
Entering the closet she noticed all the belongings of the man she now works for. She stood in awe looking how organized the closet already is, no one could say that this is a busy man's closet. Walking towards the rack of the business suit she picked one out and placed it on the seat situated there. Most of the suits were black but there were very few suits with colors. Which shirt should she pick? A printed one or a plain one color?

Thinking how the day started she doesn't want to create any more embarrassment for herself. It's better to just play it safe, so she chose the plain sky blue shirt for him to go with the black suit jacket she picked earlier. Now, it's obvious she has to pick a black pair of trousers for him and then steam iron them. After completing her task she placed them neatly on the seat and went downstairs to the kitchen to make breakfast.

Another unknown territory of the day, but this is the place she would be spending her most time of the day so, she needs to memorize each and everything properly. But first she needs to find the list of the nutritionist Mr. Knight told about. Like seriously, she always thought only actors and actresses needed their daily life nutrition routine, never she imagined rich people like Mr. Knights would be obsessed about their diet. Her cheeks turn hot remembering the strong muscles of her boss she saw this morning. Maybe he's not just a diet control freak but also body conscious? Who knows? But the muscles on his body showed clear evidence of hard work out sessions in the gym. This is exactly why he's so popular with females around diverse ages.

After searching for the pamphlet of the nutritionist in almost every drawer and cupboard she finally noticed it attached to the refrigerator with a magnet. She lets out a deep sigh in exhaustion as all the searches were pointless if only she would have glanced at the fridge. Every single task is going wrong from this morning plus, she couldn't sleep all night yesterday so, she's pretty much beat up by now but still Scarlett, cooks with dedication as to impress her boss, Ezra. Her mind wanders to the memory lane of a few years back when she had to cook for her husband. Just as the bad thoughts started to play with her present she caught her conscience back before it was too late. She won't allow herself to have any panic attacks now.

She knows this isn't the same as what her previous life used to be, today she is cooking for Ezra, who has been anything but kind enough to her in comparison to the devil as a husband. This time she is going extra mild only to impress him and to also make sure he doesn't fire her on the first day.

Even her silliness made her chuckle but then the moment of catching him almost naked made her feel shy. It would be a struggle to face him and look him in his eyes but she hopes to muster up her professionalism.

Meanwhile, Ezra comes out after taking his bath. He smiles in satisfaction when he finds his outfit neatly kept on the couch seat in his closet. Dressing up in his business attire, he made up his mind that he would give her all the instructions today so that she doesn't need to humiliate herself in front of him anymore.

Descending down the stairs while clutching in the cufflinks, his footsteps slow down hearing a sudden melody. "Stella." He mutters to himself before slowly following the tune she's singing as he makes his way towards the kitchen. He pauses right before the wall parting the kitchen, resting his back by it and indulges himself with the savory aroma and the sweet melody coming from the kitchen.

He tries hard not to sneak up on her but convinces himself to at least take one peek at her working and so he did by craning his neck stealthily.

And he felt as if his soul left his body.

Because his breath got stuck up to his throat seeing as if a royal beauty playing around with her toys. Earlier he had noticed she was wearing a baggy shrug over her white long gown but now that she's working with heat, she removed the cover which was hiding her bright smooth skin. The gown was sleeveless and showed her toned arms like an art which had him wondering how it would feel like kissing his way up to her shoulder and to the nape of her neck while she calls his name in pleasure-

"Mr. Knight?"

The curious tone caught his conscience and he clears his throat to compose the unholy desires. He doesn't want another hard groin sight for her to catch, plus, he hopes she doesn't think of him as a pervert.

"Mr. Knight, did you need something?" She asks again to catch his attention but this time he frowned to see her pulling off the apron off her body and putting back the baggy shrug on. "So?" she raises her eyebrow at him in question which he won't deny, she looked very sexy. Almost to the extent that he could take a leap on and kiss her hard.

But he knows the meaning of self-control, "I was waiting for my breakfast."

She smiles, "you could have called out my name."

"I also wanted to check how you are working stuff out." He adds clearing his throat to make him sound serious.

"Oh," she looks around cautiously to check if she has done anything wrong which he can point out but finds none. She inwardly sighs in relief, "I'm doing good, thank you- Sir."


He felt weird somehow hearing it from her, giving her a tight-lipped smile, he nodded at her. "I'll be waiting for my meal at the dining table."

She nodded at him, and went to collect the dishes and crockeries. It confuses him as to what about her is just attracting his eyes whenever she's around him. Turning around he made his way out of the kitchen and towards the dining room.

