Secrets now Unveiled...

Ainz stood in his personal office in the Ninth Floor. It was only seconds ago that his friend turned into something that the third floor guardian, Aurea Dennonia, called 'The Architect' or the 'Last of the Great Star Gods'.

Ainz couldn't even comprehend the words the guardian said at the moment, his eyes were fixated on the God before him. Behind him were Albedo and Aurea, both were still shocked at the display of power the Star God gave them, the whole room was in complete silence until Sebas spoke.

"Lord Momonga? Where is Lord Szrazyn?"

Still shocked at the aura of his friend, could he even consider the being he met his friend? He doesn't know anymore. He spoke but his voice weak and words in a stutter.

"Still a-at the village Se-Sebas."

"Are you alright, my Lord?"

"Hm? Y-yes, yes, yes, I am alright, Sebas. It is just what we witnessed at the human village."

"What did you fight, my lord?"

Ainz turned his gaze to Aurea, she raised her head and stared at the Guild Master in front of her, prepared to do whatever order he was about to say.


"Yes, my Lord?"

"What happened to Szrazyn?"

His voice was light yet it had a slither of anger and worry.

"He had shed his immortal form and became what he truly is... "

"What is it???"

"Years before Lord Szrazyn and I came to Terra, or your version of Terra. The Empire of Szrazyn spanned the whole Milky Way and further more with gigantic fleets spanning several thousand or maybe even ten thousand ships sending forth to explore outside of the fringes of the Milky Way.

The Empire spans over a few millions worlds with several hundred being from the Andromeda and the Pinwheel, which was renamed to the Acromunda galaxy, what greater elevates the empire from other inter-galactic entities is our power over time which with the power of the 'Eternity Gates'-"

"Eternity Gates?"

"Gates far larger than those in the Throne Room. I don't know how the gates work but it allowed us to go through the barriers of time and go to different timelines."

Ainz became even more interested into this empire his friend had created. Though he was surprised and shocked that he hid something this large.

"For a few hundred years, Lord Szrazyn had disappeared. In his place was the Triarchy, the members of the Triarchy were Lord Rahkekh of the Ahrum Dynasty, great masters of life who could manipulate biology to follow their whims.

Lady Elliel Almor, the greatest farseer of the Eldar race. And then I, Aurea Dennonia, Avatar of Immortality and the representative of the Human race."

"Avatar of Immortality?"

"Each of the Triarchs were members of Lord Szrazyn's inner circle. Accordingly, every single member of the inner circle were avatars of aspects of reality, Rahkekh is the Avatar of Life while Elliel is the Avatar of Magic and Sorcery."

"I see. Please, continue"

"When Lord Szrazyn returned from his journey to who knows where, his aura was different. It was as if it wasn't his, as if he absorbed a force so foreign that his body treated it like any other virus, it wanted to kill it.

Eventually this aura did adapt itself into the Lord's but his personality had changed, each time he turned into that entity that's beyond words, he changes from the wise and merciful emperor to a ruthless and cunning being.

"So that 'thing' that we spoke to wasn't Szrazyn?"

"No. That wasn't Lord Szrazyn. That was Adul'Voldroth, the Architect."

"I see. Do we know where he is?"

"No my Lord. It is next to impossible to know where he is. It is possible he is in a different timeline, a different universe or even a different dimension of reality."

"This much information. Albedo, Aurea."


"Continue with your duties."

He then turned his gaze to the Head Butler.


"Yes, Lord Momonga?"

"I need time to evaluate and compile the information I was just given. No one is to enter this room for a few days, understood?"

"Yes, Lord Ainz."

As Albedo and Aurea left, Sebas left and closed the doors behind him, walking up the floors to inform the guardians that their Lord would not be taking any visits for a few days.

* Elsewhere *

In the realm of reality where dimensions collided with each other because of the intensity of their weights add to the fact that an infinite number of them existed.

Only the greatest and most powerful of third-dimensional entities are capable to comprehend the Infinite Dimensions but beings far above any third-dimension can traverse realms to this one.

It is called many things, the 'Infinite Dimension,' the 'Realm of the Mad Gods,' the 'Domain of the Eldritch and Unknowable Things,' but of all it's names it is mostly called the Outer Domain.

What lives and rules in the Outer Domain are the Outer Beings, also called the Outer Gods. Their incomprehensible control and mastery over the Outer Domain is undisputed with many of the Outer Beings capable of ending third-dimensional reality with a single thought.

Beings such as Azathoth, the Blind-Idiot-God, the Presence, Lord of the DC Multiverse, the One Above All, Overseer of the Marvel Omniverse (Being transcendent to every other kind of 'verse because of its humongous size) many more Outer Beings wield immense powers over many multi and omni 'verses.

All pale in comparison to the Architect of Reality, to the Master of All. Everyone is but a speck of dust in his direction. Many former Outer Beings were consumed by the Architect in his rise to power, those such as the different forms and versions of Amatsu-Mikaboshi, Zeno, the Beyonder, the Living Tribunal and nameless other godlike beings.

Several trillion of the same entities were consumed for the hunger for power, in the Architect's ascension, numerous universes collapsed into anarchy as the gods that kept order or spread chaos were now gone, the balances of power were now destroyed and many universes became balkanized versions of themselves.

Pragmatism was taken into account with the numerous decillions or even undecillion amounts of innocent lives but compared to the greater vastness of reality, it is just a speck of dust.

Though even if Szrazyn wasn't pragmatic and cared for innocents, it did not matter anymore, Szrazyn was no longer a being but just a personality, now it was Adul'Voldroth, the most ruthless yet cunning God.

In a relatively peaceful part of the Outer Domain, lightning flickered on the ever changing floors, walls and ceilings. The lightning continuously flickered until a gigantic black hole was formed and from it a gigantic entity came, its size is comparable to the Solar System in its entirety.

The lower body of this gigantic being was like that of a snake, its end a tail, the upper body was muscular with four arm, two on each side. The arms behind the main arms had opened palms with universes floating on them. This was the true form of Adul'Voldroth, only capable to be seen or even comprehended in the Outer Domain.

His purpose of visiting the Outer Domain? The short answer was to meet a friend, the long answer was, eh, let's say it's complicated.

Walking to a field of bleeding grass next to a forest of flesh, the Architect created two chairs, a table, and a tea set. As the items were created, he sat down on one of the chairs, already preparing tea for the visit of his supposed 'friend'.

While waiting, he used his vision to look over the many residents of the Outer Domain.

'Hm... Veldenava and Rimuru at it again, I see. Nyarlathotep arguing with Nyaruko (his counter part which took the resemblance of a silver-haired Japanese girl), huh.

Nothing has changed since I left though it is a tad bit less rowdy than I expected, actually nevermind, I wholeheartedly expected for the whole Domain to be overrun by rampaging wanna-be gods and goddesses, though Azathoth is here to keep them in line. Maybe after this meeting with 'her' I'll come around and thank him.'

In truth it has been over what? 50? 70? 500 millennia since he left the Domain to its own devices? He can't really remember since he sealed himself in his old form, in that time he just let his old personality take the wheel while he just relaxed and watched the numerous shows of reality.

As he looked at the changing scenery before him, he heard footsteps behind him, like those you'd hear from the hooves of a goat. Suddenly, a feminine voice spoke.

"So... The great and oh almighty Architect has finally returned."

"Haha, it's nice to meet you too, Shushu, or should I rather say 'Mother of a Thousand Young' or even 'Mistress of the Blackened Woods'?"