CHAPTER 15: Her Presence

  [Armon's POV]

  Fuck, it was getting worse, and I wasn't sure I could stay sane much longer. Letting out a low grunt, I squeezed my eyes shut as my teeth began extending to the point of protruding out of my mouth.

  Shit, it looked like this was going to be a full transformation.

  "No," I growled as the demon tried to push forward. "Noaaarrrrggggg!"

  Sharp claws clutched at my being, shredding it and stopping any further fight. Left helpless, I found myself crashing into the all-too familiar abyss of the recesses of my mind.

  Standing, I looked around, desperately looking for a way out.

  "Dammit." I growled, cursing fate all over again.

  "…so painful. "

  Whirling around, I tried to locate the source of the voice. Something about it seemed so familiar and comforting.


  "Where are you?" I called, beginning to move.


  Turning, I began to make my way towards where it was coming from and as I drew closer, a soft shimmering light began to form.