Winter P.O.V.

  “ Miss, you need to wake up.” a voice said.

  I was woken up from my sleep as I opened my eyes. I noticed that I’m was in a the, and handcuffs on my hands. That when it hits me, I remember everything that happens. Now I’m at a new pack. I got up from the seat, and started looking around, I noticed that the car had stopped moving, I began looking in the front with the two men were sitting. The man got out of the driver seat, and walk over and opened the door for me.

  “We are here; you can get out of the car now” he said harshly.

  I nodded, and began getting out; once I was entirely out, I turned my head to my left, and saw a black gate with two guards blocking the entrance. I looked around, and noticed we were in a much deeper forest, surrounded by big trees. The sight was so breathtaking that I could not take my eyes off the beauty of this beautiful foundation.

  “Stop daydreaming, and come on I have other business to attend” I was brought out of my thought from the man, standing there with his arms folded. He stood

  about 6’2, pale skin, very muscular short brown hair, since he had on sunglasses I could not see his eye color.

  “You don’t belong to this pack?” I asked.

  “Unfortunately, no me and my partner are transporters. We do our job, and leave, come on I have to get you inside, to complete my job.”

  I turn around, and reach for my bag inside the car. Once I retrieve it, I strap the bag on my shoulder. The man closed the car door, we went into his pocket, and put out a string, attached it to the handcuffs; he walked ahead, pulling me in the process. When we the front gate, there were two men, stood there. One was tall stood about 6’0, dark skin, bald hair, he was wearing a red muscle shirt black jeans, and black boots. And of course he have on sunglasses. The other man was shorter, he appear about 5’10 brown skin, blond hair in a messy bun, black muscle shirt, blue jeans and black sneakers

  As we approach the entrance, the short guard came forword, removing his sunglasses. He begin to look at me, and the man back and forth, then suddenly the guard went back looking at the man, and ask “State your purpose for being on our property?”

  “I’m here to deliver the package to your Alpha” the man responded pointing to me.

  The guard eyes was clouded, meaning that he was mind-linking someone. Once his eyes was back to normal, he stated “ I check with Alpha, he confirm it.”

  From there the guard look over to me with a smirk then said “So, you the new slave that the Alpha had purchase?”

  I rolled my eyes, and looked away from that jackass, being call a slave is very insulting. Because I hate what it stands for, and also how people use that word for there own benefit. For four years I been call that word so many times, you would had thought that I got use to it. Unfortunately I have not, it hurts to be call by that name. Each time someone calls me a slave, I feel that its being braning into my heart. I also feel that my identity is slowly drifting away from me, I don’t know who I’m am anymore.

  “We will take her from here” The tall guard said approaching.

  The man nodded to the guards, as he handed the rope over to the tall guard, then he turn to me and said “Well this is it, good luck”.

  “It sadden me to see you go, just to think that I could had entertain you more” I replied sacasticlly.

  The man smirked, shaking his heading walking away. Heading to his car, he got in and drove off, soon they were gone. The tall guard wasted no time pulling me, the short guard open the gate. We walk in while inside I look around, could not believe my eyes, seeing that the outside have a beautiful landscape. The grass is greenier nice, and healthy. There a lot of acres to look around before I can look around more. “Pay attention, and keep up” The tall guard said pulling me.

  In short time, we was standing in front of this big mansion, It was so nice that it reminded me of the rich and famous. Especially that it had to statue water fountains on each side of the entrance. Without wasted time, I was pull inside heading to the stairs. Let say there are so many, when we finally made it on the third floor. I was out of breathe, that I fell to my knees, attempt to control my breathing. Immediately, I was pull up from my position, then we walked over to a big red door, the guard knocked.

  “Enter” a loud voice said from the inside.

  The guard open the door, he walk in first, then I walk in behind pulling me in. There I notice that we was in a office. There was an long cherry wood table, there was four people who sit behind the table. From the aura, I was feeling, I can tell that they all in higher ranks.

  “Alpha, Luna, Beta, Beta lady, I come bringing you the new slave” The guard said bowing his head.

  “Thank you young man, bring her here so we can have a closer look” The lady on my left said.

  “Yes Luna” The guard responded pulling at the rope, as we walk forward. When we stop, we stood in the middle of the room. I glance at all four of them, before I lower my head back down. One thing my father had taught me, was that you never stare at any one in the eyes, especially an Alpha. Because when you do, the Alpha think that you are challenging them. Alphas are consider to be fear by everyone, they hold a reputation of being possessive, whatever they seek they will go for it. In the battle they are known to be gruesome and rule with an iron fist.

  “You are dismiss boy” A man said. The guard nodded, and walk out of the office closing the door behind him. There was silence for a few minutes, until I heard someone said “You can look up now.”

