Chapter 6 He Insisted It

Although he had a smile on his face, his eyes were still unfathomable, making it impossible for anyone to pry into his thoughts.

She must have seen this pair of eyes before!

Su Yu's eyes wandered around the man. Suddenly, a light flashed in her eyes. "Wait, it's you."

The man she met in the forest that day!

"It seems that you still remember." Moyan looked down at her with a lazy and noble expression all the time. "You destroyed my wedding and made me cuckold in public. Don't you want to compensate me?"

"I can't help you to find a wife, but if you want to cure your illness, I have enough medicine here."

Su Yu took out a small bottle from her bag and threw it into his hand.

"This is called omnipotent medicine. It can suppress your malignant disease. Take it if you need it. Don't die of pain."

As soon as the man appeared in the forest that day, Su Yu knew why he came.

There was black smoke between his eyebrows. He must have some malignant disease that he wanted to ask her master for help.

But his master had already stopped doing this ten years ago. She was afraid that he would be disappointed.

She would like to be a good person today.

Just then, a taxi came over.

Waving her hand at him, Su Yu said casually, "I'm sorry I can't keep you company. See you...forget it. Don't meet again."

In a flash, she got in the car and disappeared into the traffic.

Shen Moyan slowly spread out his slender fingers and looked down at the medicine left by her. The look in his eyes became more and more playful.

This girl was really interesting.

Since she didn't want to see him, he insisted it.

No chance, but he had to meet her.

After leaving, the first thing Su Yu did was to look for her mother and grandmother.

At that time, her master had asked someone to send her seriously injured and mentally ill mother to her grandmother's house to take care of her, and left a large amount of money for her treatment.

But after she came back, her grandmother's address changed. She did many investigations and knew that the money had already been privately misappropriated by her uncle and aunt, and that they had owed usury. In order to avoid debts, they went everywhere.

Su Yu arrived at a cheap housing area according to the address she had investigated. Looking at the low house and the dirty environment in front of her, Su Yu frowned tightly.

At this moment, a staggering figure came out of a small door with a large bag of garbage in her hand.

She stooped and looked very thin. Every step she took was trembling as if she could fall at any time.

Su Yu's heart twitched in pain.


When she was about to step forward, a familiar sarcastic voice came from the door, "You're so old but you don't even know how to pour out the trash. It's disgusting. Can you be a little cleaner? You don't have many years to live, and why don't you accumulate good virtues for yourself?"

Another man's harsh voice echoed, "Oh, mother, how much money have you hidden? Don't let us force you every day. Isn't it better to give the money to your son than to bring it to the grave?"

Su Yu's face darkened. Although ten years had passed and her memory was blurry, she could remember it right!

They were her uncle Feng Jianping and aunt Zhao Ruzhi!

She had thought that even if they couldn't be filial, at least they could be a person with money.

But they didn't even be a person!

She quickly walked forward, held the old woman's arm and whispered, "Grandma, let me take you away."

Startled, the old woman turned around trembling. She stumbled back and covered her face with her hands. "Who are you? I don't know you. Don't touch me!"

It was not until then that Su Yu realized that her grandmother's old body was covered with crisscross blue and purple marks.

She was abused!