Chapter 15 In a Dilemma

"Yes, I'll take you there right away." Knowing that Su Yu was helping her out, butler turned around and was about to leave.

At this time, the man shouted discontentedly, "Wait! You disturbed my pleasure. Who allows you to leave!"

Butler froze and thought about what to say.

It couldn't be said that the master didn't like his behavior and asked him to keep an eye on him all the time?

In that case, the Jiang clan would probably be turned upside down again.

"Why don't you say anything? I'm the young master. I'm asking you!"

Turning her head back, Su Yu said coldly, "Young master, it's you who flirted with others in broad daylight. Why did you blame others for seeing that?"

What a bastard Jiang Muye was!

Hearing this, Jiang Muye was about to look at the woman who spoke in a cold voice. Suddenly, a touch of amazement flashed through his eyes.

He had never seen such a beautiful woman before.

Su Yu's beauty was not as enchanting as that of ordinary women. She was a little clear in her bones, and even a little alienated. Because of this, people wanted to get closer and explore.

With a smile at the corners of his mouth, Jiang Muye went straight to her and reached out a hand. "This lady is so beautiful. I wonder if she has a boyfriend. If not, can you accompany me to have a cup of coffee?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the faces of butler and Yu changed at the same time.

The former was shocked that he hooked up with the doctor who was checking for his mother as soon as he flirted with the servant, while the latter was jealous and resentful.

Glancing at Jiang Muye, a dash of repulsion flashed through her eyes. "Young master, I'm not interested in people like you. Stay away from me."

Then she said to the butler, "Let's go."

After the two of them left, Jiang Muye stared at the back of Su Yu with great interest.


He had seen so many flowers, and now it was interesting to see a pure snow lotus.

He turned to Yu and asked, "What's the name of that woman? Where did she come from?"

Yu immediately replied, "Young master, that's the doctor who came to treat Ms. Jiang. She didn't come until today."


He smiled, "It doesn't look like that."

She was like a wild cat. When she was pressed too hard, she could even scratch you a few times.

Seeing this, Yu's eyes flashed with unwillingness and jealousy.

The young master had been sweet to her just now, but now all her attention was focused on the doctor.

How could that woman be more beautiful than her?


When they arrived at the living room, Su Yu lay on the bed wearily and told Su Heng that she was safe.

As long as he and Shen Moyan were there, grandma would be fine.

As for the magic pill...

After hesitating for a while, Su Yu left the guest room and walked around the Jiang family's house.

After a few steps, she saw a servant watering the flowers. She immediately walked over and said, "Hello."

The servant was stunned and looked back at her. "Hello, what can I do for you?"

"I'm the new doctor for Mrs. Jiang. May I know what kind of herb you have?"

"Herbs? No, we only planted flowers."

Confused, Su Yu shook her head. "That's strange. I've heard that there are some magic pills. Did I hear it wrong from butler?"

"Doctor, why don't you ask butler again? He has been in the Jiang family for many years, but I'm just a newcomer, so I don't know much about it."

Hearing that, Su Yu smiled and said, "Okay, I'll go to see him now. Thank you."

After she left, the smile on her face faded away.

She also wanted to ask butler, but he was loyal to Jiang Mingcheng. If she was suspicious, she was afraid that she couldn't stay any longer.

When she was thinking, a basin of cold water splashed at her feet, followed by a sharp and harsh sneer.

"Doctor, if you are here to cure Ms. Jiang, don't walk around, lest you affect our work."

Frowning, Su Yu raised her head and recognized the woman in front of her at the first sight was Yu, the maid who had just flirted with Jiang Muye.

She sneered, "I've never heard of it. When can a servant attack a guest?"

"Of course, I can't be hard to guests, but I can't be soft to a fox like you!"

Looking at Yu's twisted face, Su Yu raised her eyebrows and asked, "A fox?"

"If it weren't for you, how could young master abandon me? I might have become his wife. It's all your fault. You ruined my bright future!" Yu clenched her nails and let them sink into her skin, leaving blood marks.

The reason why she came here was that she wanted to marry a young master. Now, he had lost interest in her!

It was all because of this doctor!

How could she let it go!

Hearing that, a mocking smile appeared at the corners of Su Yu's mouth. "Really? That only proves that you are not charming enough to be a tool for excessive emotions. It seems that you don't know yourself well enough."

"You! You are the tool man! Young master loves me so much. How could he use me as a tool? I don't know how much jewelry he has given me these days!"

After saying that, Yu proudly showed the necklace around her neck and wrist.

Upon hearing this, Su Yu was speechless.

It seemed that Jiang Muye had done a lot of harm to this woman. She even forgot who she was.

"He has nothing to do with me. I don't have time to waste with you."

When Su Yu was about to leave, Yu blocked her way. She glared at her and said, "Who told you to leave? You seduced a man and you want to leave so easily?"

Out of patience, Su Yu sneered, "What do you want?"

Yu waved her hand. Immediately, two or three of her friends ran behind her and stared at Su Yu with hatred.

"Bitch, we have to teach you a lesson today!"

"How dare you seduce young master? Who are you? Don't you know who you are?"

As soon as they finished speaking, they pounced on her and grabbed her arm.

She dodged lightly and jumped a few meters away.

"I didn't want to get into trouble, but there are some things that are not human beings, so I have to reluctantly exercise my muscles and bones."

As soon as Su Yu finished speaking, she took a step forward, grabbed one of theme’s arms, and threw her into the flowering shrubs nearby. That girl fainted on the spot!

The others had never seen such a situation. Even so, Yu still shouted fiercely, "Bitch! You are not simple! We can't let her go, or we will have no way to live in the future!"

Seeing that they were about to rush over again, Su Yu wanted to make a move, but she saw the butler coming over not far away.

With a thought, she dodged the servants and fell to the wall.

"What are you doing? What's going on?" Butler ran to her and helped her up. "Doctor Su, are you okay?"