Emmily POV:

  Another day is another problem that I have to endure from this pack—getting up from my bed to get ready for the day. As I stood, I began to look around my room, I got upset on how small and crappy this room is; all I had was a mattress on the floor, and a small dresser where I place my clothes in. What I hate the most about my room is that this is small, I feel that this was a closet that they made into a room. I still cannot figure out how I could get a second person in this room? I used to have a roommate, she was also an omega; suddenly, she found her mate, which turned out to be one of the warriors here. She was removed from the room quickly, I have not had a roommate.

  Being an omega is never fun because of how we are being treated. It was always said that omegas are the lowest, and the weakest in the rank. I never believe it, I always felt that you are only worthless if you accept it. I’m not like ordinary omegas, I don’t bow to anyone. I’m what you call a feisty one, who doesn’t care to live or die; that is how I have always been as long as I can remember. When I was ten, my mother left our old pack to move to this pack. I never understood why, then shortly after settling in there was a rogue attack; my mother was one of the people that got killed. My life became more complicated; since I was an omega, I was being treated wrong.

  The others will bully me by hitting, kicking, and punching me. I also was forced into doing their chores when they did not feel like doing it. this abuse continued on quite some time since I was the youngest. When I turned thirteen, I heard all types of rumors about my mother and me. I found out why we left our old pack because my mother had an affair before I was conceived. Years later, her mate, who I was brought up to believe to be my father, soon found out that I was not his child. Immediately he rejected my mother, and the Alpha banished her right after; this is why we ended up here at The Voyage Pack.

  Also, I recently found out that the omegas abuse me is because Luorderedders them to. Her reason was that my mother had an affair with the Alpha; a rumor was said that I was his bastard child. That alone made Luna hate me even more, til this day it was never determined if Alpha is my father. I was in the kitchen helping some of the ladies with the food. I had two trays in my hand heading out to the dining hall. Before reaching the exit, my leg tripped on something, and I fell down, bringing all the food with me. when I lift my head up, I begin to hear chuckles I turn my head to see that it was omega Roxanne had her leg struck which indicted that she was the one who trip me. Her friends continued to laugh at my expense when I had enough. I had two options: stand up for myself or continue being bullied like a pathetic girl. When I got up off the ground, I dusted myself off, and then I approached Roxanne; we stood face to face I noticed that Roxanne was a bit taller than me. I’m 5’6, she seems to be about 5’9 dark-skinned, jet black hair, honey brown eyes.

  Roxanne could be a beauty, but her personality makes her heartless and ugly on the inside also, she the pack slut.

  “Look, girls this worthless mutt, finally standing up for herself,” Roxanne said, chuckling her crew did the same.

  I retorted, “ I’m going to stay this once, if any of you ever bully me again, I will make sure you regret it, and that is a promise.”

  “I’m so scared that I’m shaking in my pants,” Roxanne replied sarcastically.

  “Well you should be” I said without even blinking.

  Again Roxanne chuckled as she turned to her friends like I made a joke. Then she turns back to face me then she reply “ Look here, you bitch, don’t ever think you could kick my ass. You will never win; next time you step to me, you will end up just like that slut mother of yours six feet under” she said poke her finger to my chest.

  The only thing I remember is seeing red; just like that, I grab Roxanne by the hair and use my free hand to punch her in the face repeatedly. I heard a growl coming from behind me, I turned to see that it was Roxanne crew, I gave them death stares, and then I let out a big growl that it had the room shaking. The girls face turned pale they ran out the kitchen. I turned my attention back on Roxanne; I started punching her. As I struck her that she fell to the ground, I began kicking her in the stomach, that blood spits out of her mouth, continued to torture Roxanne until I felt someone wrap their arms around me, lifting me up. From their scent, I knew it was Dorian; immediately, Beta Swanson walked into the kitchen and observed the scenery; he noticed Roxanne on the floor covered in blood. Beta Swanson sees the blood on my hands.

  “ I guess you are admiring my piece of work?” I said with a chuckle.

  Beta Swanson growled then replied “Take her to the dungeon”.

  Dorian nodded, escorting me out of the room; later that day I found out that Roxanne had two broken ribs, a broken nose, and her two front teeth were out. Alpha Nehemiah kept me in the dungeon for a week; as soon as word got out, no one messed with me what I did to Roxanne; even when I did my work in the kitchen, people attended to walk on eggshells around me. I was glad about it, cause I will instead be a loner.

  Finally I was done getting dressed, and I headed out of my room, I closed the door behind me, I was walking down the stairs, I began to hear some of the women talk.

  “We need to have this place in tip-top shape; I heard that the Alpha ball will be here” one woman said.

  “That will be nice; I heard that Alpha king will be attending, I cannot wait,” another woman said.

  I shook my head, at the two, they believe that Alpha will let them attend the ball? That will never happen. As I continued heading into the kitchen and began my chores, I began to hear whispers before I could.

  “Hey did you hear, we have a new slave?” a male voice said.

  “Wow, is it a male or female?” another man asks.

  “A female, duh, come on Terry do you think Alpha will bring in a male over a female?” the guy said.

  Terry sighed. “Anything possible Ray, you know what goes on in that conference room”.

  “Yeah, I know has anyone seen how she look?” Ray ask.

  “ No she's still in the conference room,” Terry said.

  After hearing about Alpha getting a new enslaved person, does not surprise me at all. Especially what goes on in the conference room, I heard so many stories from some of the she-wolves. Rumor had it that Alpha, Luna, Beta, and Beta Lady have these sexual twisted desires. They use women to their advantage, they will have the women engage into orgies, and other times when guess visit from another pack, they will make the women perform sexual acts, which gives seals the deal for Alpha. Hearing that disgusted me, I felt bad about what the women had to endure.

