The First Love.

The Sunshined bright and the yellow carpet of mustard flowers orate children to play.

The place where the flowers were blooming.

The place where butterfly were landing.

The place which was as sweet as gardenia fragnance.

The place which was as happy as autumn cherish.

"Sanu Sanu are you coming with us, we are going to play." children shout

"Yes I am coming lets go". Sanu said

Group of children include Sanu, Rabin, Sabin, Kancha and Kanchi. They walked a straight paved road then they meet a aunt who was their neighbor.

"Look at you everytime you went to play and you Rabin if you spend a little more time on your shop instead of playing you will help your parents". Aunt said

"I will help my parents but now I am going to play". Rabin said

Children almost spend time together. But among them Rabin, Sabin and Sanu were best friends.

Sanu was very beautiful girl. Her forehead was wider. Her chin was little narrow then her forehead. Her eyes were bright . The upper lashes of her eye were thick and curled. Her eyes look beautiful with little lid. She had small nose and had cute smile. She had philtrum lips. She had medium length curl hair. she usually make braid. She is a cheerful girl.

Rabin was a cute boy. His forehead was narrow than his jawline and cheeckbones. His jawline and cheeckbones were wider. His eyes were prominent. His upper lashes were thin. His nose was small. He had cute smile. His hair was saved in back and little long in front. His hair was straight. He was a visionary person.

Sabin was also a cute boy. He had rounded cheeckbones and rounded face. His eyes were bright. His nose was small. His hair was also like Rabin saved in back and little long in front. His hair was also straight. Sabin is tactful person.

Kancha was also their friend. He was taller among them. Kancha was a witty person. Kanchi was also their friend. Kanchi was shortest among them. Kanchi was trustworthy person.

They left paved road turned left and walk a village lane then they meet a junction . They walked to the first road then they reached a playing ground. There were five trees in playing ground. They sat under the oldest gulmohar tree which was at middle of playing ground and started to play. They play hankeythief game. Kancha become theif of game. They made a circle and sat and started to play. Kancha the crossed theif put hankey behind sanu.The others checked their behind if hankey was there. All of them checked and Sanu found it and she stood and started to chase kancha. Kancha ran fast and sat on sanu place and its sanu turn sanu put hankey behind rabin. All of them checked and rabin found. He stood and started to chase sanu. Sanu run fast and sat on Rabin place. Now its Rabin turn. Rabin put hankey behind Sabin all of them checked. This time Sabin found hankey and he stood and started to chase Rabin. Rabin ran faster and sat on Sabin place. Now it was last Sabin put hankey behind Kanchi. All of them checked Kanchi found hankey and she stood and started to chase Sabin. Sabin ran fast and sat on Kanchi place.

Kancha stood up and said.

Kancha said" Ok that's all for today but tomorrow we are going to climb that wall. We all meet at this ground tomorrow at 4:30 and we will climb that wall. "Are you all come", kancha said. "Yes we all come", children said.

Tomorrow after arriving from school and after having some snacks they all wore shoes. Sanu wore a English shoes, which has black bow on frontside and has stickey strap with little hill. She put shoes on and pressed the strap closed it and ran. Rabin and sabin wore sports shoes they tied the lace and ran and Kancha and Kanchi wore a slippers and ran.

They all meet at playing ground. There were plotting above the playing ground and above the plotting there was a wall. On that plot there were mustard generated. Yellow color of mustard flowers looks lavish.

They walked edge of plot area and climbed up from plot and they reached the wall there was a space infront of wall.

"First I am going to climb the wall. I will pull you all ok". Kancha said

"Ok". children said.

Kancha pushed himself up lift his hand catched the wall, and climbed up with the help of legs and pulled himself up and stood on top. Then he pulled Rabin and Sabin then Sanu and at last Kanchi.

The wall was made of stone. The wall was long and thick. The wall has no gate. It was about 5 feet tall. The wall divide two villages.

"I will jump first" Kancha said

"Ok" children said.

Kancha jumped from wall.

"Now Sabin you jump" Kancha said.

"Ok" Sabin said.

But Sabin scared. "Oh I can't jump" Sabin said.

"Wait don't hurry I will search the ladder then you climb down" Kancha said to Sabin.

Then he found five rung wodden ladder he put the ladder on the wall and said, "Ok now climb down".

Then Sabin slowly climb down.

Now its Sanu turn.

"Sanu you climbed down" Kancha said.

"Ok" Sanu said and try to climbed down.

But since she was wearing shoes with little heels it was difficult to climbed down. She climbed first step while she was trying to climbed down second step she slipped.

"Oh my shoes" Sanu said.

Rabin quickly catched hands Sabin also try to catched from down but her shoes separated from her limb and fall down to Sabin hands.

"Be careful" Kancha said.

Rabin sat on wall by crossing his legs he bow his head stretch his arms and slowly lift Sanu down to third step. Sanu slowly step down to fourth step then Sabin gave his hand Sanu catch his hand and jumped to the field.

"Rabin is really brave" sanu thought

Now its Kanchi turn, Kanchi climbed down and at last Rabin climbed down.

Sanu was sitting on field her leg was paining she put her shocks out she saw her skin scrapes minor bleeding. Her friends including Rabin came closer to her . Rabin remove all the dirt and take out hankey from his pocket wrapped the wound.

"Rabin is really kind" Sanu thought.

"This is really dangerous we will never try this game again" Kancha said.

"We will never" Children said.

"Look there is a hole in a wall come on we shouldn't climb the wall again come on follow me we will get out from this hole" Kancha and other children get out from the hole.

Meanwhile as the bulbule valley is famous for there was a sunshower, and rainbow appears.

Children rush the edges of plots they climbed down to the playing ground and started to run.

"Look at the rainbow" Kancha said.

Rainbow appears in the sky from the hill of the bulbule valley to the ground of the bulbule valley.

"Little sun little shower

On the hibiscus as it pour

Sanu is a garden fairy" Sabin thought.

"Little sun little shower

Inside is violet red is outer

Arc from one to another hill

Sanu is a feather girl" Rabin thought.