Chapter 26

Scared but more determined to keep Jess safe, I hold my position until Walter comes and takes her- once they're gone, drop the ice barrier and decide to call him out.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are.", I say, taunting him.

Waiting a few minutes, he comes out, hissing. Holding a laugh, I make an ice chair since he enjoys moving so slow; sitting down, I play with my fingers. Finally, he got in front of me just a few feet away- wanting to get to business done so I'm not late for class.

"Is there a reason you're not with your babysitters?"

"I am the king and kings don't need babysitters.", he hisses out.

"Yes yes, I've heard it before.", I say halfheartedly.

He growls and lunges at me, which I just place an ice barrier up since I don't feel like wasting energy fighting him- sadly, that pisses him off more, but honestly, I really didn't have the energy to fight him. His fighting moves don't change, so there wasn't any reason to really worry about; now bored, I send a quick ice camper to freeze him in his spot before linking Griff.

"Alright, you can come down now.", I say.

"Thanks, I'll send him to the headmistress.", he says as he swoops down to take him.

Heading towards Silvia's office to see if Jess is with her before chilling out in her office, then head to class about ten-thirty. At the office, I see her door is open, so I walk into it to see Silvia doing paperwork while Jess is reading- plopping down on the other chair, so just relax when Griff throws Mr. Jagger through the open window of the office. Silvia gets spooked while Jess continues to read, not paying attention to the world around her.

"Oh my, next time warn me.", she says as Griff leaves.

"Sorry, that would be my fault.", I say while rubbing the back of my neck.

"What?", she asks.

"Yeah… I froze him and Griff was going to send him to you.", I say.

"We're going to need to unfreeze him.", she says.

"Do we have to?", I already know the answer.

"Yes, Raina.", she states while giving the look.

Groaning, I unfreeze the annoying male; glaring at her, she gives me a smile, which I just roll my eyes before getting back into my seat and staring off into space. Knowing that Silvia would slightly be annoyed with me since I felt she had to deal with the male; being knocked out of my head to see myself on the ground. Looking up, I see Silvia with her arms crossed while standing over me.

"You're helping.", she states.

Groaning again, I wait to see what she wants me to do; after a few minutes, she comes back with a potion. It's pink. What potion is pink? That makes vampires weaker; what's the point in doing that? Annoyed with all the questions I have but not really having an answer so, I give her a look that says 'explain what you're doing.'

"Well, we know that once he becomes conscious, he'll be a pain; so giving this potion will help us."

"Oh… okay but that-", I say, but then stop.

There's really no point in arguing with her; sighing, I help her open his mouth so she can tip the potion in. As we just finished, Mr. Jagger comes out of it, moving away from him, not wanting Jess to be in here, just in case. Sending a small ice figure to her, she looks up and I make ahead juster at the door- getting the hint she walks out just in time because he tries to go after but since I blocked the doorway after she left with ice he couldn't. Turning around and glaring at us, not really caring since I know Silvia can handle herself so I plop myself onto her chair and watch everything play out before getting too comfortable, I block the open window just in case he thought he could escape.

"I'm your-"

"Enough would you.", Silvia says, snapping.

Wanting to laugh so I covered my mouth with my hand so he wouldn't hear me; leaning back, I listened in on their conversation.

"What did you just say?"

"I said enough.", she says.

"Do you-"

"Stop repeating the same shit.", she snaps.

"You'll be under house arrest.", she then says.

"You can't!", he says.

"But I can.", she says with a smirk.

Glancing, I see it's time for me to head towards potions, freezing his legs before making an opening for myself before turning back to Silvia and saying, "The ice will melt when you're done with him." She nods her head as I leave the open closes- heading towards the east side of the campus to the potions area, to see Maya lost. Deciding to scare her, I quietly sneak up behind her before dropping my hands on her shoulders.


Whispering, I rush to cover my ears as I have tears in the corners of my eyes; she turns around and glares at me. Looking up at her, I glare back to see her have a smirk on her face. Uncovering my ears and walking away while she jogs to catch up; grunting since I'm upset with the noise she made.

"It's your fault for scaring me.", she said smugly.

"No shit. But my ears now have a fucking ringing sound.", I state, grumpy.

"Sorry, I don't think when I was scared.", she whispers.

"Don't beat yourself over it, like you said it was my fault for scaring you.", I tell her.

Feeling that she was going to open her mouth again, I quickly shut it and gave her a look, which said enough. We continue our way to class just before the last student comes in.