“ The truth hurts, doesn’t it Luna? You made had been once respected, now you just a worthless piece of shit. And if these walls could talk, they will tell you everything people have been saying behind your back,” I said with venom.

  All Luna could do was scream, as the tears fell from her eyes while falling to her knees. Like that, Luna was broken, with sadness in her eyes. It made me want to feel sorry for her, I thought about all the things she had done to me, and I decided that she did not deserve my sympathy; she had gotten what she deserved. Another growl was let out; this time, it was from Beta Tena.

  “You good for nothing mutt, how dare you tell these lies and disrespected our Luna? You need to leave now, Guards” Beta Tena shouted.

  In seconds two big muscular guards from out of the crowd appeared; they both stood about 6 feet tall, had beige skin, short black hair. You would have thought they were twins standing side by side.

  “Get this bitch out of here now,” Beta Tena said, pointing at me.

  Both of the guards came to my side; they grabbed my arm and were about to drag me off until I said “Wait a minute there more I need to say, Beta Tena, no need to worry yourself cause I know your secret too. That letter you tried so hard to hide, and you thought no one would find. Thanks to my good cleaning skills, I came across it. It was bizarre for a Beta Lady to have a dark secret. But who am I to judge? Being a slave, after all. So Beta Tena, are you going to tell the secret, or should I?” I said, giving her an ultimatum.

  “What is she talking about, mom?” Luther ask.

  “Nothing, my boy, this mutt is mad because Luna sold her. She is trying to get even by making up these lies,” she informs her son.

  I sighed “ Really Beta Tena, so I would rather spend my time making lies? You know what, I had a feeling that you were not going to confess, so I took it upon myself and did it for you.” I looked over to Luther, there I could see the confusion on his face, but most of all, curious. So I continue, “Luther, the secret your mother is hiding has something to do with you. It hurts me to tell you this, but as your friend, I feel that you have a right to know. the man you were brought up to believe to be your father is not your father,” I stated.

  “What, is this true mother?” Luther asks, looking at his mother.

  “Of course not, your father is your father don’t believe this bitch” Beta Tena sneered at me.

  “It’s no point of hiding it Beta Tena, it’s out there. Are you going to tell him who his real father is or should I?”

  Beta Tena was speechless, for once, and the crowd began whispering as she stood there looking like a deer caught in the headlights. Ms. High and Mighty is not woman enough to confess or take responsibility for her actions. It sickens me to know that Luther will become devastated, I hope he can forgive me for this, but the truth needs to come out, as the old saying the truth shall set you free.

  “Luther, since your mother is unwilling to tell you, I will tell you. Luther your biological father is the Alpha” I told him.

  As soon as those words left my mouth, the whispers got louder in the crowd. Luna turned to Beta Tena with anger on her face, fist balled up, and her eyes turned black to brown. Indicting that her wolf is trying to come out, when I look at Luther I can see the shock, and anger that he wore on his face as he stares at his mother with hate. On the other hand, Milo has the nerve to try to act hardcore in front of the pack, as he did the growl that had the pack submitting to him, except for me, Luther, and their mothers.

  “Liar, it’s all a lie, don’t believe this bitch for one minute Luther” his mother replied.

  “Insulting me Beta Tena, is not going to help in this situation right now. You know that deep down I’m telling the truth, and I have proof” I pulled out the fold-up paper from my bag, and approached Luther handing it to him. Luther was about to unfold it until he noticed his mother attempt to take the form out of his hand. He quickly pulled it out of her reach and took a few steps back from his mother; his when he opened it and read it. As he looked at his mother from the aura, I could tell he wanted to harm his mother from all the lies. And all she can do is stand there.

  “You lie to me” shouted Luther; I can tell that his wolf is out and wants blood.

  “I’m telling the truth Luther, that mutt playing tricks on us, the paper is fake,” Beta Tena whimper.

  “How in the hell can Winter do this? The form is real, I can tell also your name is on here. And it’s showing that the DNA between me, and Dad is 0 percent, but me and Alpha is 99.9 percent. I can’t believe you will do that to dad; now I have to tell him the truth,” Luther stated.

  I budded in “ That want be necessary Luther because your father already knows.”

  “What, you bitch how could you do that to me?” Lady Tena said with rage.

  “It was simple, I made a copy, and sent it to him. You would had token this secret to your grave if I have not found it. What I find most of all disgusted is that you and the Alpha have destroyed so many lives, and you had not taken responsibility for your part. You and the Alpha had an affair; you conceive Luther. So be a woman, admit to your sins, and accept your fate.”

