Chapter 9 No Longer the Past

Why did this sound so bad?

After being angry, Zhao Ruzhi suddenly had an ominous premonition. "What do you mean... Make it clear! Are you back to stir up trouble?"

With a meaningful smile, Su Yu turned around and helped her grandma leave.

The old woman was curious, so she asked with concern, "Su Yu, where did you get so much money? You can't give it to them. They are greedy and will kill you!"

"It's okay, grandma. Don't worry. I borrowed all the money." It was rare for her to be so gentle.

"Then how can you pay back so much money!" The old woman was still worried.

As soon as they arrived at the center of the alley, they saw two people riding a motorcycle rushing in.

The two of them were all dressed in black and wore sunglasses, looking extremely dangerous.

With a calm look on her face, Su Yu nodded at them and continued to help her grandma walk forward. "Someone will help me pay back the money. Grandma, don't worry."

Since they had been hiding for so many years, she would help to invite the usurer here in person and do a good thing.

In less than three minutes, a shrill scream suddenly came from the place where they had just left, as if someone had cut off someone's flesh.

The old woman turned her head in horror. With one hand supporting her, Su Yu covered her eyes with the other and said casually, "Don't be afraid. It's not a big deal."

But there was a flash of great hatred in her eyes.

The old woman didn't say anything more. She just felt that her granddaughter had changed completely this time.

That was good. She wouldn't be bullied.

After getting in the taxi, Su Yu told him the address.

She temporarily chose a place for her grandmother to live there, which was safer and didn't need to worry.

Soon, a piece of news hit the top search.

"According to the latest news, a middle-aged couple owed a huge amount of usury, and their hands and feet were broken because they were unable to pay it back!"

It was self-evident who the couple was.

After Su Yu settled her grandma down, the next one would be her brother.

Although Su Tinglan was a beast, the only thing he had done right for so many years was not to really kill her brother under the pressure of public opinion, but to reluctantly keep his life until now.

His brother was seriously ill at a young age. In order to threaten her mother not to expose what he had done, he had been threatening her with his medical fee!

If he couldn't kill her brother, he would slow down his dosage and make him suffer from all kinds of chronic diseases, dying all day long.

This time, she was going to take her brother out of the bitter life.

As soon as she came out of the house where grandma was arranged, her phone rang.

As soon as the line was connected, Su Jing's hysterical voice came through, "Little bitch, your short-lived brother is here with me. Come and see me immediately. Otherwise, I will inject the aphrodisiac into his body. His body can't withstand this kind of thing. At that time, I'm afraid that his blood vessels will burst all over his body, and then..."

"Su Jing, if you want to live a few more years, don't do anything to him. Otherwise, I will make you beg for death!" Clenching her phone tightly, Su Yu said coldly.

"I'm the one in charge now. Don't be so arrogant! If you don't want him to die, come to Black Horse Club to find me immediately. I only give you 20 minutes. If you come one minute later, I'll add another wound on his body, wait and see!"

Su Jing hated her arrogant tone very much. She was no match for her ten years ago. Why should she do that now?