
  The moon hadn't shown up yet, neither had the ceremony ended. Everything around me was hushed with silence and the distant view of what I could notice was the crowd of the festival, a crowd of vampires. I could even notice the human slaves who were put to work.

  Usually, there weren't any rules for keeping slaves but the humans who sometimes take a loan from the vampires and fail to give it back get under the category of a slave. Those who violate the rules of the kingdom are also made slaves due to their deeds.

  I sighed and pulled the curtains to the window.

  I picked up my bucket of paintbrushes and paint and the Caves clipped to the board before I headed out of the room. The palace was nearly empty, many of the maids were busy greeting the vampires and serving them. So this side of the palace now seemed to have a most peaceful environment for my painting.

  A door led to a balcony from where the faint light was creeping through, I made my way towards the balcony. It faced the backside of the palace, the obnoxious heavy tress seemed to shine under the light, and just when my eyes moved to the blue sky I noticed that the stars has covered the entire width of it like a veil.

  I could scarcely stop the gasp that slipped past my lips,

  It was beautiful. No wonder the full moon that was still hidden under the clouds was going to increase the beauty of it even more.

  I set my things down on the floor and grabbed the palate, the mixing of the colors continued as I started letting down the stroke of paints onto the white sheet of paper. The picture I had in my mind to paint down onto the canvas was nothing but the three vampires males who had snatched the peace of my mind since I had landed my eyes on them.

  The picture of King Lucien began stirring alive in my mind, the blue coat he had worn today, his luscious hair, the curve of his lips, his sharp jaw, and his breathtakingly deep eyes. The remembrance of everything put my mind into a frenzy.

  In the middle of the Canvas, I finished painting his details. The dark shadows blended with his fair skin as good as in real life.

  As I moved on to painting King Micheal, the first and foremost thing that crept into my mind was the picture of him in the white shirt and a detailed overview of his tattoo. My hand moved on its own and I found myself finishing his painting with the details of the tattoo inked into his skin.

  Soon the colors got laid on the paper for king Archer's painting, his thick eyebrows, his beautiful eyes framed by the long lashes, his sharp jaw, and his pointed nose. The light shadows blended with the background I painted in burnt umber.

  As I finished the painting, my own eyes widened in surprise. This was the best art I had ever created. Or maybe it was just about them that it made it look the best to me.

  I picked up a clean brush and gently began blending the rough shadows to smooth, I didn't know this could be any more perfect than it already was. There was nothing to praise about my work here, it was the three vampires who must have been perfected to perfection before they have been sent to the earth.

  "You three have something ridiculously different in you that draws me closer," The sentence escaped my lips before I even knew it, "I can't seem to control myself around any of you,"

  I traced the tip of the brush on the edge of the painting before I looked up at the sky. The moon has shown up. Glowing on its best. The shimmery light had called on the picture somehow increasing the beauty of it even more.

  "Let me ask you something, moon," I began in loud voice looking at the moon, " The vampires seemed to have a special connection with you, so I guess you can answer this better."

  I involuntarily took a few steps backwards as I talked.

  "Is it weird that I really very like these three vampires? How can I like three of them at once?" I was too busy in the conversation that I didn't even realize the multiple footsteps approaching me and the presence of the people I was supposedly talking about.

  "How the fuck is that possible I can like a vampire and not only one but three?!" I took another step back, at this point I was literally arguing with the moon.

  "How nasty they must think of me if they get to know that their maid is swooning over them?! They would think that I'm an idiot human whose head is all messed up !"

  "That would think that I'm a freaking..." Before I could complete my sentence my back collided against something hard and a squeak slipped past my lips as my body involuntarily jerked to turn around but alas I slipped.

  I shielded myself in reflex but before the floor could meet my body, a pair of arms slipped around my waist stopping me from falling on the ground.

  I felt the person slowly raising my body, my eyes fluttered at the realization and I was met with the dark ones.

  King Lucien! Oh my God!

  He gazed down at my face, the expression he had on his face was unreadable except for the rise of his eyebrows in perhaps surprise.

  He had heard it! He surely heard it!

  "Oh my God! I' sorry! Those things I said....I-I such an idiot...I-I " My next words remained untold on the tip of my tongue as He pressed his lips onto mine.

  A warmth washed over my body in instant and my eyes closed shut on their own. The feel of his lips devouring mine left my body in a flaming wave of fire.

