Ricardo's Plan

"I want to punish you by killing those whom you hold dear." Ricardo's words send chills down her spine.

Scarlett's eyes grew large, she saw the murderous look on Ricardo's face and knew the fate is sealed and there's no one who can change it. Not even God. "No! You can't! Father, sister! No… no… please please please." She kept on chanting her pleads to him.

"It's okay child," says the Father. "Don't be disheartened, in the end evil always gets defeated."

"Is that so, old hag? Then I guess I'll start my show by killing you off first." Ricardo laughs walking past the table to Ferdinand who is standing and watching like a spectator. "Come on Ferdinand, hand me your gun."

This time hesitation arises in Ferdinand's voice, "you… you are really going to shoot them here?"

"Or else where? You brought them here to kill them didn't you?" Ricardo raises his voice in question.