Little Dream

After sunny days ended in bulbule valley there was rain almost everyday. There was muddy playground and muddy road. Mustard were cut and paddy were cultivated. Dense greenery everywhere and parents didn't permitted their children to play. There is a fear of snake and mosquitoes. So sanu, rabin, sabin ,kancha and kanchi also stopped to play but they talked and laughed while they returned to home from school.

One evening sanu, rabin, sabin, kancha and kanchi were returning from school. Kancha noticed all their shadow were taller than them. It was at the end of the day obviously all their shadow were taller than them.

"What you do when you become taller". Kancha said.

"I really want to become taller when I grow up". Rabin said.

"Look at your shadow it is taller than you are". Kancha said.

All the children looked at their shadow and giggle.

"Now stop by being grew up I remember one topic as our nepali teacher asked today what you want to be in future". Kancha said.

"Yes, what is your dream or what you want to be in future". Sabin said.

"So seriously tell me what you want to be in future." Kancha said.

"Umm I didn't think about it". Sanu said

"I also didnt think about it till now but I can ask my parents and decide it" Rabin said.

"I also can take a serious decision about my future by asking my parents" Sabin said.

"I also didnt think about it but I can decide it by tomorrow". Kanchi said

"Ok I also didn't think about it till now but all of us after we went home and after finishing homework take a time think about our dream and discuss it tomorrow.

Children walk for a while turn left to the straight pave road. Kancha and Kanchi reached their home said good bye to rabin, sabin and sanu. Three chidren walk for while sanu reached her home and said good bye to rabin and sabin then walking for a while rabin reached his home at last sabin reached his home.

Sanu at home after finishing her homework she went to kitchen where her mom was cooking meal. There was small dining table at middle sit for 3 people at the corner of kitchen there was a long and thin table where gas burner had lied and at right there was a cylinder . She put some black lentil and 2 cups of water and salt and close the lid of pressure cooker. And she already cooked rice in rice cooker. Then she started to wash black mustard green leaves for curry and started to cut it with knife.

Sanu mom name was laxmi . She was beautiful like sanu. She had long straight hair. She tied her hair with band. Her eye were big. Her forehead was wider and She had tiny mouth. Sanu mom love sanu so much. She is good mom and women. She always take care of sanu. She teaches student in government school. She was around 40 age. She looked like early 40 women.

"Sanu why are you here you complete your homework or not". Laxmi said.

"I already complete my homework . I want to ask you one question". Sanu said.

"Question what type of question". Laxmi astonished.

"How you become a teacher. Have you ever dream about it when you were child."

"I always dream of being a teacher when I was child and when I completed my see I joint college and after 5 years I got BA degree and after marriage I began to teach in school." Laxmi said

"Why you ask this!" laxmi astonished.

"Actually today our nepali teacher ask us about our dream in future and mom really, you dream of being a teacher and it comes true. Then I also dream of being a head master and own my own school . I must tell it to my friends. " Sanu said.

Sanu was a only one child for Laxmi and Aakash. Aakash was thin. He mostly drunk and he fight with neighbor. He looks middle 40 man. He had hooked nose. His eyes were big. He has round face. His forehead was wider. Laxmi love sanu so much. But her father rarely care of her and his family and her uncle wasn't a trustworthy.

Rabin had a little sister her name was Kabita. She was a cute girl. She had a wider jawline and cheekbone

than her forehead just like her brother but she had small eyes. She had a cute smile.

Rabin and Kabita were sitting together in their shop which was located in front room of their house with

shutter. Their house was after sanu house and old aunt house in the same side . Old aunt house is

between sanu house and rabin house. And at the opposite of rabin house there is sabin house.

Rabin house is smaller than a sanu house.

Rabin and sanu were sitting inside the shop. Rabin was repeateadly thinking about what his friends

were discussing or what their teacher asked in classroom.

So rabin asked his father : "Buwa how did you started selling goods do you ever think of selling goods?

do you ever think of keeping shop like this?. What you wanted to be when you were child.?"

Rabin father name was Subash. Subash was tall. He had a mustache. He was energetic.

" I never wanted to keep a shop but I was forced for living I started to do shop. But you should dream big

not to keep a shop like this. For future you should dream big." Subash replied.

"Ok then I will not keep shop but I will manufacture my own and sell the goods and products. I will

become a businessman " rabin said.

Meanwhile old aunt came and asked rabin, "today you don't went for play."

