
Ezra has left after giving her all the details of the work she would be doing which includes dusting, moping, doing laundry, cooking and more. Among all of them, cooking for him was the easiest, unlike her previous married life where her husband never let her leave any room for mistakes. She had to bear insults after insults to finally learn his Italian cuisine. Ricardo was a sadist who used to punish her and beat her to that extent where she could no longer stand up, those days are still engraved in her mind like the back of her hand. Scarlett's skin crawls even thinking about the life she had spent five long years. The struggle to give in even if she was against it was a major breakdown period for her. Thanks to the almighty she never lost hope and escaped the hell.

Her life was once perfect, she used to go to college and have her degree in business management and come back home to help her family in household. Both her parents worked for the devil, Ricardo. Her mother was his maid and her dad was one of his personal drivers. It was going smoothly until one day her mother was severely punished by him.

She was always afraid of the Martinez Family but never gave too much thought into it as her mother was his maid among other fifty of them. Her mother was too simple to gain Ricardo's attention. So, as she used to think, how wrong she was.

But one day her this simplicity got her into trouble. One of the maids blamed her for something she never did and Ricardo, being the devil, himself didn't show mercy. He killed her with a clean shot with his gun into her skull.

That night she was elsewhere applying for a job at the Knight Industries in Italy branch. Her interview went good enough for cracking a job but little did she know that reaching home that day would make her life hell. Ricardo, with his men stood in front of their little cottage with not so regression on their faces, her heart skipped a beat seeing them but a painful wail caught her attention.

The shattering of heart could be heard by anyone around her. Her legs gave away its strength but she still found herself dragging her way towards her father who was wailing in agony holding a still lifeless figure in his arms.

"Mom." She called out but it came out as a whisper. She even lacked the strength to speak but with shaky hands she tried to touch her mother's hair which was drenched with blood. The memories engraved in her mind, in her eyes, in her ears and in her blood.

Her father then noticed her presence, "Scarlett…" his voice broke, "baby look, what happened." Her father held the soulless figure close to his heart and wailed in agony.

She shakes her head, "no this can't be happening." Her throat hurt, her chest hurt but she couldn't help and screamed like a mad woman for the pure human whose soul was taken by none other than the devil. She wanted to ask why? Why does her mother have to suffer who was anything but a kind hearted soul? Why does God only take away innocent people's souls and let the Devils live life however they want to?

She knew he did it because of the clean headshot of the bullet pierced through her head and the smug smile on his face proved it.

Ricardo… She wants to curse him for taking away her mother. Blame him, beat him but couldn't. Her mind only felt pain at the moment, she couldn't bring herself to feel anger and hatred towards that man. The helplessness was still there as they had no clue how they would seek justice against such a powerful man and it never faded away but all she could do was build the courage, enough so that she could say goodbye to her mother.

Her sweet mother.

Stella is her new identity now. She has come again to the man she always wanted to work for. It's different from then, she interviewed for an assistant manager post but now she interviewed for a maid. She chuckles sadly to herself.

Her plan is to stay hidden in a house full of security where no one can enter except him and his trusted workers but then the death of Georgina happened. She can't believe that the man whom she believed for his ethics just five years ago suddenly changed into something she can't even imagine.

She still remembers his professional attitude and never did he look at her then how he looks at her now. Back then she looked more appreciative than she looks now, still he looks at her with an intensity she can't ignore but notice and feel giddy about it.

Scarlett turns to head towards the living room just when the clock ding dongs indicating it's 11:30 AM and she needs to prepare him lunch and send it to his office personally. Before going to office, Mr. Knight personally asked her to prepare him lunch and give it to him by herself. She thought she could stay inside the house the whole time but it looks like this sweet devil demands her appearance at all cost. God knows why it is necessary, still she got to do what he says.

As per his expectations, she has to obey him and she has no other choice.

While preparing his stuffed bell peppers for lunch she thinks back then how the church members found her in a disheveled way lying on the land of God. She feels blessed to have them in her life where nothing was left but only shards of pain and anguish.

They let her stay with them in care while she made her plan to hide in there itself but how could she let these innocent people's lives be in danger? Ricardo's men were all over the country and so, she had to be careful because churches and inns and any NGOs who provide help for helpless men and women would be an easy target.

Staying hidden in someone's house was her only option and she had to use Ezra Knight for this. She applied for many others' houses but the offer of staying with the owner was only available with him.

And she grabbed it despite the risk of Georgina's death.

Church's father reminded her constantly that this would be as dangerous as her past man in life but only she knows, nothing and no one can be worse than Ricardo Martinez.

"Child, are you really sure that you want to stay with a man who has abused and killed a woman?" His concern filled eyes shone brightly under the mild brightness of the church.

Lighting a candle in front of the monument of peace and of love, Jesus, she chants her prayer. Looking back at the man she could only smile as if her heart wasn't beating loudly, as if her nerves weren't racing. Her throat was dry in anxiety and fear but still she was determined with her decision. "Father, this is the only way I have to save ourselves."

He shakes his head at her, "I forbid you to work for this vile man."

"He is not a vile man, father, at least not the way I have heard about him. People face circumstances in their daily life and every coin has its two sides of stories. I believe there's a story on his side too and soon I'll prove it to you."

"You don't need to prove anything to me, all I want is a god's child's safety." Father pats her head dearly.

"And I'll be safe, I promise."

He sighs and walks towards her with a sad smile, "you asked me to lie to everyone about your identity and I only agreed because your motive is not wrong but using someone's shelter with a wrong identity is." He pats her head, "telling lies to your care and protection giver is wrong, Scarlett."

Scarlett, pleads with her eyes, "please father, I'm desperate, my monstrous husband will kill every one of you if he finds out that you all helped me to hide." Shaking her head in denial, "I can't let that happen to you all."

"I'm ready to die for kindness, child."

"But I refuse to be the reason for your death."

He nods after a long silence between them, "then promise me child, when you have trusted your employer enough," he stares at her intently, "when his true intention towards you is clear, do tell him the truth of your identity."

Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "what- what did you say?"

He states again, "tell him your truth when the right time comes and I'm sure he will help you dear."


"No, Scarlett, this is the only right thing and you must do it."

And she accepts his condition as now she can't disobey the only man who showed mercy and care in her life. "Okay father, I'll do as you say."

"God may bless you in your new journey of life."

Now, all she needs to do is win Ezra's trust and to tell him her truth when the right time comes.

The buzzing of door bell sound echoes throughout the house indicating a person might have entered the floor. With an anticipating heart, she walks towards the living room and stands at the corner from where the front door is visible.

She sighs in relief when the door opens itself and in comes Jones, his eyes fell on her and gives her a broad smile. "Good morning, Stella." She was on edge thinking someone unknown had entered but now she stood calmly seeing the familiar face.

"It should be Ms. Robinson." She states with a tight-lipped smile though she was calmed seeing a familiar face but now she is irked by his presence. The audacity he has to call her on a first name basis even though they are not close irritates her. He was no way showing professional etiquettes.

"Sorry I don't do the formalities with a pretty woman like you." He says while chuckling which did not humor her even for a bit. "So, are you ready for the ride to Knight Industries?"

She shakes her head at him, "no, just give me five minutes and I'll change into something." She turns back to leave but stops to ask him the question she had in her mind. "Did the previous maid, I mean Georgina, used to visit Mr. Knight for lunch?"

He shakes his head, "no, he usually orders from his restaurant that he owns."

"But why did he ask me to bring him lunch then?" She asks curiously to which Jones, only smiles in a weird way at her.

"Maybe he likes the sight he gets." Jones says, giving her unwanted shivers down her spine.