Chapter 10

"You'll have three days before classes start, so take that time to get settled in; I'll give it to you two.", the headmistress said before leaving.

Closing the folder before looking up, I watch as Jess rubs her eyes sleepily, so not take the chance that she'll run into a few things in her bedroom. I lift her up and begin walking towards her room; halfway to her room and she's already passed out. Her sleep schedule is all out of whack, so I don't hold it against her. Laying her down, before covering her up with the blanket, once I was out of her room and back in the living room, I grabbed the key and to find the headmistress's office. Passing a couple of people, as they whisper but honestly not caring, so I pay them no mind at all; after asking for help halfway through, since the key didn't change into a map. Making a mental note of where her office is along with a few classrooms that I passed.

"Come in.", she said before I could knock.

Walking in and heading straight for the chairs that were in front of her desk; not wanting to waste her time, I said, "Do you know how I can change money into Russian rubles?"

"I've set up accounts for every student who's not from Russian and same with the professors. Just put money into the account and you'll be able to take it out in the Russian currency.", she explains.

"Wonderful.", I state happily, then ask, "By chance, would you have a map of the area?"

"Of course, I was going to distribute them tomorrow, but yeah, let me just find them.", she answers.

Waiting patiently for her to find them, I notice a pile of papers on the floor, bending down to pick them up, to see that they are what she was looking for.

"I think I have what you're looking for.", I say while holding the pile out.

"Oh, thank you. Here, if you need anything else, just text me.", she says.

Nodding, I pocketed the map before heading back to my room but was stopped when I ended up getting cornered by either second years or third. Holding back a slight growl, and just settled for a glare. Noticing that there's six of them, two females and the rest are males; once the one female came into the light, I noticed it's Molly. Great, I'm probably going to get threatened. Then I'll get beaten up so they could prove their point.

"Quit being a professor and student, and I'll make sure that you and your disgusting daughter don't get hunted down by vampires.", Molly threatens me.

Holding by an eye roll since I was correct, while fighting the urge to fold my arms and answer with a smart remark. I bit my tongue before leaving, but the male stopped me. He pulls me down to the ground, before kicking my stomach; the other males rush to join while Molly and her friend laugh at my pain. Keeping my screams in while holding the urge to tire them apart; I keep my glare on Molly knowing damn well I'll get her back without her knowing. I won't have cared that she threatened me, but she threatened my daughter and that's a gigantic no no. Once they tire of me, they leave; taking my time, just in case they're linger around. Once I'm sure they're gone, I make my way back to the room to see Jess looking like a headless chicken and a slightly stressed out Maya.


Jessica yells while running towards me, catching her as I hold her close while trying not to hiss in pain. Maya raises an eyebrow with a knowing look; without thinking, I give her a pleading look that probably said ask questions when Jess is asleep, which she nods. Gently putting Jess down, I put a slight fake smile on, before saying, "Why don't you get ready so we can get the things we need for your room." She doesn't look back as she runs to her room with an adorable gray stuffed bear.

"Leave the stuffed animal here!", I yell.

"What the hell happened to you?", Maya asks.

"Got cornered.", I bluntly answered.


"Drop the topic, you can check me over after she goes to sleep.", I snapped.

Nodding her head just as Jess comes skipping out of her room; she grabs Maya's hand then mine as we follow behind her. I lock the door since I was the last one, when she turns to us, looking awkward as she rubs her neck. Shaking my head, while having a smile on my face, Maya leads us to the vehicles when we see Brandon, Zane, and Tj, all leaning on a jeep and another car.

"Alright, who wants to ride with me?", Zane asks.


"I'll go."

Brandon and Maya say together which leaves Jess and I to ride with Tj; not wasting time, we all get the vehicles. Tj pulls out first and Zane follows; staring out the window as I was tree after tree until Tj makes conversation.

"You smell like blood."

Whipping my head to Tj, then glancing to see if Jess heard but let out a sigh when I see her watching a movie. Turning to him again, I glare at him. "Don't you ever do that again.", I say, snapping.

"I'm not apologising.", he answers.

"I'm not asking you to."

"Seems like it.", he states bluntly.

"Aren't you just a ray of sunshine.", I say sarcastically.

"Why yes I am.", he answers with a smirk.

"That sounds more like your ego.", I answered, staring out the window again.

"But I'm being serious, you smell like blood.", he says, bringing the conversation back to the beginning.

"I know.", I state.


"I don't know! Maybe it's because I was fucking jumped by six people but only at beaten by four.", I growled.