Ricardo's Wrath

"I'm fucking going to get back my Stella." Ezra says with determination.

"Wait, I thought she was guilty of treason too? Stealing and creating fake identity right?" Cooper says following behind him. "Also she's Scarlett, you have to memorise her real name."

"It's difficult to replace her memories as Stella." Ezra shakes his head, "I don't care, I was a fool to believe that mother fucker in the first place now I'm going to get her back as soon as possible. We will sort out the minorities later but first we need to get her out on bail."

Cooper nods, "as you say, Sir."

Exiting the elevator, both of them raced with their feets to the car and got on it to ride it. "You did a great job finding out the evidence Cooper, I owe you a big time."

"Just you wait Sir, thank me when I prove Jones guilty in the courtroom. Might as well put charges on Ferdinand too." He replies with a smile.