
  It was the night. Surrounded by cold and calming winds.

  The few days had gone in a blink, not that I found myself complaining about it. Although the palace was busy with the work for the festival. I was very familiar with this festival, it was kind of a vampire thing. The full moon festival held great importance in the vampire criteria.

  They were supposed to recognize their mates if they are around, although most of the vampires find their mate in the same clan or kingdom but sometimes for some vampires it turns out to be different.

  I didn't know why I was constantly thinking about why the kings hadn't found their mate yet. Since they were fraternal triplets they were probably going to have one mate.

  Lucky girl whoever it's going to be.

  Sighing I walked out of the room, it was very late at night but sleep was no way near me. Since King took the liberty to permit me to use the library whenever I wanted, I didn't hesitate to make up my mind to get a book for myself.

  Although painting was also a good option I didn't choose it this time.

  It was unusual of me to visit the library at this time but who's gonna know? None. I didn't think anyone could be in the library at this hour.

  Carefully I made my way inside the library, avoiding making any sounds only to make sure I don't disturb any night guards at this hour. All the lights in the library were off, as expected. But somehow to huge French windows made it possible for the moon to shower the place with its beautiful light.

  A smile tugged at my lips looking at the sky that almost looked like a purplish ocean. I continued on my task with light and steady steps. I didn't know which book I was going to get but once whilst roaming in the library I had spotted about Vampire's history and since nowadays I was around vampires all day long it wasn't a bad idea to learn about some of their traits.

  One step.

  Two steps.

  Three steps.

  Just when I was about to take another step suddenly someone slammed my body against the long shelve and before I knew it my hands were pinned over my head and someone was holding me in the place as if I was a criminal.

  I gasped in surprise and fluttered my eyes shut at the impact but then I heard his voice.

  "Jasmine..." King Archer's voice came with almost disbelief.

  I slowly opened my eyes still dazed with all that happened, getting almost struck by a vampire was not something I had expected. None of them were average vampires either.

  As my vision became clear, his face came into my view.

  Unbelievable. I had never seen him from this close. He was truly indescribably stunning. And somehow the moonlight was making him look more stunning.

  "What are you doing here?" He raised one of his eyebrows.

  "Um--I wanted to get a book," I spluttered.

  "At this hour?" He looked seemingly surprised, but there was hidden amusement in his voice too.

  Good! I was making a fool of myself again!

  "Yeah, I couldn't sleep so...yeah," I nodded, the heat began traveling to my cheeks.

  "Oh, I see," Suddenly his expression turned interesting, he tilted his head to look at me clearly. His eyes began glimmering with someone I couldn't tell.

  "Can you let my hands go?" I blurted out unable to bear his intense gaze. His aura was dominating just like his other two brothers and scent was as tempting as their ones.

  "Why if I don't?" His lips formed into a small smirk and slowly pulled my hands down without loosening his grip and locked them behind me.

  A small gasp slipped past my lips. Too close. He was too close. Our chest was almost pressed against each other and lips inches away from touching and that was only because of the height difference.

  He effortlessly got my wrists in the hold of his one hand and used the other one to trace a finger from my shoulder to my hand.

  Goosebumps covered my body and I could not breathe anymore.

  I didn't know if this was appropriate or not but I couldn't find myself wanting him to stop. Even the small movement he did worked like an electric shock.

  "Answer me, sweetheart," He used the same hand to trace my jaw, I felt myself melting in his arms.

  "I-I don't know," I breathed out.

  I must've looked like a deer caught in the lion's gaze. There was nothing I could do in this situation. He was extremely close and I couldn't even find myself complaining about it.

  "Why?" His smirk grew wider and this time his hand found its way to my waist. Slowly tracing small circles there, causing my heart to thump wilder.

  "I-I...Can you, Can you let me go? Please?" I rushed out. I was beet red and my breathing was too heavy.

  "And what would I get?"

  "Anything," I didn't even think twice before speaking.

  "Anything?" His smile was suggestive.

  Oh, God! He just did...did take my answer in that way.

  "I meant, any work such as helping in organizing, cleaning and..." I began at an abnormal speed but before I could finish my sentence he cut me off with his chuckle.

  "You are adorable," He smiled moving to place a small kiss on my cheek, and soon as his lips connected with my skin my whole body froze.

  What just happened? God!

  Why did he even do that?

  "Listen, the festival is tomorrow so I and my bothers might need some help in getting ready," He began, "Come to our room in time, okay?" He smiled.

  "Okay," I quickly nodded.

  "What book do you need?" He finally left my hands free and breathed out a sigh of relief.

  "I-I...." I hesitated, my mind was in a mess because of the previous interactions, "I think I should go to sleep,"

  He must've noticed my blush that's why his smirk reappeared, "Okay, then," He shrugged, "Goodnight,"

  "Goodnight," And I walked out of the library.

  His touch was still lingering on my skin and I knew I didn't want it to fade away.