  I looked up to see that all eyes was on me, It was starting to make me feel uncomfortable that I had to look away. It was not long when I heard the same female voice “ Eyes back on us slave”

  Immediately, I looked back in their direction, to see that it was the lady that the guard call Luna. From what I can see, Luna has olive skin, light brown hair, hazel eyes. The way that she looking at me shows that she was disgusted by me, as she turn her nose. I looked at the other three they did the same too.

  “I’m going to get straight to the point, as you made know your former Luna sold you to me. You were a slave in your former pack, you will remain a slave while here at the Voyage pack. And there also rules that you will need to follow, I’m the Alpha, of course you met the Luna, here is The Beta, and Beta lady” The man said pointing at the other two people.

  I nodded, and just stood there listening to the next person that spoke which was the beta lady. She was explaining the rules they have for me, which was no different then the ones from the previous pack. Beta lady continue to ramble on, until she said the last thing, that got my attention.

  What was the last thing you say?” I ask.

  “You have to remove your clothes, so that we can observe your body. It’s part of our pack procedures” Beta lady said.

  Once she said that I begin looking at her, and everyone else in the room. From the looks of everyone, I can tell they are serious do they even think that I will actually

  take my clothes off I made be consider a slave in the pack, that makes me lower than the omegas. But I still have some dignity for myself, and I would never stink that low in my life.

  “ I’m am not doing that” I said with a look of disgust.

  A growl was let out, and it was from the Beta, I can tell that his wolf was trying to surface, he was able to keep him tame.

  “You are out of line slave, you was given an order, do as Beta lady tells you to do” Beta said.

  “I made be a slave, I made even be the piece of shit, that is at the bottom of your shoes. You can spit at me, call me worthless, or even tell me to crawl on my knees, and bark like a dog. But one thing I will not do is take my clothes off in front of you perverted people” I replied rolling my eyes.

  The room was full of loud growls, the aura was so strong, that the room shake. Then the Alpha slam his fist on the table as he stood to his full height. That when I notice that the Alpha was a muscular man. He seems to be about 6’4 beige skin, short sandy blond hair, dark gray eyes. With one look at him, I can tell that his wolf, did not appreciate the insult that I have give him. With his evil stares I could easily be six under right now.

  “You dare come into my pack, and insult me, my Luna, the Beta, and his mate. You was order to take off your clothes, do it now or there will be consequences for your actions” Alpha said.

  “No, I will not do that” I respond.

  “Then you shall be punish” Luna said with a smirk.

  “Than do your worst” I told her.

  Luna stated “ Very well then, Beta and Beta Lady teach her a lesson”. They both nodded getting up from their chairs before action can be taken. The door burst open, and a guard came in.

  “What give you the right to barge in here without permission?” Alpha shouted.

  “Forgive me Alpha, I needed to inform you that Elder Torres is here” The guard said.

  “Why would he be here?” Alpha asked.

  “It probably about our proposal of hosting the Alpha’s ball” Luna said.

  “You’re right we need to prepare, Dorian have someone to take Elder Torres to my office. Also take this mutt, and show her where she will be staying, which it will be with the omegas” Alpha stated.

  “Yes Alpha” The guard said heading over to me. He retrieve the rope that was still attach to the chain on my hands before we could reach the door. “Stop” Immediately we both stood still, and turn around, Beta Lady begin to approaches us. She turn her attention to me.

  “You dodge a bulletin this time, next time you will not be so lucky” Beta lady declare pulling my hair as she walk out the door.

  Finally me, and the guard Dorian made it to the first floor. From there he directed me to another area. As we got closer I start to smell some food, It smell so good, I felt my mouth getting watering. As soon as we was in the kitchen all eyes was on us. I look at Dorian, and I see that he was getting a mind-link, when his eyes was back normal, he begin to look around like he was looking for some one. Once his eyes landed on the person he started walking putting me along. When we got close it was a girl who was mopping the floor. Her back was turn to us, she was so into her work that she did not notice we was standing there.

  “Emmily” Dorian shouted

  The girl was startled, as she turn around to see me, and Dorian. The girl was not a bad looking, from what I can see she stood 5’6 , olive skin, red hair that was in a

  messy bun what I notice most about the girl is her beautiful violet eyes color she was a natural beauty.

  “What do you want Dorian?” Emmily ask rolling her eyes.

  “Alpha wants you to show the new slave here the ropes” he said.

  Emmily retorted “ As always, why do I get struck with this task, there others besides me?”

  “Take it up with the Alpha, I’m just the messenger” Dorian reply.

  “More like a lap dog” Emmily utters.

  Dorian growled, and walked away, once he was out of sight Emmily begin to stare at me. The way she was looking at me like most omegas had looked at me in the past. Worthless, and weak so instead of keep staring at her, I just kept my head down to avoid less eye contact.

  “Hey you have a name? Emmily ask.

  I looked up to see that Emmily kept giving me that same look. Instead of being rude I decided to respond “I’m Winter”.

  “Winter, nice to meet you” Emmily said extending out her hand.

  I gladly accept by shaking it.