Javier looked like he'd swallowed a stinkbug. His arms were crossed over his chest and though he tried to smile at me, there was something in the action that was missing.
"Luna," he grumbled as I walked by.
This was quite the change from earlier. It had only been long enough for Zale to sit him down to have a talk and this was the result? "What's wrong?" I asked. We didn't have much time now. We needed to leave soon.
Javier groaned and sighed at the same time while thumping his chest. "I've made a decision." He grimaced even as he said the words. "I'm staying behind."
Bo perked up from the other side of me. "You are?"
Javier glowered at him. The man's eyes were almost completely closed. "I am," he agreed with a shrug. "I've got no choice. I'm going to help protect the people here along with Tyler."