Chapter 14 Watson's Goodwill

With the help of the drugs to strengthen his body, Marcus's progress was obvious.

He didn't come out of his room until two weeks later.

Marcus's body is now suffused with the smell of medicinal herbs

He walked to the middle of the courtyard. It was only a few steps, but he looked a little unusual.

He was still the same person, but now he had a more frightening feeling.

Marcus closed his eyes slightly and condensed the strength in his body.

A long sword appeared in his hand.

As he slowly raised his hand, the sword light appeared.

The sound of breaking air came from the surroundings, and the air was about to concede the sword move.

Meteor strike!

It was obvious that the same swordsmanship was different this time.

Wherever the meteor strike came, everything was cut in half.

When it fell on the wall of the yard, it could also leave a very deep trace, which could almost penetrate.

The school wall had been reinforced on purpose.

Marcus looked at the result with satisfaction and a smile appeared on his face.

His strength had been greatly improved in the past two weeks.

But the sword in his hand was a bit of a drag on him.

Marcus lowered his head to look at the sword in his hand. It was too thin and fragile.

This sword couldn't fully display his strength, so he had to change it as soon as possible.

It happened that he hadn't gone out recently. He took this opportunity to change a handy iron sword for himself.

Marcus changed his clothes and left the school to the street.

He hadn't come out for a long time, and the life surrounding him made him feel a little uncomfortable.

There was a blacksmith shop in front of him.

The craftsmen were now at the door, holding iron hammers to temper the iron pieces in his hands.

Every time the hammer fell, the iron ingot slowly condensed into the shape of a sword in his hand.

Marcus glanced at the shop and then walked towards the blacksmith shop.

"Are you free now? I want to make an iron sword that suits me."

"Okay, come with me."

The craftsmen dropped the iron sword into the cold water nearby to cool it down instantly and took Marcus to the shop.

Many finished products were hanging on the wall.

"What kind of sword do you want?" The craftsmen turned to ask.

"I want a sword that suits me." Marcus said slowly.

"Since you want the most suitable sword for you, it will have to be tailored according to your preferences." The craftsman nodded, looked at Marcus, and suddenly said, "I have a sword here. Let me show you if you are satisfied."

He turned around and walked to the back. A moment later, he came back with a black cloth bag in his hand.

What was wrapped in it was a sword.

Marcus opened the bag and saw a sword in it.

It was a black iron sword. A cold light flashed across its surface, but it looked ordinary.

Originally, Marcus had planned to customize one, but when he saw it, he couldn't take his eyes off it.

He stretched out his hand and picked up the iron sword. Regardless of its weight and the feeling of holding it in his hand, it was just right.

"This sword is not bad." Marcus nodded with satisfaction.

"Of course, this sword was just forged by me some time ago. Ordinary people may not be able to control its power, but I think you are very suitable." The craftsmen said proudly.


Marcus hesitated. After all, this was not what he had thought before.

"Uncle Saul, have you finished making our customized gloves?"

At this time, there was a sudden shout from outside.

The craftsman Saul turned around and walked out. Marcus also saw the two people coming in.

Marcus had seen them before in the colosseum.

They were Watson and Parker.

Of course, the two of them also saw Marcus. They exchanged glances instantly.

At that time, in the colosseum, Marcus's performance was amazing.

The man who appeared all of a sudden squeezed into the crowd of masters in the school.

But Marcus left after finishing the challenge.

Although Watson wanted to meet him, he didn't have the chance.

Now it was a coincidence that they met here.

Saul had already taken out a set of iron gloves that they had customized.

Watson took it and thanked Saul, walking towards Marcus.

"Hello, I'm Watson and he's Parker. We are from the same school. I saw you before when you challenged in the colosseum."

"Yes, five minutes. The last meteor strike is very accurate. I've heard it from Watson."

Parker was casual, but his appreciation for Marcus was not false.

At that time, Watson admired Marcus very much. He was also a person who often challenged others. He knew that it was not easy for him to pass the challenge so quickly.

Only masters could do that.

"Thank you!" Marcus replied with a smile.

"You're welcome. We can learn from each other in the future."

Watson was trying to get close to him.

"No problem."

Marcus agreed without hesitation.

People like Watson and Parker were also geniuses in the school.

Since they took the initiative to show their affection, of course, he didn't have to reject them.

It was not a bad thing to make friends with them.

"Ding Dong."

"Congratulations, host. I've found that you can copy the talent now."

"Talent master, Parker, has the talent of a middle-level knight,"

At this time, the system also suddenly reminded him.

A middle-level knight talent was not bad.

"Copy." Marcus recalled.

"Talent is being copied."

"Talent has been copied."

"Congratulations, the host has a middle-level knight talent."

"Tomorrow is the mid-term examination. See you tomorrow. I feel sorry to bother you."

It was good enough for them to talk to Marcus for the first time they met. Watson proposed tomorrow's appointment.

"Okay, see you tomorrow at the school." Marcus agreed.

Watson patted Parker's back and the two left the blacksmith shop.

Marcus had been holding the iron sword in his hand since he came here. He felt it more and more suitable for him.

"Boss, how much is this iron sword? I want to buy it."

The craftsman stepped forward and laughed brightly. "This iron sword is worth 800 gold coins. I'll give you just 700 gold coins."

The iron sword was really expensive.

Marcus tried to bargain, but the boss had already made a concession. In the end, he had to buy it at the price of 700 gold coins.

The bonus and money earned from selling drugs these days were almost used up after buying an iron sword.

Marcus paid the money to the boss. There were only a few gold coins left in the bag.

It had been heavy before, but now it was light.

Holding the sword he had bought, Marcus walked out of the shop.

He just bought a sword. If there was anything else he wanted, he really couldn't afford it at all.

Making money was urgent now.

Marcus made up his mind that he would try his best to make the drug.

Now, it was his way to make money.