  The gasp of surprise that slipped past my lips gave him the access to dive his tongue into my mouth before I even knew it he was ravishing me. Completely and unstoppably the campfire into the pit of my stomach turned into a bonfire.

  I found myself trying hard to match his space, our tongues danced along with each other and it wasn't unknown. He was in control.

  I didn't even know what I was doing. All I knew was I was currently letting a Vampire kiss me and not even a single cell of my body despised it.

  He broke the kiss once we both were left breathless.

  I looked at him, my eyes widened in surprise and my breathing coming out as pants. What had just happened? He kissed me!

  Before I could process anything else I felt him brushing away the piece of hair strand that had fallen on my face and then his hold loosened on me, a pair of arms slipped around my waist stopping at my belly causing the shivers to run down my body again.

  The smell felt familiar.

  I saw pulled into his embrace and King Lucien's hands were no longer on me.

  My back hit his strong chest and his hand moved to push my hair to the side. His hit breathing fanned my neck and then I felt his lips pressing on the skin on my neck. My head was instantly thrown backward and I held onto his hand.

  He sucked on my skin slowly moving upwards, my body reacted on its own and I tilted my head to give him better access. The feeling was nonetheless exciting and something warm pooled in my abdomen.

  It was then I was coaxed back into my sense though it was the slightest bit when he roughly turned me around to face him. King Micheal's face finally came into my view.

  His eyes held the same hunger I had previously seen in King Lucien's eyes.

  Without another word he pressed his lips onto mine, the sparks erupted in my veins. I withered in bliss, the taste of breath got mixed with mine as his tongue dove into my mouth. The kiss was not as fierce as King Lucien's one but it caused the same amount of excitement to build within my body.

  He broke the kiss leaving me as breathless as before.

  He also smiling gently pushed me to someone's arms and King Archer's strong arms pulled me closer to his body. His dark eyes filled with lust and something I couldn't understand burned into mines.

  At this point, my mind had even stopped trying to process anything. All my decisions were left on my body which was now getting controlled by them.

  I didn't know what I was thinking, what I was doing or what was going to happen. But I felt myself enjoying it, more likely loving it.

  King Archer dipped his head into my neck, his hunger-filled kisses moved from my throat to my jaw causing the electric shocks to travel my body. The need inside me was uncontrollable.

  His lips pressed upon mine without any warning for a passionate kiss. His lips moved from kissing to sucking then biting before he finally thrust his tongue inside my mouth.

  I tried to cope with his movements but just like his other two brothers and the unstoppable desire within my body, he was intense.

  He also broke the kiss once he'd made sure I would be panting.

  He looked down at me. My cheeks were flushed, and my lips were swollen, breathing heavier due to their sweet torture, and my brows were still slightly raised in amazement.

  Three of them kissed me. All three of the vampires and the most powerful predators on the planet kissed a small human-like me. I couldn't get my head around the fact.

  I felt the other two brothers coming closer towards us, King Archer's grip on my waist didn't loosen a bit. I felt someone's breath on my neck and without a doubt, I knew it was King Micheal. King Lucien took an interest in the other side of my neck, his finger gently traveled from my neck to my shoulder, and finally the tip of my fingers.

  "W-what is happening?" I finally managed to speak, even though it sounded like a breathy stutter.

  King Archer's lips curved into a smirk and he drew the small circles on my waist just like that day in the library, I felt the other two vampires smirk against my skin. Their lips were too close to my skin.

  "What do you think, what is happening?" King Archer placed a kiss at the corner of my mouth whilst his brother decide to assault my neck with butterfly kisses, King Lucien lightly grazed his fang on my skin, and my grip on King Archer's shoulder tightened.

  The first moan climbed out of my mouth.

  "I don't know," I breathed out, stopping the next moan that fought to get out.

  "We are tasting you," King Micheal took the liberty to answer my question.

  "Isn't this what you three should be doing with your mate?" I felt their smirks widening upon my question.

  "That's what we are doing, Sweetheart, "King Lucien bit my earlobe.

  My eyes widen in shock upon his sentence.

  He meant...he meant I was there? How could it be possible.

  "What?" I gasped out in surprise.

  "Yes, Jasmine," King Archer spoke, "You are our...." He kissed down my throat.

  "Little mate," King Micheal finished that sentence.

  And the next thing I knew was darkness engulfing me. Surely my body couldn't handle so many surprises at once.