With Georgina, it was a whole different scenario. She was a sister figure to him; he would respect her privacy and offerings while she did the same. They never shared a relationship on a personal or physical level but they had some little heart to heart conversation of life which gave a grave influence within him. More or else they had a healthy professional relationship.

The thought of someone physically abusing her broke his heart. His own penthouse wasn't safe for a woman, he couldn't protect the woman.

Now, again another woman stepped inside his territory residing under his protection and it makes him doubt himself if history is going to repeat.

If he could kill those criminals with his bare hands only then he would find peace. If only the investigators would see the case in a different direction, they would find the real culprits.

He tried hard to remember that night, the vague memories of that drunken night are useless. All he remembers is disappointment from his so-called parents, a nice sexy chick to fill his pleasure, some more alcohol to his drunken self and a loud blood curdling scream which changed his life to this disgraceful.

"Are you okay?" A cold but firm hand resting over his palm diverts his attention but the concern in her voice gives a settling happiness within him.

"Yes, I'm fine; Ms. Robinson."

She removes her hand from his but he catches again making her confused, "did you eat?"

She smiles, "not yet, I'm waiting for my boss to eat first, and then I'll eat."

"Well, I guess you shouldn't starve yourself just because you need to serve your boss first. Please refrain yourself from doing so in future." He says tucking in the napkin around his neck.

He saw Stella's lips tugs in a mischievous curve before closing her distance from him and leaning down closer to his face. She fixes the napkin around his neck collar neatly as his eyes darted on her skin. He couldn't avert his eyes from her and landed on the beauty spot right under her ear. He's sure she must be speaking to him right now because he can hear her faint voice but couldn't focus on anything other than the beauty spot.

"Taking care of the boss's needs is my first priority and then comes mine." His urge to kiss her on that spot grew and she could definitely feel his hot breath on hers. She says while serving him his food on a plate, "my boss needs someone to remind him that he has a job to do and breathing on someone's neck isn't included." Her snapping voice broke his trance.

Scarlett realized what was happening and she called him out for it. Of course, it embarrassed her again but Mr. Knight looks certain pleasing warmth through her body. It was too much for her to handle so she needed to break whatever was going in his mind.

"Oh yeah? You should have thought before bringing the matter up so close." He says, making her body shake in an unknown pleasure.

But this isn't what should be happening between them. She better stop this right now before anything unknown starts within the two, "I wanted to know where we stand before drawing a line between us."

He frowned but didn't let the displeasure on his face show for more than a second, "and why would you want to draw a line?" 'Isn't it obvious?' He thinks to himself. 'She doesn't want to be close to me.'

She smiles, "because I want to be professional and I'm not a fan of having displeasing relationships in my workplace."

"Your workplace is someone's home too. There might be a time when you encounter displeasing sights. Take for example what happened in my bathroom today. Say if you would have come any second later imagine where you'd be standing now?"

Her cheeks flushed furiously, "for you, this is home but for me, it can only be a place where I came to work. No matter whatever the circumstances may come, I'll always be professional."

Ezra, looks at her briefly; both had this certain tension which he would call it sexual with usual ladies but with her, he can hardly define what it is. He respects her ideals but also wants to ignore them and keep having his way with her.

"Fine, then you do what you do in a workplace and I'll do what I want to do in my home. Is that suitable for you?" He takes his fork and pokes on the sausage, "by the way does sharing food come inside the line or by the line or…" Smirking at her, "across the line?"

She chuckles slightly admitting her defeat and seeing her chuckle made him smile too. "I'll put that inside the line, I guess." She says coming forward again towards him, she grabs his hand which he holds the fork with and takes his share of bite in her mouth, "mmm, I did good I guess."

Before she could pull, he gently cups her chin letting the fork fall on the plate. She looked at him with wide eyes but found no amusement in them. His strong gaze on her lips made her press them hard in a thin line. "If you really want me to not cross any line, you better not tempt me Ms. Robinson."

She tries hard to breathe in and out under his intimidating gaze. "Don't worry Mr. Knight, I'll teach you how to handle this temptation you are feeling, I'm quite stubborn in staying on my word." She assures him but he shakes his head in denial.

"I will break the line you have drawn Ms. Robinson, mark my words." His words sound promising to her.

She stepped back again and stood straight before him, "so Mr. Knight, what are your expectations from me?"

"It's quite simple Ms. Robinson, just obey me." He states with his charming smile.

She returns his smile back, "Indeed I will Mr. Knight, after all, your wishes are my command."

Let the battle of wits begin.