As I head down the hall to clean the rooms; I’m glad the pack is small compared to the others. The first floor contain the omegas, the second floor is for the warriors and their families, The third floor, the Beta, and his family, and the fourth floor is for the Alpha and his family. The house has 25 bedrooms, I have to clean by myself, my body goes numb by the time I’m finish. Another issue is a lack of food since Alpha and Beta are away on pack business. This gives Luna a chance to punish me, without warning I had to walk, and bark like a dog on a leash. The worst was that each time a pack member threw food on the floor, I was eat it no matter how disgusting it was.
After I clean the last room; I headed out of the room, in the hallway. When I began to walking I looked down, not paying attention until I bumped into a wall. I moved back and noticed it was not a wall; it was a hard chest, I looked up to see that it was Luther, the future Beta, who was standing there. Luther is sexy as hell; He stood out 6’5 tan skin, long sandy blond hair in a messy bun. His body was made like a God with pretty light green eyes. he was more buffer than Milo. Unlike everyone in this pack, Luther is the only one who treats me nice, also we secretly perform a friendship. There was a time that Luther and I wanted to hook up. knowing that it would not be right, because we were not mates. He had a mate out there waiting for him, and I did not want to be the one to take him away from her. I don’t want to get in between a mate bond, because it will interrupt the moon goddess plan.
“ Hey Winter, how are you feeling?” Luther ask.
“I’m good Luther, just tired from cleaning the last room; what are you doing here?” I ask.
“You know, looking for Milo, we suppose to go hang out.”
“I bumped into him about a couple of hours ago. He went downstairs with some she-wolve”.
Luther chuckles. “Well, you know Milo, always the ladies man.”
“Yeah, you can say that again” We begin walking towards the stairs. Luther noticed how I was walking; my legs were wobbly at any given minute, and I felt I was about to fall. Before I could, I felt a pair of arms pick me up bridal style. There I looked into Luther beautiful green eyes. Moon goddess knew I wanted this man, but I could not have him; he belonged to somebody else.
“Luther, what are you doing?”
“Can you tell? I’m carrying you downstairs,” Luther said.
“That’s sweet of you, Luther. You have to put me down before someone sees you, including your mother”.
“ Winter, I don’t care what people think; I’m my own person, no one tells me what to do; I’m 20 years old,” Luther said with a low growl.
I gave him a nod, and I lay my head on his chest; that is when I felt his heart beating, which helped me relax a little bit. I was still nervous about people seeing me in the arms of the future Beta. Everyone looked down on me; I did not need to add fuel to the fire; what could I do? I cannot push Luther away because he is much stronger than I am. We finally made it down on the first floor, and the stares began; I hid my face in his chest as we passed by people.
“Luther, what the hell are you doing?” the voice said.
Luther turned to where the voice came from and saw that his mother stood up with her fist clenched, giving me the evil stare. Beta lady Tena, was a lovely looking lady who stood about 5’6 medium built, should length red hair brown-skinned freckles on her face. Beta Tena could be considered significant with her natural beauty and how she carries herself. Instead, she will rather stoop down to the same level as Luna Stella.
“What is it mother?” Luther ask.
“Why is that piece of trash in your arms?”
“ Her legs gave out from all of her work, so I’m carrying her to her room.”
Beta Tena, retorted “Like hell, you put that piece of shit down this instant; she is a filthy little whore trying to trap you.”
“How is that, mom? She never once tries to make a mood on me. Also, she has a name; It’s Winter.”
“ I don’t give a dam if her name was Summer, you will put her down right now” Beta Tena shouted.
“And if I don’t, what are you going to do?” Luther shouted back.
“How dare you disrespect me, boy. Remember I’m your mother, and I demand respect from you”.
“I’ll give it when you show me; I don’t need you to tell me what I can or cannot do. If I decide to become friends with Winter, that my choice, and no one else's.” Luther stated with anger.
I was still in Luther arms as I watched him and his mother go at it back, and forth. The argument had gotten so bad that people gathered around us, including Luna, Milo, and his one-nighter. I could not take the fight anymore; I shouted, “ Stop.” The room became silent, and everyone began to look at me; I looked up at Luther, there I could see the confusion in his eyes and pity. I can tell he was feeling sorry for me; in his heart, I know he thinks that I don’t deserve to be misused, he is fighting for me, and I appreciate what he is doing for me cause no one ever took up for me.
“ Luther it’s ok; you can put me down, I can walk the rest of the way” I assure him.
“ Winter, I can tell that your legs are still weak. You don’t have to act tough around me” Luther sighed with concern.
“ I wanted the argument to stop because it was escalating, and I don’t want to come between you, and your mother. So just let me down, I will be ok.”
Luther opened his mouth, he was about to say something, but then he closed his mouth, and nodded as he gently put me down. Immediately walking away, passing by Luna, Milo, and one-nighter. Before I could exit to the kitchen, I felt someone grab my hand, and I turned around to see Milo standing there.
“What do you want Milo?” I said with anger.
Milo gave an evil grim than he said “ If I know, all I had to do is carry you, to fuck you. I would have done it a while ago.”
“You are a disgusting human being; I would not even let you touch my panties,” I said, pulling away from him and walking out of the packhouse.