Chapter 14 Enter the Jiang Family

After leaving the villa, Su Yu tightened her coat and rushed back home. She turned on the computer and typed on the keyboard.

Within a few seconds, she found all the information about the Jiang clan.

Then, her eyes fell on a bar, and the corners of her mouth slightly rose.

It happened that she was given a chance to enter the Jiang clan successfully!


The second day, when she arrived at the Jiang clan's villa, she saw two security guards.

"Hello, two. I want to see Mr. Jiang Mingcheng. Please inform him for me."

One of the security guards glanced at her up and down and said with disdain, "Do you have an appointment? We won't help you inform him if you don't have an appointment. Our master runs around every day, so he doesn't have time to see an idler like you!"

Hearing that, she sneered, "I'm here to treat Mrs. Jiang. If you offend me, aren't you afraid of being kicked out of the villa? Don't forget how much Mr. Jiang loves Mrs. Jiang!"

Hearing this, the security guard's face changed.

But being suppressed by such a woman, he was inevitably unhappy, so he shouted, "What evidence do you think you are a doctor? We have never seen you. If you come to treat Mrs. Jiang, why don't you receive butler?"

"Evidence?" Su Yu snorted. She took out a silver needle and stabbed it into the guard's right neck. Then she withdrew it and said, "This is the evidence."

The security guard was stunned for a few seconds. When he realized what had happened, his eyes widened in disbelief. "How, how did you do it?"

Because of excessive drinking, he felt a little depressed and short of breath in the past two days. As soon as he was stabbed by the woman with a needle, he immediately felt happy both physically and mentally!

With a smile, Su Yu said, "No matter what, please inform him for me."

"Okay, okay, I'll be right there." The security guard changed his disdain and rushed in.

In a moment, the butler came over and said with a smile, "Is this lady a doctor?"

"Yes, I'm here to treat Mrs. Jiang."

"Please follow me."

After several turns, Su Yu followed the butler to Jiang Mingcheng's study.

With his back to her, Jiang Mingcheng could still feel the unique aura of a businessman.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Jiang. I'm the doctor who volunteered to treat your wife," said Su Yu, lowering her head.

Jiang Mingcheng turned around and said seriously, "I've never heard that you're a doctor. Where did you come from?"

"I'm just a country doctor, but I'm sure I can cure her old illness."

"Are you sure? Humph, what I want is not confidence, but must. If you don't have that confidence, please leave."

After saying that, Jiang Mingcheng left without casting a glance at Su Yu.

Su Yu frowned.

She didn't expect that the chairman of the Jiang group would be so difficult to deal with.

In that case...

"Mr. Jiang, wait!" She ran after him.

Jiang Mingcheng turned around and asked, "What else can I do for you?"

"I know your wife has been suffering from the cold leg for a long time, even to the point of extreme pain. I have a pill here." Then she took out a black pill from her pocket and said, "I can take it if you don't believe me. But you can ask your wife to take it. In less than a minute, she will feel less pain in her leg."

Suspicion and vigilance flashed through Jiang Mingcheng's eyes. "How can I be sure that you didn't poison it?"

"I have a silver needle here. If it is poisoned, it will be tested. Mr. Jiang, you can have a try."

Then she put a bag of silver needles in front of Jiang Mingcheng.

He took a look at it but didn't take any further action.

He looked at Su Yu again, she was just a little girl, where was her confidence from?


Since she was confident, why not wait for a minute? After all, if something happened to her, she must know that she couldn't escape!

Thinking of this, he passed the bag of silver needles and signaled the butler to take the pill.

"Let her drink it. If she still feels pain in a minute, just drag the doctor out and kill her!"

Consuela heaved a sigh of relief. "Thank you for giving me this opportunity, Mr. Jiang!"

As long as Mrs. Jiang took that pill, she would be left behind!

As expected, a minute later, butler rushed over and shouted in surprise.

"Lahore, Lady Sue's leg doesn't hurt anymore. She said that she was less depressed and short of breath!"

"In that case..." Jiang Mingcheng turned to look at her, less vigilant. "What condition do you need to cure her completely?"

No wonder he was a businessman. He was good at scheming. He could tell at a glance that she came here for another purpose.

But how could she tell him her purpose?

With a smile, Su Yu said, "I'm an ordinary person. I don't like anything except money. After I get it, I want one million."

"Only one million?"

For the Jiang clan, this was just a drop in the bucket.

"Yes, as long as one million. Although I love money, I'm not greedy. Such a person has no good end since ancient times." Said Su Yu calmly.

The next second, Jiang Mingcheng burst into laughter in the corridor.

He couldn't help but sigh, "I didn't expect you to be so smart at such a young age. If my son could be like you, I would have no regret."

"You flatter me. I'm just a little clever. I'm not as wise as you think."

"Well, don't be modest. How long will it take for you to treat my wife? Or does it work once?"

After thinking for a while, she said, "About a month. Although my medicine is effective, your wife's illness has accumulated over the years. If you want to completely root it out, you have to take your time."

One month was enough for her to find the specific location of the magic pill.

Jiang Mingcheng nodded and then ordered butler, "In that case, take her downstairs to arrange a guest room."

"Yes, mister."

Butler led Su Yu across the garden and introduced her one by one.

At this time, a burst of laughter came from not far away.

"Young master, don't..."

The man's voice was a little sexy. "You were not so indecisive when you came to me before."

Hearing this, butler immediately ran over and scolded, "What are you doing? Yu, how dare you have an improper desire for the young master! Make clear of your identity!"

Yu knelt in a hurry, "Butler, I'm sorry. I, I'm just out of my mind. I won't do it again."

"Butler, I want to see her. Why do you blame her?" The man named young master snorted and said, "Besides, what's wrong with me finding a woman? My father didn't even ask about it. Are you too nosy?"

Butler was frightened to sweat. When he was about to say something, Su Yu had already walked up to him.

"Butler, are you going to take me to my guest room? Let's go."