I wasn't sure what to expect from the deity in front of me, but I dutifully followed him out of the room. My hounds scrambled before they too joined me.
There was no fear in me when it came to Teniv. We had a connection, though I'd be hard-pressed to explain what it was. I had zero doubts I could trust the god. "Is this going to hurt?" I asked.
Teniv glanced over his shoulder at me, eyes warm with concern. "Yes, you're melding your conscious with that of your mates and all of the pain will be yours until the process is complete. One final chance to turn back?"
"No," I answered with a shake of my head and a hand on my stomach. He didn't need to keep giving me outs. I reached for him, placing my hand on his back. He stiffened beneath my touch and twisted around to study me. "I'm choosing this. If this is what will bring her downfall, everything is worth it."
"So be it." Teniv inclined his head and paused in the large living room. "Sit down," he ordered.