Chapter 2

Don't you dare walk away from me!", she yells out.

We continued to walk when we heard flipping, so we turned to the sound; we see Mr. Owl and yes, that's his last name.

"Mr. Owl, it's a wonderful surprise to see you.", I tell him.

"Who's Mr. Owl, mama?", Jessy asks, looking between us.

"Mr. Owl is the one who delivers our mail.", I tell her.

She nods her head as Mr. Owl hands me a letter, shocked I gently grab it and open the letter to read it out loud.

Dear Misses Phoenix,

We have accepted you and your daughter at Silverleaf Grove Institute. I would also like to know if you will teach Magical Creatures; Mr. Sapping didn't want to teach because of his store, so he offered you. You'll be required to be at Wolfden's International airport; the flight is Wildbolt, at midnight; of course, you'll be allowed to visit your homes for winter and summer breaks. We very much look forward to receiving you and your daughter, here at SGI. List of everything you'll need us under this:

Bloodcursed Grimoire of Eternal Sorrow by Scarlet Pluto Engatron

Phantom Dreamthron by King Seth

History of Broken Families by Suellen Saneye

Moonshadow, Sculptor of Dark Magic by Rueben Moonshadow

Conqueror's Handbook

Moonshadow, Oath and Care of Magical Creatures by Denise Moonshadow.

Protective gloves

A cauldron

Yours Sincerely,

Headmistress Silvia Angel

Headmistress Silvia Angel

Once I was done reading, I looked over at Jess to see her with a big grin; I've told her about Silverleaf Grove Institute and a little about the world she lives in. Already explained to her how rare it is for a human to get into that college, along with the fact that we have to wait a month before the semester begins. They knew me as a Half-ling, and no, that doesn't mean half-elf; half-ling is someone who has no family of their own because they did not adopt me into Vincent's household. So it mostly made the world up of the supernatural. They all go to Silverleaf Grove Institute, which is in West Siberian Taiga, Russia. I have had this goal ever since I got into high school; I want everyone to be united.

"I'm so glad, I didn't adopt you.", Mrs. Vincent screams.

Rolling my eyes once again, and I place my hand onto Jess's necklace that is covered in teleportation magic from Mr. Sapping; thinking about our home, as we get teleported. Soon as we landed, Jess runs off, following right behind her as she reaches her room. The light blue walls contrast with the dark blue bed she has in the middle of the room, along with her colorful stuffed animals lined up on it. Making my way towards her, gently sitting down, she quickly moves into my arms.

"I'm sorry for causing you problems!", she sobs out.

"Shhh, there's nothing to be sorry about.", I tell her gently.


"I'm human. She would never adopt me.", I stated, cutting her off.

"So, I ruined nothing?", she asks softly while looking up at me.

"Not at all.", I state proudly.

She finally stops crying as her now light grey skin color turns to a slightly darker shade from all the crying she was doing; she gets up and runs to the front door while I quickly follow behind her. Before I could ask what was wrong when Mr. Sapping and Miss Sullivan came into the house. Mr. Sapping was some type of bag while Miss Sullivan was holding a stack of books. Jogging over to them, I took the stack of books out of her hands and put them down next to the coffee table.

"This is from Miss Karmay.", Mr. Sapping tells me while handing the bag.

Curiously, pulling the string open as a small elf comes out, as it blinks its eyes and stretches.

"Um… hello there; my name Raina, what's yours?", I say before asking.

"My name is Jessica but you can call me Jess.", she tells the elf excitedly.

The elf gets slightly spooked from her since he didn't notice her before; he gives her a smile, which in return made the one she was already wearing bigger and brighter.

"Hello, Miss Raina, Miss Jessica-"

"Call me Jess!", she states, interrupting him.

He nods his head before continuing, "My name actually changes with a new owner. I'm the guardian of that bag."

"Oh, maybe Miss Karmay gave me the wrong thing.", I say, mostly to myself.

"She didn't; an elf-like me, we're guardians of objects that our family has been guardians of.", he explained to us.

I can feel Mr. Sapping's eyes on me and the same goes for Miss Sullivan and Jess; glancing over at them as I blush. Putting a small smile on my face, then turning to the small elf. Bring him towards the armchair that's next to the couch that is being taken up by the other three people. Once he sat down, I leaned somewhat against the coffee table as my daughter grabbed my hand and tugs me towards her seat. Sitting down and she gets on top; kissing her temple as I focus my attention back to the elf.

"So, when you say your name changes with a new owner, are you saying that each time they gave you to a different person, they give you a new name?", I asked.

"Yes.", he states.

"What is your name right now then?", Jess asks.

"Brone.", he whispers.

"That name won't do; how about Aaron?", I say, then ask.

His eyes go wide before going back to normal as Jess figures out what his old name names because she jumps from my lap and runs to hug him. Smiling at the scene in front of me as I hear both Mr. Sapping and Miss Sullivan awing at them; not wanting him upset, I quickly think of a name for him and once I have the name, I tell him.

"Aaron is your new name, end, which means mountains of strength."

Both of them smile at his new name while taking a quick glance over his clothes to see them worn out and his feet bruised to no end, just like Jessica. While Jess keeps him busy with the ten thousand questions, neutral-looking, she asks him; I head over to her room and grab a neutral-looking outfit from a small closet as she tells Aaron something.

"You can't call mama or me mistress."

He nods his head, and he looks up; smiling at him, I hand over the outfit and point to the bathroom where he bounces. While we wait for him to come back, Jess goes to the kitchen and grabs some snacks and drinks for our guests; just as Aaron comes out of the bathroom. Wearing the jean shorts with a plain white t-shirt; he stops right in front of the coffee table and takes a better look at everyone. I don't speak since I think he's trying to familiarize himself with everyone.

"Aaron.", I whisper.

His head wipes over to me before they go wide with fear. Realizing what was happening, before I speak again. "You're not in trouble, I was just going to introduce you to everyone here."

He nods his head and heads back to the seat he was in before Jess gets up from my lap again to sit with him, which he doesn't seem to mind.

"Starting with Jess first, she's a vampire angel and the male to her left is Mr. Sapping is a half-breed. Then to his left is Miss Sullivan, who's a witch and then there's me, I'm a human.", I say.

"Sorry to go off-topic, but what did Miss Karmay put in your back pocket?", Jess asks.

"I'm not sure.", I say as I reach into my pocket.