  I looked to the Luna and stated “ I have to tell one more thing Luna”

  “And what the fuck is that?” Luna retorted.

  I respond, “ That your precious son Milo, will not be the future Alpha, since Luther is the Alpha first born, the title goes to him.”

  “Bullshit, he will never be Alpha” Luna shouted while her eyes changed color.

  “Well Luna, I hate to disappoint you again; according to the werewolf laws, The Alpha first born will become the next Alpha. Unfortunately, your pathetic son and my ex-mate are not the Alpha first born. So you lose, and there is nothing you can do about it, it’s the law. Well I overstay my welcome time for me to go now; Luther you are the only one I will miss, my dear friend. You will be a good alpha be proud, take me away boys.”

  As we walk off headed towards a black SUV, one of the guards place hand cuffs on my hand. The guard in front of me opened the back door; I got in the door was closed. Then both guards went to the front, when we started pulling off, I was looking out the window, and what I saw, I could not believe my eyes Luna, and Beta Tena were fighting each other. Right along with Milo and Luther, and most of the she-wolves. All I could do was shake my head and smirk. The car ride was silent, so I stared out the window, watching trees pass.

  “That was funny,” I heard a voice in my head.

  “Marceline is that you?”

  “Of course, who else?”

  “Why are you here, I thought you could not come out?” I ask.

  “I got permission from the moon goddess, so don’t worry, I can come out from time to time. I wanted to say I’m impressed with what you did back there at that pack.”

  “Those bitches got what they deserve.”

  “I could not agree more, sweet revenge,” Marceline chuckled, going into the back of my mind.

  Marceline was right about the sweet revenge; that is one of the things I love about her. She was there for me when I was fifteen, and got rejected by my first mate, I can remember it like it was yesterday.


  “Are you crazy, to think that I will be mated to a worthless mutt like you?” a voice said.

  “Why not Esteban? The moon goddess pairs us up for a reason,” I informed him as we stood outside in the back of the packhouse.

  “Well, she made a mistake doing that; I cannot be with someone like you. I have a reputation to keep, anyway, I already have my future Luna, and its not you.” Esteban shouted with anger.

  “ A few tears escaped my face, from his words, I felt like a knife was being stabbed to my heart, then next thing came that sealed my fate.”

  “ I Esteban Montgomery, future alpha of The Blue Whisper pack, reject this slave as my mate, and future Luna”.

  After hearing that, all I could do, was seal it on my end “I Winter Cheshire accept your rejection Esteban Montgomery, and I hope you get everything you deserve in life” I told him, running off. I went deep into the forest, soon I stopped at a river, and I sat there as more tears escaped my face while looking at the water. I was so in a daze. I did not know how long I was at the river, the sun was beginning to set, so I got up about to head back.

  “It’s going to be ok child” a voice say.

  I turned around, and I saw no one around “ Who’s there?” I ask, feeling scared.

  “I’m sorry child, I did not mean to scare you I’m in your head. Let me introduce myself; I’m your wolf Marceline” she said.

  “ How can you be talking to me? I have not shifted yet?” I ask curiously.

  “The moon goddess, allow me to come forward to talk with you because of what happened between you, and your mate.”

  “Great, I bet I’m the laugh-stock in the spirit world?”

  “That’s not true child; when our mate rejected us, I was agitated that I was about to rage out. Once I felt your pain with mines Moon goddess let me come forward early to talk with you. She wanted me to tell you to be strong, and you will not endure this torture forever,” Marceline informed me.

  “When will the torture end?” I asked.

  “Unfortunately, I cannot tell you, that?” Marceline informs me.

  “Will I be shifting soon?”

  “ Not right now, you will shift when the time is right, I cannot tell you when, I got to go now, tell me your name.”

  “My name is Winter” I reply.

  “Nice to meet you, Winter; remember to be strong cause when you be strong, you can overcome anything wh . Also, remember me, and the moon goddess is on your side” She said, going to the back of my mind.

  After hearing that, I began to feel a lot better; like Marceline said become strong, I smiled as I headed back to the pack house.

  Flashback end:

  Since that day, Marceline will come out every once blue moon to check on me; I also learned that I did not feel the pain of the mate bond break after Esteban rejected me because Marceline told me that she took over the pain for me. She said since I had been through a lot, especially my father's betrayal, she told me if I was to feel that hurt, it probably would have killed me, so she took it head-on. I cried when I heard what she had to go through because no one ever did that for me, and I appreciate her, which I would forever be in her debt.

  “Exactly, Karma had done its job, now off to the next adventure, wherever it takes me,” I said to Marceline before I went to sleep, letting darkness take over.