A chill worked its way through my spine and I turned away from the men I was training, what was left of them anyway. After the demons' attack, our warrior force was looking pretty damn sparse. And it led me to a conclusion I *really* didn't want to accept.
"There's not enough, is there?" Bo demanded from beside me.
I wished I could slap him for putting that thought into words, but he was right. We simply did not have enough men to be able to both go after Clara, and to protect our Kingdom at the same time.
"No," I let the words leave me in a groan. "Not nearly enough."
Bo tipped his head back and observed the sky. "One of us is going to have to stay, huh?"
I longed to grab a handful of snow and force the other man to eat it. Why did he have to bring things up that I didn't even want to think about? He was right, again. I fucking hated when Bo was right.
"Shut up."