Chapter 5 You Are Just a Cold-Blooded Man

Liu Yun's face darkened. "Su Yu, you can't say that. You went out by yourself ten years ago. How did we hurt you? We've been looking for you for a long time. And your brother is living well now."

"Mother, don't talk nonsense with her. She is an ungrateful woman. Her mother did such a terrible thing before, and she didn't hide her real identity, she even dared to make a scene at the wedding. She has no shame, but our family still has shame!"

Being exasperated by the photos, Su Jing slapped Su Yu across the face.

Su Yu grabbed her arm and pulled it back with more strength. The crisp sound echoed in the hall.

However, she couldn't bear it anymore. Her hand slapped on Su Jing's face and four or five slaps fell on her face. She didn't stop until her mouth and nose were bleeding.

"Good at confounding black and white. A woman like you still wants to play up to a rich man, don't you look at yourself in the mirror?"

Su Jing had never been wronged like this. Her hair was disheveled elegantly, and her white wedding dress was stained with blood. She immediately shed tears. "Dad, mom, she hit me. How dare she hit me!"

Su Tinglan felt sorry for her, "Su Yu, she is your sister. How can you do this to her? Besides, today is her wedding. Isn't it a shame for the Su family?"

"Well, now you have the face?" Looking at her own hand, Su Yu said with a regretful look, "When you abandoned your wife and son and insisted on marrying a tramp, how could you be so shameless?"

Gritting his teeth, Su Tinglan's face darkened. "Su Yu, there's a misunderstanding. Let's talk about it later. If you still regard me as your father, you go back first."

"Unfortunately, I don't take you as my father. As a phoenix man who relies on my mother, you're not qualified?"

With a cold smile, Su Yu said, "When you first married my mother, you started from scratch with the help of grandfather's family. After you grew up, you married this mistress who intervened in other people's marriage."

"I used to think that you were provoked, but now I know that you are just a cold-blooded man. You have long wanted to abandon my mother!"

The aura around her was so strong, like the trumpet vine blooming at the top, there was an air of condescension all over her.

"Shut up!" Su Jing interrupted her with a shrill voice, "Don't think others will believe you just because you say a few words."

"You are the one who should shut up. Do you have the right to interfere? Deal with your dirty relationship first."

With a sneer in her cold eyes, Su Yu took out a thick stack of paper from her bag and threw it into the crowd.

Not knowing what was going on, everyone picked it up.

Glancing at the Su family for a week, Su Yu raised her chin proudly and said, "You said that I didn't have any evidence, didn't you? Today I'll let you know. It's a detailed description of all the timelines and what Su Tinglan has done. Please observe it carefully and spread it widely. I'm looking forward to being on the top search."

Su Tinglan's eyes widened in surprise. He tried in vain to grab the documents scattered in the air, but they had already been in the hands of everyone. There was no room for him to catch them.

However, Su Yu, who had been slapping him in the face, quickly disappeared from everyone's sight. No one knew where she had gone.

She was like a wisp of smoke, coming and leaving silently, and no one could catch her trace.

The reputation of the Su family had been ruined, and they were so busy that Su Yu didn't want to stay there for a long time. She left the hotel soon.

As soon as she arrived at the door, she was suddenly stopped by a Bentley.

The window was rolled down, revealing Shen Moyan's sharp and handsome face.

He put one of his hands on the edge of the car and smiled evilly, "Are you leaving now?"