"Welcome to potions, everyone. We'll be doing a quick quiz together to see just how much you know.", Mr. Sapping says.
"Before we begin, I would like it if you wrote notes down while we do this quiz.", he says with a smile.
"Now, you'll raise your hand to answer; what are the first ingredients for Draught of Instincts?"
"Rose petals."
"Yes; who can name the other ingredients?", he asks while walking around the room.
"Rose oil."
"All are correct; to make Draught of Instincts, you'll need two cups of rose petals, a pinch of salt, one whole chive chopped, two drops of rose oil, and two drops of rosemary.", he says then continues, "Once you add the two cups of rose petals, you'll stir it until the petals are sunken then you'll add two drops of rosemary and the one whole chopped chive. Let that boil, then you add a pinch of salt and two drops of rose oil. You'll stir that until it boils again, before turning it off."
"Questions?", he asks, standing in front of the class.
"What color would the potion be?"
"When the rose petals sunken, the water would be red-pink color after you add the rosemary and chive. The color would change to light pink and then the finished potion would look like a rosy pink.", he answers.
"How many draught potions are there?"
"Five.", I answered.
"And what are their names?", he asked me.
"Draught of Instincts, Energy, Curing, Giant Growth, and Lion's Strength.", I answered.
He nods his head before writing the steps to Potion of the Sun: take the feathers off the calamus, then add the sunflower oil before brewing it in pure sunlight. Even though this potion only has three things for it doesn't mean it's easy to make. The potion can end badly if it's not in pure sunlight for the entire time; if there's even a slight decrease in sunlight, the potion can become unstable and can explode.
"Mr. Sapping, what happens when there's not enough sunlight?"
"Well, the potion can become unstable.", he answers.
"Can we brew this one?"
"No.", Mr. Sapping and I yell.
"This potion can be very dangerous to brew.", he says.
"If you were to brew this potion when there's no pure sunlight the whole time, it would explode. If you had pure sunlight when you first started brewing it and then there was a slight decrease in the sunlight, it would become unstable. You'll have a five-second gap to get pure sunlight back onto the potion before it explodes.", I explain.
"Thank you, Miss Phoenix.", he then says, "As she explained, this potion may look easy, but it's really not."
"Can anyone tell me why we have this potion?", he asks.
I waited to see if anyone could answer, so when no one did, I answered, "It's for vampires who lost their humanity."
"Correct; that is why this potion is so unstable, only pure sunlight influences unhuman vampires.", he says.
The room gets real quiet as they realize just how dangerous Potion of the Sun is; as the class continues with us, taking notes of the rest of the potions, we'll be going over or doing in class. My favorite potion is the Potion of the Moon even though it is just as dangerous as the Sun one, but it's quite beautiful when it's done. Looking, I see we only have a few minutes, so Mr. Sapping picks a few of us to see what our favorite potions are.
"Miss Phoenix, you are the last one. What is your favorite potion and why?", he says.
"Potion of Moon; even though this potion is as dangerous as the Sun, it's also quite beautiful. Since that potion requires pure moonlight, if it's not used against rouged werewolves then it can be used for light when areas are pitched black.", I answered.
No one said anything until Mr. Sapping dismissed us for lunch; waiting until I was the last one so I can talk to Mr. Sapping on the way to lunch. We walk as Jess comes out of nowhere and begins walking with us.
"Did you have fun?", I asked Jess.
"Yup, but I was mostly reading.", she answers.
"Are we going to our room after lunch?", she asks.
"No, I'm going to help Mr. Sapping after lunch.", I tell her.
"You can come too.", he says.
"What are we doing?", she asks him.
"Well, the classroom isn't the best set up to be brewing potions.", he says.
"So we're fixing your classroom?", she asks.
"Yeah.", he says while rubbing the back of his neck.
"Sweet. How did you like your classes so far?", she asks.
"Not bad, but not good either. The first class didn't really know anything and when I was asking questions I totally forgot I was teaching first years and not third years.", he answers.
Laughing at the image that popped up in my head; I can hear him groan as he realizes why I was even laughing. Shaking his head, he sticks out his tongue at him before driving into a conversation. Walking behind them, Hunter comes out and walks next to me.
"Raina.", he says.
"What's up, Hunter?", I answer, not taking my eyes off Mr. Sapping and Jess.
"Do you remember talking to someone about the 'king'?", he asks.
"Yeah, it was this morning, why.", I answered.
"Well, I got a list. It's longer.", he says while handing me the list.
Reading the list, I saw that there's now both light and dark; smiling at the achievement they did. Folding and putting the list into my back pocket before saying, "Can you find a place for us to meet?"
"When do you need it?", he asks.
"At least by this Friday.", I answered.
"I'll get right on it.", he said before disappearing as we reached the cafeteria.
Seeing the look that Mr. Sapping was giving me, I mouth, "I'll explain later." Which makes him nod his head; heading towards Silvia, seeing as she focused on something in her hand, I sneak up behind her and see a letter from Mr. Jagger.