Tj quickly raises his hands before putting them back on the wheel. Glaring at the guy as he tries to hide the smirk that's forming on his face. Not wanting to be more pissed, I put my focus on something other than him, which was outside. Taking notice of the name, Уникальный; I keep my eyes open to see all the unique stores they have. Excited to explore a new place; he parks the car and we all get out, heading over to our other friends to see that Maya wasn't with them.
"Maya ran off.", Zane says bluntly.
Letting out a laugh at how bluntly he said it as if this was a normal occasion. Jess was about to run off as well, but I quickly grabbed the back of her shirt and gave her a knowing look. Pouting while crossing her arms as I let her go; "I'll buy you something from their sweet store if you behave.", I tell her.
Smiling and nodding her head; I glance over at Brandon to see him staring at a store that sells paint, walking over towards that store, when someone pops out of nowhere. Rushing to hold back the urge to punch the poor thing, I harshly bit down on my tongue.
"Welcome to The Fabulous Painting. Is there anything I can help you with?", he asks.
"Do you have any light blue paint?", Jess asks.
"Follow me.", he says while walking away.
Jess skips as she follows behind the worker. Not looking back, I continue to follow them. Taking notice of all the original paint; the light blues were across the aisle from the glow in the dark paint, grabbing a gallon then head over to Jess to see her debating which blue she should get.
"What's the theme you're going for?", I asked her.
"Night.", she squeaks out.
"Then the darker blue would work.", I tell her.
"But wouldn't it make the room even darker?", she asks curiously.
"Maybe, why don't we keep looking.", I say.
She nods her head and we continue to look for the different blues that may work on her plan. Halfway through, she started getting frustrated because she couldn't find the right shade of blue; before she could say or even growl, Tj came to us holding a blue color.
"They called this Sunset blue; it's not too dark, but it's not too light.", he says then explains.
"This is the color, now I just need to find, glow in the dark-"
"I already have that.", I answered, cutting her off.
"Sweet! We just need to find our other friends!", she says happily.
She runs off with us following swiftly behind her; when we turned the corner, she walked straight into Zane's back. Slowly down knowing that she's safe, I look around to see if there's anything else we would need. Grabbing some paint trays, paint roller, paint roller extension pole, a few paintbrushes, and some tape; having some difficulty holding everything. Everything started falling, but Tj was quick enough to stop them. He took some and held them.
"Thanks, that would've been a pain to pick up.", I say.
"Glad to help.", he answers.
"Question, if you don't mind?", I say.
"Ask away.", he says.
"Do you know the oath of taking care of magical creatures?", I ask, getting to the point?
"No, but then again, most people who would take that class won't know it either.", he answers honestly, then asks, "Why?"
"Just curious.", I answered.
Looks like I'll be teaching them the oath as well; that is the first thing they need to know if they want to take care of a magical creature. I'll be needing to ask headmistress Angel about who made the lesson plan. I know it wasn't Mr. Sapping, considering he was the one to teach me the oath. Having made that a mental note, we continue to wonder about the store as everyone grabs what they need, before heading to check out. Most of the lines were full, but it tried to pick the line that looked smaller, which was behind Molly and her friends. Great, just my bloody luck. Taking a deep breath before releasing it, then biting my tongue so I don't say something stupid.