Chapter 628 Ancient Demons

Arthur suddenly remembered that he seemed to have seen the relevant records in a book before, so he was not sure at all.

"I remember I saw it in a book before. It said that this kind of dark secret skill would hurt humans."

Arthur's biggest concern was that the king of the Detta Kingdom might have taken action against others.

"I also suspect that, but I can't rule out the possibility at present."

Marcus thought that only when they got to know about what was going on in front of Hades would they understand what was going on.

"Well, don't think too much now. Let's figure out a way first!"

Marcus immediately took them to a village with people. He saw that the people here were relatively happy and stable.

Marcus gave the money he brought to these people.

He gave the child to them and hoped they could take good care of the baby.

"Please take care of him. This money is our allowance. You can take it and buy yourself something."