Chapter 1

I moved out of Vincent's household in my junior year because I found a hybrid vampire angel. She was abused and malnourished; I live above Mr. Sapping's store.

"Mama, the Vincent's sent a letter.", my little girl, Jessica yells out.

"Can you put it on the coffee table.", I yell back while finishing packing her things.

Once I'm done, I head towards the living room where she was to see her watching cartoons; picking the letter up, and ruffle her hair.

"Mama!", she cries out, trying to fix her hair.

Walking towards the kitchen while reading the letter; Raina, you need to pick those following things from their places, and you must bring them before sundown today!

Six packages of blood from Pure Blood

Molly's supplies for college from Miss Sullivan's Magic Books

Three anti-nausea and a pet cat from Sapping's Powerful Potions and Magical Creatures

Inks from Karmay's Inks and Quills


"Jessy; do you want to go with me or stay with Mr. Sapping?", I called out.

"I'll go with you.", she says coming into the kitchen.

"Mhm, get your shoes, I'll be right there.", I tell her before heading to my bedroom.

Grabbing my skateboard and my wallet I head back to the kitchen area to see Jessy listening to her music so I nudge her and we head out. Walking down the stairs, Mr. Sapping was going into his store and when he noticed us, he gave us a wave which we gave one back; placing my skateboard down, Jessy jumped onto it and rode off. Letting out a soft laugh, I jog to catch up with her and when I do, I see her in line at Slender's Sweet Stand. Creeping up on her, and scaring her.


"Ah!", she yells while turning around, "Mama, not funny."

"Awe, did I spook you?", I ask, with a smile.

She mumbles, "Yes."

Kissing her temple, we wait, which isn't long since there are only three people ahead of us. It's amazing considering this is where everyone goes to grab something small to snack on; as the line continues to move, someone comes up behind us. I learned that if you're not a supernatural being then it's best if you don't look at others unless given permission. Glancing at Jessy, I see her glancing behind us every few minutes; humans aren't allowed to look someone in the eye unless they have permission, which isn't right, but there is nothing I can do, yet.

"How are my two favorite customers doing?", Mr. Slender asks.

"We're doing amazing; mama has errands to run from the Vincents.", Jessy tells him.

"Well then, I won't take too much of your time. What can I get you two?", he says then asks.

"I'll have the cinnamon twists, please.", she answers.

"I'll have my usual, thanks.", I told him while handing him the money.

He was about to open his mouth, but I quickly told him to keep the change. He just shook his head before handing out snacks; opening the bag full of snowflakes, which is milk chocolate covered in powdered sugar. His last name indeed states he is a slenderman which means his eight feet without a face; as we leave, the person behind us exclaims.

"Why did you serve them? One of them is a human."

"And?", he answers.

I couldn't hear what the person said since we were too far away, but the look on Jess's face says she heard him loud and clear. Feeling bad that she has to hear him, I bring her closer to me while she's back on the skateboard, kissing her temple once again as we reach Pure Blood, I get a shiver running down my spine. Definitely not the good way; walking inside with Jess holding my shirt from behind me. Everyone turns to look and I rush to the front desk.

"I'm here to pick up Hazel Vincent's order and I can get two packs of blood as well.", I tell the male.

The male hands me Hazel's order and then walks to the back to give me two more blood packs. As he hands me the two, I feel Jess pull harder on my shirt; taking a glance down at her, then I follow her glance to see a male vampire licking his lips at her. Pulling her to the other side of me before throwing a hard glare at the male. Handing the man a twenty as he tells me that the order is already paid for. Nodding my head, we swiftly made we're way out without bumping into anyone- outside, I let out the breath I was holding. Heading towards Karmay's Inks and Quills, which is right next to Miss Sullivan's Magic Books.

Miss Sullivan comes out with a stack of books; before I could say anything, she speaks, "Good afternoon, Jessica and Raina. Have you gotten your letter from SGI?"

"No, but Molly did.", I tell her as Jessy runs into her store.

Miss Sullivan lets out a laugh as she passes her and then she hands me the order as Miss Karmay comes out.

"Afternoon Raina, where's Jessica?", she asks.

"She ran into Miss Sullivan's store.", I tell her as she hands me a bag while slipping something into my back pocket.

They both smile at me as I call for Jess when she comes out running with the skateboard and a book; letting out a laugh, I hand Miss Sullivan some money as we head back to Mr. Sapping's store. Walking into the building, I called out, "Mr. Sapping?"

"In the back dearies.", he yells out.

Heading towards the back, we see a lot of magical creatures that are new, such as, Firerosy boa, Tigerwolf, Oear, Feaxer, Rouse, and Salynx. As we pass the magical creatures, Jess looks at the Salynx in confusion.

"A Salynx is a mix between a Sable and a Lynx; sometimes it's more Lynx than Sable but it's mostly Sable Lynx.", I explained to her.

Continuing walking until we could see Mr. Sapping; Mr. Sapping is a half-breed, dark elves; this can get mixed up with Svartálfar, which is black elves. Many people are wary of dark elves, but since he's the only one who sells potions, the town isn't too wary of him.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Sapping; I'm here to pick up Mrs. Vincent's order.", I tell him.

"Three potions of anti-nausea and a pet cat.", he says.

"Mr. Sapping, where did you find a Salynx?", Jessy asks.

"One of them was hurt and the other one wouldn't let me take just the one so I took both. Sadly, I haven't been able to get them to eat.", he then explained to us.

"If I'm not mistaken, Salynx eats mice, squirrels, rats, chipmunks, birds, eggs, fish, rabbits, and hares, but it depends on what they are more of.", I state.

Mr. Sapping's eyes go wide before he runs off. Jess just stares at me in shock while her mouth hangs open. Gently closing it, just as he comes back with a mouse and bird; we head back to the animals. He stops at their pen preceding to give me the food; raising an eyebrow at him, he just nudges me to do it, after he takes the books out of my hands, so without further to do, I bend down to the small one and lay the mouse a few inches away from its mouth before doing the same to their sibling. Getting up and taking a step back, we wait for one of them to take a bite; the bigger one of the two took a nibble before devouring the rest of the rabbit, that's when we saw the small one eating its mouse. Smiling at them, I turn back to Mr. Sapping. He hands me the books as Jess comes and hugs me while he teleports us outside the house. A few feet from the front door, Hazel is standing there, pushing Jess behind me out of her line of sight.

"Stay here, I'll come back once I put everything down.", I whisper to her.

Walking closer to Hazel with my eyes down as I gently put the pet down along with everything else that was hers. When I didn't feel her eyes on me anymore, I spun to see Jess uncomfortable, so I let out a small growl while making my way back to my daughter; once I was in front of Jess and I heard the tch sound from Mrs. Vincent.

"Why do you have that disgusting child?", she asks.

"She's not disgusting.", I snapped back.

Mrs. Vincent raises an eyebrow at me before growling out her response, "Did you just snap at me?"

"And if I did?", I state.

"You'll have hell to pay!", she yells.

Rolling my eyes before turning and walking away with Jess.