Finally made it to my room, I laid in my bed, begin to close my eyes. I was almost asleep, until I heard the sound of the bar of the door opening up, that alerted me in came Luna and Beta Tena. With one look in their eyes, I knew there was trouble. The way these two looked was like they were searching for their prey. Fortunately, I was the only one they were looking for.

  “Luna, Beta Tena, what a pleasant surprise. Is there something that I can help you with?”

  “Save it, you mutt, the nerve of you turning my boy against me like that. I bet it made you feel good, watching as he disrespects me in front of the entire pack?” Beta Tena said.

  “I swear to you Beta Tena, that was never my intention; I don’t want any trouble,” I respond.

  “Well,its too late for apologies; just know that you brought it on yourself whatever we do to you,” Luna said.

  “I did nothing wrong; why am I being punished for?”

  “Because you are trying to seduce my boy Luther, I the don’t want you're getting your claws in him, you stay the hell away from him” Beta Tena, shouted.

  I stated, “ I hate to be the one to burst your bubble Beta Tena. That going to be impossible since I clean all of your rooms. Unless you want those omega hoes to clean it? Then you have no choice. Anyway, Luther is a grown man; stop treating him like a little boy. If you treat him like this, I see why he doesn’t respect you” As soon as I finished my last statement, a hand went across my face, making it sting a little. That was when I noticed that it was Luna that slapped me.

  “ You disrespectful little bitch, we are going to beat at the living shit out of you by the time we are done with you. You are going to wish you were never born” she stated.

  Just like that, they both charged at me; I was on the ground immediately, they both stood up, begin kicking , punching, me all over my body. I felt the pain was becoming too much for me to bear with each punch. That I curl myself into a ball, taking the beating. I felt Marceline's anger building inside me, then she spoke, “Winter, let me take over; I’m going to teach these she-wolves a lesson.”

  “ No Marceline, you know we cannot do that; it will get worse for the two of us.”

  “Winter, I’m tired of playing nice; either you let me take over, or I would have to do it by force.” Marceline said with anger.

  I could not argue with her; I knew she was serious, I can feel her aura, something I had never felt before. As soon as she took over, the darkness consumed me.

  When I woke up, I noticed that I was lying in my bed, my head was banging, as I tried to remember what had happened. Suddenly everything started coming back to me at once. From there, I began to smell blood; I bolted out of my bed, and began looking around there I saw blood on the ground. Also, the walls was splatter with it, the way it looked, you would have thought that an artist had come in here and done this. All I felt was death had occurred, and I began to panic. Marceline must have thought it peak into my mind.

  “Calm down Winter; everything is going to be ok.”

  “How can you say that, Marceline? Don’t you see all this blood; we going to die.”

  “Relax, Winter, it's not going to happen; they are still alive, and kicking.”

  “Really? Once they let the pack know, we are going to die.”

  “I doubt that Winter, the way I beat them up, they are not going to fuck with you for a few days because it will take time for them to heal,” Marceline said chuckling.

  “You are laughing at a time like this?”

  “Of course, come on Winter, lighten up you don’t have to worry; those heifers will not say anything. After the ass whooping I gave them, they will be more embarrassed to admit they got their ass whoop by an enslaved person.”

  “Jeez, you beat them up like that Marceline?”

  “If you consider two black eyes, busted lips, and a broken arm, I feel that they got off pretty easy.”

  “I’m impressed Marceline” I said to her.

  “ You should be; I got to go back now Winter.”

  “Marceline when will I be able to shift so that we can become one?” I ask, wanting to know so bad.

  “Unfortunately, I don’t know Winter, all I can say it will happen when the time is right.”

  I got go now, I will be watching” She said before disappearing in my mind.


  It was true what Marceline had said; I did not see or hear a peep out of Luna and Beta Tena for three days. It seemed that they were hiding from the pain, and shame they had endured. It did not matter to me I did my work, and say silent.

  It was all good until one day; I was in my room preparing for the day. That was when I heard footsteps heading in my direction. Then the bars opened up from my cell; I turned around to see that it was one of the guards; I could not remember his name as he stood there. It did not matter, I could not stand anyone in this pack besides Luther. The guard is very young; it looked to be about my age. He stands about 5’10 lightly built, with short blond hair, and dark brown eyes. He is not a bad-looking guy, he is just not my type.

  “ Is there something you need help with?” I ask.

  “Luna gave me orders to inform you, that you will need to pack up your things immediately. The guard said.

  “ Why do I need to pack my things?” I asked raising an eyebrow.

  “Because Luna sold you to another pack you need to hurry up; they will be here shortly to retrieve you.” he said walking away.

  I guess it’s for the best, I did not need to waste any more time, so I got started. I did not have much to pack, it only took me about ten minutes to have everything ready. Since I had a little more time, I began to look around at this tiny cell that had been my room for the last eight months. I will miss it because it gives me a piece of mind and comfort when I want to get away from the outside world. For that moment, I shed a tear at the fact that I want to see Luther ever again. The only person that ever care about me, who even token up for me with his mother. I was so in my world that I did not notice someone was present til I heard the sound of someone clearing their throat, I turned around to see that it was the same guard.

  “It’s time to go now,” he said.

  I nodded as I gathered up my bag, and headed out of the cell. When we were out of the dungeon, it was silence while walking towards the packhouse. We detoured the front when we got close, which was not far. Most of the pack members were standing staring at me as I walked past them; when I got to the front of the door, Luna, Beta Tena, Milo, and Luther stood. I looked into Luther's eyes; I could see a sense of sadness and relief that I was leaving here.

  “ I see that you all gather here to wish me well I feel so special,” I said sarcastically which I received a growl from both Luna, and Beta Tena; I gave them a smirk.

  “ Since I’m leaving, I wanted to thank both of you ladies for all the love, and hospitality you have shown me in these past months. Luna,without you showing me courage, and motivation. I would not be the woman that I’m am today. And because of that, here is something to show my appreciation to you” I said, going into my bag, and pulling out a brown envelope handing it to her.

  “What is this?” Luna asks, reaching for the envelope. Once she opened it, she began to pull out some pictures, and once she looked at them, her face became anger.

  I respond “Those are pictures of the Alpha in bed with some of the she-wolves here in the pack. Let's say that your mate is the biggest man whore out there.

  “You see Luna, each time Alpha takes a woman in bed. I take a picture; I knew there would come a day that these pictures would come in handy. Today is the day Luna, that everything will come out into the light.”

  “The next thing you need to know Luna is that no one in this pack respects you. You think everyone is laughing with you, but they are laughing at you. Because they were able to take something that supposes to belong to you, and only you, and that is your mate. So how do expect this pathetic pack to respect you if your mate could not even respect your bond?”

  Immediately Luna tore up the pictures, threw them in front of my feet, and let out a bitch growl, which did not phase me or anyone at all. It's just something to laugh about in your head; a Luna throwing a tantrum is priceless.