  I started to think about the new girl, just the thought of her getting violated makes me sick to my stomach, but I can’t do anything about it. I continued mopping, which had me in my little world, that I did not hear footsteps behind me.


  I was startled as I turned around to see that it was Dorian, and some girl. From what I could see, the girl stood about 5’7 brown skinned jet-black wavy hair in a ponytail and green emerald eyes. From the looks of her face, she seems to be a bit frightened. I wonder what they did to her? Dorian informed me of Alpha’s orders and that I was to show the new girl the ropes, which I found very annoying because it always seems that the Alpha finds ways to torment my life. Once Dorian completed his task, I insulted him by calling him Alpha lap dog, and of course, he growled like a little bitch, and walked away. I stared at the girl; she must have felt uncomfortable with me staring that she put her head back down to break the silence I began to speak.

  “Hey you have a name? I ask.

  The girl lifted her head up, still scared she then spoke, “Winter” we spoke hands. I finished mopping the floor and turned around to face Winter I could see that she a bit nervous I decided to break the silence again.

  “As you can see Winter, I work here in the kitchen I have no idea why the Alpha want me to show you around because I’m not in charge of assigning people to chores. But I feel that they want you, and I to share a room so come with me”.

  Winter nodded, and followed; when we made it to the door of my room, I began to open it. “Well here it is my little sanctuary,” I said, moving to the side, when Winter entered the room, she started to look around, I could not tell what she was thinking I just stood there watching. I don’t know how long I was staring I was brought out of my thoughts when Winter spoke. “It’s cool”.

  I reply “ I know it’s nothing much, it’s a little cramp up, but it’s something.”

  “Compare to the situations I been in this is better so you don’t have to explain,” Winter said.

  “ I feel that I have to look how small this room is, it can barely fit two people but it what it is” I stated, shaking my head.

  I looked around, and see that the spare mattress was no longer there, when I remember, when my old roommate moved out they took the bed. I felt it was stupid it was a beat down. I had a feeling where it was at, I told Winter, I would be back she nodded, and I stepped out of the room headed down, the hall. I stop when I reach the door that leads to the attic. I opened it and walked up the stairs; when I reached the top, I moved things around.

  Finally I was able to find a twin-size mattress. I hit it to release some dust from it, then I picked up, and walked down the stairs. I reached the bottom in no time, when I got back to the room, I was shocked to see that the room was set up differently. My dresser was at the far right corner of the front door, my books were stock up neatly in the other corner, and all the room was well organized.

  “ How long was I gone for?” I asked.

  “About ten minutes” Winter sighed with a chuckle.

  “You telling me that you did all of this organizing in ten minutes?” I question looking around.

  Winter stated “ Yes, I hope you did not mind, I just wanted to make adjustment easy for the both of us.”

  “ I could not agree more, here I got this mattress here for you from the attic, It’s a little dusky.”

  “ It’s better than nothing” Winter utter, reaching for the bed. Immediately, Winter settles in, and I begin telling her about my background,which she could not believe what I had to go through. I was glad that she did not take pity on me.

  “Tell me Winter, what happens in the conference room?”

  “What do you mean?” she asked, looking shocked.

  “You know, did something happen?” I question.

  “If you preferring me taking off my clothes in front of them then no” Winter retorted

  “ None of the other women could get out of doing that; how did you do it?”

  “ I stood my ground I made be consider weak, and pathetic, but I was not going to just take my clothes off for those assholes, no fucking way” Winter responded.

  I reply, “ I like you already, we are going to get along just fine, so what’s your story Winter?”

  “Nothing really, besides getting sold by my father at 14, jumping from pack to pack, and being rejected twice really nothing to say.”

  “What do you mean your father sold?” I asked.

  “ How much time do you have Emmily?”

  “Enough for you to explain” I said sitting on my bed.

  Winter sat on her bed, from there, she explained everything to me in detail. When she finished, I felt anger building up in me that I wanted to punch walls. I know from my experience, the person I called my father rejected me, and I could not blame him because my mother betrayed him by cheating on him. The worst part was discovering that I was not his daughter who had broken my father alone. In the end, not only did my mother pay the price for her infidelity, I did as well. In my heart, Nigel Rose will always be considered my father.

  In winter, I could not believe that her father would be that heartless. To sell her like a piece of property, especially at a young age. Winter had to endure a life of heartache but most of all the betrayal that was done in the hands of her father, I can tell from the looks on her face that it still hurts her. She just like me, we instead not show our pain, or even carry it on our shoulders because we do not want to show weakness, even though we are crying on the inside.

  “Winter how was your father able to sell you? Could someone have stopped him?” I question.

  “That would have been impossible Emmily, no one would ever want to question their Alpha.” Winter retorted.

  “Are you serious, if your father an Alpha that means you are Alpha female?”

  “ Yes, you the only one that knows this, please don’t tell anyone I rather people not know” Winter utter.

  “ Don’t worry your secret is safe with me”

  “Thank you I appreciate it Emmily” Winter told me.

  “No problem” Right after me and Winter sat around getting to know each other more. A lot of time must have passed, I receive a mind link.

  “ Emmily, where are you child?” a voice said.

  “ I’m in my room Mrs. Hicks.”

  “ Well child, you still have work to do, also, I need you to bring the new girl. Alpha wants me to put her to work right away.”

  “Ok Mrs. Hicks we will be right there,” I said, closing the link.

  I look over at Winter, and said “ Duty calls, let’s go, we have work to do” We both got up from our beds, heading out the door.