"These days the playing ground is muddy so they didn't play, you stopped worrying about them". Subash

said to old aunt.

Sabin house is opposite to rabin house rabin house and sabin house were similar one block house. But

smaller than sanu house. Sabin mom used to sell cuisine, Samosa, Pakoda, aloo chop, Tea bakery to


Sabin mom name was Shanti. She was hardworking women. She had a long hair she tied with band. She

also had round cheeckbones and rounded face. She was early fourty. She spent almost time selling

cuisine. Sabin father made every cuisine. He made samosa pakoda and aloo chop and tea. He was mid

fourty and also energetic and tall. Sabin father name was Saroj. Sabin was eating lunch.

At that moment he asked his parents what stuck in his mind.

"Mom what you want me to be in future?" Sabin asked

Shanti and Saroj astonished.

Shanti smiled and said well we don't forced you to be a particular person but you can do such things

that support our business.

Sabin thinked for a while and said ok then I will open my own restaurant and make our canteen a huge one an become a manager of my own restaurant.

Kancha and Kanchi home came earlier from main straight paved road than sanu, rabin and sabin home.

Their home was at beginning of turn to the straight paved road. And that turn was also a straight paved road. Kancha and kanchi had an impoverished family. Their mother and father were poor. Sanu family was prosporous. Her house had three block system. Rabin and sabin house were similar, one block system where as kancha and kanchi house had only two rooms. One kitchen and one sleeping room. Their house is made of bricks no plaster outside. Kancha sleep with his father in kitchen and kanchi and mom sleep in sleeping room. Sanu home was nearer from Kancha Kanchi house.

Kancha and kanchi finished their homework and kancha asked his father " buwa what you want me to be in future?."

"Well I want you not to be like me. I want you to be independent not working under anyone and may be we had our own lands."

"Ok then I will do hard work own our own lands and do a massive agriculture." Kancha said

Then Kanchi said" mom what you want me to be in future."

Their mom said "I also want you to be independent but not work in field. I want to be

a teacher like sanu mom and teach children and don't forget to be a good wife and take care of your

husband and family".

Kanchi laughed and ran away.

Kanchi and kancha mom was also early 40 women. She wore dirty clothes since they were poor. She

was thin she tied her hair and make a bun in her head. Their father was also middle 40 man. He wore

Dhaka topi in his head but both of them were hard working. They worked in sanu field and earn some

money and rewards. Rewards can be bucket of rice, corn, lentils and others.

Sometime they work on their own field they had small land surrounded their little home. They grow

vegetables and manage their food for survive.

Rabin mom name was rita she make puff of her hair. She look early 40 aged women. She was thin. She

had long straight hair. She was also beautiful. Rita and Subash loved their children.

Kancha Kanchi father name was Kamal and Chhaya. They both loved their children. They cared their

Children. Although they weren't rich enough they always wanted childen equal to others. They loved

their children more than themselves.

Next day children were returning from school to home. They all looked upset. Kancha again noticed their

shadow were taller than them. Then he said "look at to your shadow its taller". All children looked their

shadow and again giggle.

Kancha said, " I know why you all are upset today."

"Why then tell us " Sanu said.

"You all are upset today because our nepali teacher is absent and you can't express what is hidden in

your mind. Don't be upset you all can told me and I also told you what I want to be in future."

Kancha said.

" Ok" children said.

"Sanu you are first tell us what you want to be in future." Kancha said.

" Since my mom is a teacher she always want to be a teacher and her dream comes true. I love children and I want to do something for them so I want to be a headmaster and own my own school." Sanu said.

"Rabin you say what you want to be in future " Kancha said.

" I want to be a businessmen and manufacture products and goods." Rabin said.

"Sabin yours turn" kancha said

"I want to own my own restaurant and become a manager." Sabin said.

"Now you tell us what you want to be in future kancha." Rabin said.

"I want to have my own land and do agriculture" Kancha said.

"What you want to be in future kanchi?" Rabin asked.

"I want to be a primary teacher of sanu school" kanchi said.

Kanchi smiled and Sanu also smiled .

"Well we all has dream now and we should make it come true." "Do you know how to make come true"? kancha said.

"How" children shout together.

"What our teacher said to us" kancha said

"Study hard study hard and study hard" children said it together.

"Don't forget to do homework and study hard". Kancha said.

"Ok " children said.

"Bye Bye" kancha and kanchi said and entered in their home.

"Bye Bye" rabin sabin and sanu said and walked to their home.