling and squeezing out the wrinkles, still not forgetting to consolidate this customer

"Okay, if it works well this time, I'll come again next time."

Marcus agreed and went back to the school with all the medicinal materials.

After getting ready, Marcus began to refine the medicine.

With the previous successful experience, this time he refined it with ease.

He wouldn't be satisfied with low-grade drugs. Now he continued to accumulate experience, just to reach a higher level.

After a bottle of medicine was finished, Marcus put it aside and began to refine the second bottle.

Marcus didn't need to keep an eye on the refining process.

He took advantage of this gap to practice the meteor strike in the yard.

With the long sword in his hand, Marcus recalled every move of the meteor strike and copied them in his hand.

The sword move swept across the air, bringing out a sword light.

As Marcus pointed at a tree in the middle of the yard, the sword light cut it into pieces.

The falling tree splashed a cloud of dust on the ground.

In the whole three days, Marcus had been practicing the meteor strike in addition to refining the medicine. The two of them didn't delay.

Now, a batch of the newly refined medicine had been stored, and they were neatly placed in the boxes.

It was time to go to the pharmacy to see how the last batch was sold, and hand over this batch at the same time.

Marcus put on a black robe and took all the medicine he had made to the pharmacy he had sold last time.

As soon as he showed up, the eyes of the apprentice, who was guarding the shop, lit up in an instant. "Sir, you're here. Wait a moment. I'll call the boss right away."

The apprentice ran from the counter to the backyard and found the boss: "Boss, the person who came to our shop to sell low-grade drugs last time came again."

"Okay, you'd better go out to receive him as soon as possible."

The boss nodded and asked the apprentice to go out as soon as possible, and he followed behind.

The low-grade drugs Marcus brought in the last time were out of his expectation.

The first buyer bought all of them.

He had earned a total of 100 gold coins from the five bottles of medicine alone.

It was a cash cow.

Marcus waited for a few minutes before the apprentice came out and poured him a glass of water eagerly.

This was a different treatment from last time.

It seemed that the people in the pharmacy had already felt that the drugs he brought were different.

Marcus sat on the chair calmly. The boss also came out. It looked like that he was in a hurry and still breathed heavily.

"Mr. Marcus is here at the right time. The drugs you sent to our shop last time have been sold out. Here is the money for selling drugs."

The boss sat next to Marcus, took out a wallet, and pushed it in front of him.

Holding the heavy bag in his hand, Marcus thought for a while and knew that there were more than 400 gold coins in it.

The medicine materials cost at most more than 200 gold coins, and after it was made, it could be sold for more than 400 gold coins.

The pharmacist was a man of great value. With his ability, he couldn't lack money.

The boss gave him the money and stared at the drugs Marcus brought.

Seeing that Marcus didn't say anything, he couldn't wait to ask, "Sir, is that the prepared new drug?"

"Yes, this is the same medicine as last time. I put it here."

Marcus put the drugs in the boss's hand.

This time, he brought more than 30 bottles of the low-grade drug.

The boss smiled happily and said, "No problem. Sir, put it in my shop, you don't need to worry about it."

"By the way, you have low-grade body-building drugs and strength drugs, right? Give me three bottles of each."

All of a sudden, Marcus mentioned buying these two kinds of drugs.

The boss was surprised, but he didn't think too much. He nodded and said, "Yes, I have."

The shop assistant was smart enough to bring Marcus the two kinds of drugs he wanted.

"Here is the drug money." Marcus took out 40 gold coins from his purse and put them on the table.


The fat boss rolled his eyes and pushed back another ten coins. "You're too polite. I'll just charge a cost."

Marcus didn't refuse him and left the drug shop with these things.

Now it was too monotonous to have only one low-grade drug.

So Marcus bought some body-building drugs and strength drugs to see if they could work.

If the two kinds of drugs could be improved, the effects would naturally be better.

After returning home, Marcus immediately opened the body-building drugs and the strength potion and put them in front of him.

First of all, Marcus tasted them.

These two kinds of drugs were both bitter.

"Bah, bah, bah!"

He spits out the drug subconsciously.

Then Marcus poured the drugs into the crucible.

As the temperature of the flames outside gradually rose, the drugs boiled inside.

Marcus stared at the crucible without blinking.

If it was refined again, these drugs would react.

"Silver soul herb, red candle fruit, snow divine herb."

Marcus murmured and guessed the formula of the body-building drug.

But there was another herb.

Marcus closed his eyes to smell the air. A moment later, an idea occurred to him. "It's the ivy fruit."

It turned out that the formula of the body-building drug was like this. Marcus happened to have these herbs now, so he immediately tried copying them.

Now that Marcus wanted to strengthen his body, he boldly added the drug that it didn't have before.

The temperature of the crucible was balanced, and the medicinal materials gradually gathered in it.

When the final product appeared, Marcus patted his thigh excitedly.

"It's done!"

All of them were cracked.

Marcus stood up immediately, wiped off the herbs on his body, and ran to the medicine shop.

He bought all the medicinal materials he needed.

These were all medicinal materials that could help to enhance one's strength.

Marcus put all the medicinal materials beside him and began to refine them in seclusion.

The crucible didn't stop for a moment. Marcus boldly added medicinal materials in various ways.

After a tube of the drug was finished, Marcus picked it up and drank it.

He felt the change caused by the medicine in his body.

Strength was surging in his body. It seemed that he wanted to find a way to vent out, but Marcus didn't restrain himself.

He clenched his fists and hammered hard on the ground. Instantly, cracks appeared on the ground and spread around. His strength had been increased.

He continued to make the next drug.

Marcus regarded himself as an experimental subject.

He ate all the medicinal materials and drugs he had prepared.

The pile of herbs beside him had shrunk from a large pile at the beginning to now.

Marcus hadn't eaten much till now.

These herbs were his food.