Chapter 20

"Mama, have you figured out where I would stay while you're in class?", she asks.

"Yeah, you'll be staying with Silvia.", I tell her.

"Cool; do you know when dinner will be done?", she asks.

"In about two to three minutes, why don't you set the table.", I answered.

She sets the table while I finish dinner before plating it; eating while looking down at my plate, looking up, I see Jess just staring at me, so I ask, "Is there something wrong?"

"No, you have markings on your face now.", she says.

"Yeah, the more I use the power, the more I'll be getting more marks and what not.", I say.

"Mm, do you know what you are?", she asks while eating.

"Well, I'm a bat but because I come from a family of phoenixes, I would have their power, but only when a loved one was threatened.", I explained.

"So- is that why you had those wings?", she starts then finishes.

"Yes.", I say laughing.

We continue eating when Jess makes another conversation; "What's your first class?"

"I don't have class until eleven.", I tell her.

"Can we hang out then?", she asks.

"Sure, is there anywhere you want to go?", I ask.

She stops eating while she thinks; after a while she shrugs her shoulders then eats again. Shaking my head at her but say nothing, I figured that would happen; I asked, "Why don't we go to the park?"

"Yeah! That sounds wonderful.", she states happily.

Nodding my head, as I made a mental note of what we would need for the park; we could go to the park we were before but that was some time away. Washing the dishes while Jess watches a movie in the living room; once done, I head over the books that on places that in Russia, looking for the park section, I see about five in the local area, Парк Уайлдвуд Гарденс, Лунный парк, Спринг Крик Парк, Парк Литтл Сильверлиф Ривер, and Клируотер Медоуз.

"Jess, pick a park you like. There's Wildwood Gardens Park, Moonlight Park, Spring Creek Park, Little Silverleaf River Park, and Clearwater Meadows.", I tell her.

"Moonlight Park.", she says with no hesitation.

"Alright.", I say before reading more on Moonlight Park.

Moonlight Park is known for hybrids to feel comfortable to be both of their creatures without having the fear of being judged. Many parents try to take their non-hybrid children to this park, but they could never get past the gates. Isn't that interesting? I wonder if they tell you if hybrids know about the park or it's just an instinct to pick it? Hybrids pick this park out of instinct more than anything else. That answered that question; it is about a mile and a half from here; placing the book back, I relax on the couch with Jess until it's bedtime for her. There was a knock at the door, so gently taking the sleeping girl from leaning against my shoulder to her laying on the couch, I headed towards the knocking. Opening the door, I see Mr. Sapping, moving out of the way he comes in.

"Sorry, I'm here so late, but I was wondering if you could help me tomorrow afternoon?", he asks.

"What time?", I ask.

"Around four.", he answers.

"Yeah, I have no problem with that. I have a free period so it's all good.", I tell him.

"Wonderful, I'll be going then.", he says.

Heading back to Jess, I pick her up and place her in her bed before turning off the tv and heading towards my room. Deciding that I wouldn't go straight to bed, I put Chucky on since I've seen it more than twice; as the movie plays, I change and relax while opening the second book, reading the history of my family, which probably isn't the best considering it's late and I don't want to wake up my daughter. Taking a breath and beginning reading, The Phoenix household is broken because they have experimented on to become creatures. I stop reading and scan to see that it says the same thing as the history textbook, so I continue to scan the page until I find something that I didn't know. The Phoenixes were allies to the Hybrida-Moon family, but because of their experiment; they broke their alliance with them. The Hybrida-Moon told the Phoenix family that the only way for them to become allies again is if proved that their bloodline isn't tampered. Interesting, I go back to reading once more. There are two ways to prove that. The first one is doing a creature test, but that is mostly for the rich people and the second option is showing them. Since Hybrida-Moon is where all the hybrids end up being equal, many people want to harm them, so when they make allies, they want to make sure that they are well protected; the Phoenixes not only broke their trust, but they also killed the children of the Hybrida-Moon.

Feeling sick to my stomach, I reread the last sentence hoping that it was just seeing things, 'Since Hybrid-Moon is where all the hybrids end up being equal, many people want to harm them so when they make allies, they want to make sure that they are well protected; the Phoenixes not only broke their trust, but they also killed the children of the Hybrida-Moon.' nope, I read that correctly the first time. Breathing out a sigh, I'm realizing that the Phoenixes are more fucked up than what the history book tells us. Well, I don't feel bad about what Reda did to her family. You can't just kill children. If someone kills a child of either light or dark, they are mentally insane and should be killed on the spot, no if and or buts. Closing the book, I place it on the nightstand as I let out another sigh.

"What the fuck is wrong with the Phoenixes?", I ask out loud.

"Everything.", came an answer.