Chapter 10 You Can't Live Even If You Destroy Me

In Black Horse Club.

Su Yu's brother lay on the sofa, barely breathing. His neck was tightly held by Su Jing.

He raised his eyelids with difficulty, trying to stop her from coming.

Without hesitation, Su Jing slapped him on the face and said in a sharp voice, "If she doesn't come, you will die here today! I'll see if she is tough or you are tough!"

"Su Yu, I tell you. Don't think you can leave after ruining my wedding. I'll make you pay for it. I'll make you pay with your life!"

She screamed hysterically, almost sobbing blood. As if she hadn't heard it, Su Yu was worried about her brother's safety.

"I promise you, but if my brother loses one finger, I will knock down all your ten fingers one by one to feed the dogs!"

She quickly hung up the phone and borrowed a motorcycle nearby.

Her long legs stepped up and strode towards the club.

She was slender and wore clean black clothes. When she rode on the motorcycle, it was like a scenery line on the roadside. Countless pairs of eyes fell on her frequently.

But she had no time to care about it. It took her about 5 minutes that was originally 15 minutes' drive to get to the address that Su Jing told her.

According to her request, she came to the second floor, but it was quiet inside.

At this moment, four bodyguards suddenly rushed over from the dark and tightly grabbed her wrist without demur.

Unable to break free, Su Yu asked angrily, "What are you doing?"

"Weren't you very arrogant at the wedding? I thought you were very powerful. Now you don't even have the strength to struggle!"

Su Jing walked out of a room and held her brother in her arms.

At this moment, his brother had no reaction at all, allowing Su Jing to forcefully pull him out.

Seeing his thin body rubbing against the ground, Su Yu's heart almost broke.

"Your photos almost ruined the rest of my life. I want you to clarify to the media that the photos are fake, and you have to kneel down and apologize to me. I want the video!"

With a crazy smile on her face, Su Jing waved the needle in her hand and said arrogantly, "If you don't agree, the needle will stab into your brother's neck the next second. I'll see how long he can hold on!"

With an expressionless face, Su Yu clenched her fists and said, "You haven't changed at all. Back then, in order to step on me, you had tried every means to be a demon, but so what? You couldn't even get into the upper class. Now you still have to rely on threats and do something bad."

"Bullshit! Do you think you deserve it? If you hadn't come back, I would have married Shen Moyan and become a rich lady in the upper class. You deserve to die!" Su Jing dangled the needle back and forth, "I want you to die. You can't live even if you destroy me!"

"Didn't you hear it clearly at the wedding? He's going to marry me, not you, a dirty woman. Your mom is still a mistress who relies on premarital pregnancy to force into a marriage!" Su Yu said word by word with a calm look on her face.

Su Jing's eyes were bloodshot. She hated being called the daughter of a mistress the most!

"Break her hands and feet. Let me see how arrogant she is!" She roared, "I only hate that I didn't ask the driver to crush you a few more times and break your bones inch by inch. Otherwise, I wouldn't have suffered such a great humiliation today!"